Exam 1 Flashcards
Emperor Kangxi
survives smallpox and mandates variolation in China
Lady Mary Wortley Montagu
Brings Variolation to England
Cotton Mather (with Dr. Boylston)
Variolated people in America. Knock on doors and run method.
Greek who differed between innate resistance and acquired adaptive immunity
Muhammad Ibn Zakariyá Rázï
Observed specific protection against different diseases (smallpox vs measles)
Edward Jenner
Hypothesized that cowpox inoculation (vaccination) could protect from smallpox
Benjamin Waterhouse
Vaccinates children against smallpox and encourages President to initiate public vaccinate programs.
President Thomas Jefferson
Implemented public vaccination programs
Ludwig Panum
Observed measles outbreak on remote island and saw that immunity was lifelong
Louis Pasteur
Develops vaccines for cholera, anthrax, and rabies. Discredits spontaneous generation theory of life and identifies that microorganisms cause specific diseases
Paul Ehrlich
Coined term antibodies. Found that mice injected with toxins develop immunity. Resistance is transferred via breast milk. Differentially stained WBC to distinguish leukocytes from lymphocytes.
Emil von Behring and Kitasato Shibasaboro
invented DTap and showed that immunity could be transferred from host in serum.
Ilya Mechnikoc
Proposes cells are basis for immunity. Saw WBC engulfing bacteria
Michael Heidelberger and Oswald Avery
Antibodies aer soluble proteins that could distinguish between diff pollysaccharides on different bacteria
Niels Jerne, MacFarland Burnet, and David Talmage
Independly proposes Clonal Selection Hypothesis: Each immmune cells has a unique receptor that is specific for a different pathogen.
James Gowans
Showed that lymphocytes recirculate between blood and lymph via thoracic duct. Also lymphocytes provide adaptive immunity.
Bruce Glick, Robert Good, Max Cooper
B cells or from Bursa of Fabricus in chickens. T cells still develop without bursa of fabricus but not present in thymectomized chickens
Graham Mitchell and Jacque Miller
Bone marrow cells could restor resistance to salmonella infection in radiated mice. Bone marrow could restore graph rejection but not if mice were thymectomized.
Cristiane Nusselein-Volhard
Toll proteins direct embryonic cell differentiation
Jules Hoffman
Different Toll genes cenferred resistance to fungi vs. bacteria