Exam 1 Flashcards
Chinese HUGE treasure ship Fleet of Zheng-He Went on 7 voyages Early 15th century of Ming Dynasty Not sure if the ships were real...it took Europe hundreds of years to development ships that big and technologically advanced--> China was way ahead
Iraq-centrally located Major capital of the Muslim world Center of learning- House of Wisdom Abbasids- found Baghdad in 762 Connections (math from India, paper from China, philosophy from Greece)
Shii Muslims, Christians, Jews, Sunni Muslims
Found Baghdad in 762
Imagined a perfect place—family and religion
Descendants of the uncle of Prophet Muhummad
Close to the Iranian world
House of wisdom
Preservation of ancient text Translation of Ancient Greek and Sanskrit to Arabic Greek, Arabic. Syriac, Hebrew In Baghdad 9th-13th century Founded by Al-Ma'mun
Alexander the Great
Conquered land Built a gate around gog&magog Took land from Greece 842-847 Greece and northern turkey Was curious who was on his land so he sent them to check out his lands
Impact on many civilizations…found a few of them
Found in Quran so can be linked to religion
Supreme religious and political leader of an Islamic state
Related to the Prophet Muhummad
Sent an envoy to find gog&magog because he had a nightmare—> wanted to see if they were on his lands
If you were related to a prophet, you were given ultimate power over any Islamic State.
Zheng he
Lived in Ming China- 15th century
Born a Muslim
Travelled because he was ordered by the emperor to find power for trade, do research, and spread dynasty fame
Went on 7 voyages—> did not go to Mongolia
Defeated pirates and punished political upstarts
He did this to spread Ming China to the rest of the world and to take in any tributes. Also wrote about his stories for other travelers
Zheng He lived in this time period
Chinese dress, name, language,—> Muslim
Buddhism, Daoism, Confucianism, Islam
Based in Beijing China
Involved with landlords in Asia
Found forbidden city-Chinese imperial palace
They were a huge source of trade, travel, and religion in the western world. Inspired people with their technological developments and writings
Book of Eldad
Old Testament
East-central Asian ethnic group native to Mongolia
Buddhist and animist
13th century
Most Mongols never converted to Christianity….but connected to Prester John by being converted to Christianity until 1295
Prester John
Christian king
Richest, most powerful
supposed to save all Christians from terrible things
1165-crusades were falling
Ethiopia, Central Asia, India
Gave Christians hope to defeat the enemies
Nazis, Mongols, seythians, Al Queda
Can be whatever they want
Monsters: will devour mankind
Associated with the north
Appear in the Old Testament, book of revolution, and Quran
Were being searched in the 12th and 13th century’s
Certain ideas jump from one religion to the next
Many people believed in this creature…wasn’t contained in just one religion–> spread all over western world
Classical language from India
Primary language of hinduism Buddhism and Jainism
Important because the proper thing to do back then was follow Sanskrit…able to transcribe manuscripts
Buddhist monk from China
Travelled to obtain Sanskrit copies of Buddhist texts that were not in Chinese
The emperor refused to grant travel
Central Asia to India
Critical to where Buddhism has spread today
10,000 monks from around the world
Center of learning: Hinduism, Sanskrit, medicine
People at that time needed to know how to make a living
Ibn Battuta
Sunni Muslim that considers himself Arab
Pilgrim of Mecca
Travelled and learned about legal system because a saint told him to
14th century
People think he was a liar- he made his religion look better
He wrote about his travels and gave us more insight into the known world….his travelogue gives us more inside on the cultural, religious, political, and economical standpoint during this time period
Ethnic group in North Africa
Farmers/migrant workers
Early as 3000 BC
Possibly gave insight to these travelers about the part of the world…potential trade happened as well
Famous for being remote although was very rich and scholarly
Mali, West Africa
Mosque of Timbuktu-school and mosque
Sancore University- large library-Islam, astronomy, math
Center for learning- trade routes became ink roads
Mansa Musa
Became king after the previous sailed off into the Atlantic Ocean
Died in the 14th century
Was known for travels-last place was Mecca
Europeans remember him for power (gold)
king of Mali
Made Sancore University
Official history of Ming but 200 years later
Dialect of mid Aramaic
Fertile Crescent, Eastern Arabia in writing
132 BC-today
This language gave us a way of knowing what happened in the past
Christian and Jewish people
Modern day Ethiopia: lots of religion/culture
Ethiopia was known for religion…ideas came through travelers and trade