exam 1 Flashcards
conduct that violates criminal law which there is no legally accepted justification or excuse
embraces all aspects of civilized life and is linked to fundamental notions of fairness and cultural beliefs of right and wrong
social justice
treating everyone the same
treating people the way they deserve
core components of the criminal justice system
law enforcement
probable cause
the reasonable belief that a specific person has committed a specific crime
requirements of the miranda rights
guilty seeking questions and in custody
knowledgeable consent
understanding what they agree to
an administrative process officially recording an entry into detention after arrest
suspect informed of charges and advised of his/her rights
attorney is appointed usually
opportunity for bail may be appointed
first appearance
to determine if there is probable cause for this case that would lead to a trial
preliminary hearing
based on outcome of preliminary hearing
formal written accusation filed by prosecutor and outlining charge against the accused
usually for an offense
required in some states
issued by grand jury
usually for a felony
types of plea
not guilty
no contest
the first appearance of the defendant before the court that has the authority to conduct a trial
may result in conviction but can’t be used later as an admission of guilt in civil proceedings
no contest
a writ issued by a judicial officer directing a law enforcement officer to perform a specified act and affording the officer protection from damages if he or she performs it
evidence is gathered
reconstruct the sequence of activities
follow-up investigation
year of Miranda v Arizona
an examination of the issues of fact and law in a case, for the purpose of reaching a judgment of conviction or acquittal of the defendant
sixth amendment
every criminal defendant has a right to a trial by jury
tactics; how we go by doing things
procedural law
refers to understandings built up through common usage and also to decision rendered by courts in previous cases
determined by jury
jury trials
determined by a judge
bench trials
Which do people want more? Jury or bench trials?
jury because the accused can sway the emotions of the jury
lawyers on both sides present info concerning the defendant
sentence hearing
one sentence after another
consecutive sentence
sentences running at the same time
concurrent sentence
consequences of the sentences
procedural fairness
due process
what amendment guarantees due process
fifth amendment
values the efficient arrest and conviction of criminal offenders
crime-control model
emphasizes on individual rights
due process model
crime-fighting strategies that have been scientifically tested and are base on social science research
evidence-based practice
where do crime statistics come from
National Crime Victimization Survey
Uniform Crime Reports
What is the UCR Crime index made up of
Part 1 offenses
Part 1 offenses
murder rape robbery assault burglary larceny motor vehicle theft arson
Why is UCR/NIBRS better than UCR
much more detailed and replaced a lot of the old UCR stuff. Basically reported crime rates
calculate crime rate
number of crimes/100,000 population
calculate clearance rate
number of crimes solved/number of crimes committed
unlawful killing of a human being by another includes: all willful and unlawful homicides nonnegligent manslaughter Excludes: suicide
unlawful taking or attempted taking of property that is in the immediate possession of another by force
unlawful sexual intercourse achieved through force and without consent
the carnal knowledge of a female forcibly and against her will
forcible rape
nonforcible intercourse w a minor
statutory rape
unlawful inflicting of serious injury upon the person or another
aggravated assault
what makes a serious injurt=y
life threatening or disabling
diff between misdemeanor and felony
misdemeanor- less than a year
felony- more than a year
unlawful entry of a structure to commit a felony or theft
unlawful taking or attempted taking, etc, from the possession of another
aka stealing
the theft or attempted theft of a motor vehicle
motor vehicle theft
the burning or attempted burning of property, with or without the intent to defraud
Part 2 offenses
purpose of NCVS
designed to measure the “dark figure” in crimes and doesn’t require data from police but rather households
classification scheme used in the study and description of criminal behavior
crime typology
using the internet, email, or other communication tech to stalk another person
why are elderly people have the lowest rate of victimizations
they usually don’t report
motivated by hatred, bias, or prejudice, based on the actual or perceived whatever
hate crime
committing a criminal statute by anybody in the corporation for the corporation
corp crime or white collar crime