Exam 1 Flashcards
Bismarck’s Three Principles
- Keep France isolated -
didn’t want them to form an alliance with Russia (two front war) - Stay on good terms with Great Britain
- Keep A-H and Russia from fighting
Results of the Berlin Conference (Bismarck)
1878 - Russia v. Ottomans in the Black Sea
Russia v. Ottomans in the Black Sea
- Serbia, Romania, and Mentenegro gain indep.
2. A-H gained control over Bosnia-Herzegovina (eastern orthadox, christian, muslim, catholic)
Balkan Crisis’s
1908 - A-H annexes Bosnia-Herzegavina (serbs not happy)
1912 - Bugaria, Serbia, Montenegro, and Greece attacked Ottoman Empire
1913 - Serbia, Montenegro, and Greece attack Bulgaria
Moroccan Crisis’s
1906 - GB and R say France can control, G + A-H vote no; Germany offended
1911 - Wilhelm II sends ships to Agadir and commands G be given part of Morocco
Schlieffen Plan (Battle of Cannae)
five armies, counter clockwise movement through Ardennes forest, control channel so English can’t come over, take Paris in under 40 days (Gen. Von Moltke)
Plan 17 (French)
Retake Alstrash Lorain (hold Germans), don’t expect German to move through Belgium or forest - French forces are south, German forces are North (Gen. Joseph Joffre, Gen. Augustin Michel)
Christmas Truce
- opens in stalemate
- soldiers try to protect themselves with strange inventions (iron knitting to protect eyes, mobile body encasement body armor for bullets)
- live & let live (no firing @ dinner or Sundays), certain amount of bullets they can fire where they knew enemy isn’t
- burried the dead
Italian entry into the war
- Antonio Salandra (head of largest political party) wanted to restore sacred pride
- Treaty of London: Italy enters war on side of TE - loan of 50 mil. euros and territorial gains (taken from AH)
Chemical Weaponry
- Chlorine
- Phosgene
- Tear
- Mustard
- April 1915 @ Ypres (Germans
- yellow/green
- attacks lungs and resp. system
- horrific wounds, unlikely to die
- cheap, shell, immediate
- Dec 1915 @ Ypres (Germans)
- colorless, musty odor
- 4x heavier than air
- suffocate, will kill you
- settles in bottom of lungs
- 48hrs
- colorless, attacks lungs/resp. system
- irritates mucous membrane
- goes away if cloth/gas masks (wet stops penetration)
- july 1917 (Germans)
- yellow/brown, strong odor
- delayed reaction (eyes, mucous memb.)
- blistering agent
- attacks anything with moisture - burn from inside out
Ultimatum to Serbia
- delivered 23 July; 48 hr deadline
- three main demands
1. suppress anti-AH propaganda (lack of freedom of speech & press)
2. allow AH military intelligence into country & hand over Black Hand members
3. reserve right to name people to be handed over later
Reactions to the ultimatum
- Russian Foreign Minister mobilizes 4 units
- Great Britain wants a conference to avoid war
- France contacs Russians, begin mobilization
- German foreign minister delays sending telegram to AH saying they should work it out by 12 hours
Short War Illusion
- memory of recent wars (have been quick)
- cult of the offensive (believe offense wins/war manly
- memory was selective and faulty (think of glorious things that have happened rather than hardships, pride, generals were old and couldn’t physically go with troops into battle)
Ottoman entry into the war
- Enver Pasha concerned about shrinking borders
- negotiated a secret treaty for $1 mil and would join G
- sent warships into the Black Sea and attacked Russians
Jihad (holy war - spiritual)
Official entry
Oct 31, Russia declared war on Ottoman Empire
Nov. 14, OE declared war on B and F in response
Winter Battle
- Wilhelm II’s authorization (remobilization from west to east)
- 10th and 8th armies
- trying to get rid of Masurian Lakes salient
- surrounded R 10th A (Augustow Forest) - 100,000 R MIA, 90,000 R POW
- G then set eyes on Brest Litovsk (125 mi E of Augustow) - want to knock Russians out of the war
Results of the Winter War
- G pushed R 300 miles east and eliminated R salient
- Sept 1915 Nicholas II took command
- food/coal shortages continued (warfront and homefront)
- Rasputin
- healer, mystic
- gains power through Nich’s wife, nobles try assassination
“White Man’s War” -the role of the colonies
- sources of manpower (laborers or soldiers) millions
- resources (food, minerals, raw mat. (rubber, oil)
- taxes (don’t tax home -threaten morale)
- Kande Kamara (father didn’t want him to fight for oppressors, no longer held Europeans in such high regard, “man’s war”)
Chinese Labour Corps
- equality in eyes of Europeans (equals)
- join triple entente
- abrogate unequal treaty with G (control of port cities)
- FR begins July 1916 - 50,000 Chinese
- GB begins Oct 1916 - 100,000 Chinese
- Japan
21 Demands (1st)
1st - Jap. has same unequal treaty G. had and strengthens it (control Tsingtao)
21 Demands (2nd)
RR connecting port cities (in Shantung) - economic control
21 Demands (3rd)
Manchuria - RRs, no one else can build RR or coal mines but Jap. - economic, mineral rights to anything in Manchuria
- co own major comp. that opperates in Manch
21 Demands (4th)
jap controls coastlines
21 Demands (5th)
military advisors to china - must obey, Japs can build schools, hospitals, temples, joint police force, joined arsenal, buddist priests can preach to whoever they want
Use of Zeppelins
stratigic bombing