Exam 1 Flashcards
How old is the earth?
4.5 billion years
The earth’s core is primarily made up of_____
What powers the earth’s external heat engine?
solar energy
The Principle of Catastrophism views the development of earth as______
a series of sporadic, cataclysmic events
New oceanic crust is created at________
mid-ocean ridges
Which of the following relationships is correct?
lithosphere= crust + upper mantle
continental crust differs from oceanic crust in which of the following characteristics?
thickness, density, composition
What drives plate tectonics?
mantle convection
Which of the following mountain ranges is the product of ocean-ocean convergence?
the Japanese islands
Which of the following statements about subduction zones is true?
all subduction zones occur at convergent plate boundaries
What drives plate tectonics?
mantle convection
A divergent plate boundary like the East African Rift is a result of _______ stresses within the crust.
ocean going under continent?
subduction zone
Oceanic crust that records negative magnetic anomalies formed when the earth’s magnetic field was ________
reversed from what it is today
On a map of the seafloor, the boundaries between normally magnetized oceanic crust and reversely magnetized oceanic crust are called __________.
Evidence for magnetic reversals has been primarily preserved in:
extrusive igneous rocks associated with mid-ocean ridges
Mantle plumes (hot spots) form at ______
the core mantle boundary
Isotopes of an element have different numbers of _______
What is the most common type of bonding in minerals?
ionic bonding
Sodium has an atomic number of 11. How many electrons will the sodium ion Na+ have?
The mineral property “cleavage” refers to __________.
the splitting of a mineral along planar surfaces
Diamond is an example of what type of bonding?
covalent bonding
What is the hardest mineral?
Which of the following processes occurs during lithification?
recrystallization of unstable minerals