Exam 1 Flashcards
James Ussher
claimed nothing ever changed, “young earth”
Erasmus Darwin
believed in biological change
Jean Baptiste Lamarck
originated the word “Evolution”, genes were striving for perfection, inherited traits
Thomas Malthus
studied population
- variation within species
- inheritance of traits
- more offspring = higher survival rate
Alfred Russell Wallace
conducted a theory of evolution identical to Charles Darwin’s
Charles Darwin
Evolution, Natural selection
Natural Selection
Nature “selects” better suited variations to survive
Physical Anthropology
evolution of humans and genetics (revealed by fossils)
Modern Synthetic Theory of Evolution
Natural Selection, Mutation, Gene Flow, Genetic Drift
production of new genetic material(DNA)
Gene Flow
movement of genes from one population to another
Genetic Drift
moving and starting over somewhere new
Geographical Separation
divergence between subpopulations of a parent species
Sexual Dimorphism
Distinct difference in size between genders in a species
Human classification