Exam 1 Flashcards
What are the gonad homologs?
testes and ovaries
What is the genital tubercle homolog?
penis and clitoris
What is the urethral swellings homolog?
scrotum and labia majora
What is the urethral folds homologs?
spongy urethra and labia minora
What is the SRY gene?
Sex determining region of the Y chromosome
What does the SRY gene do?
Provides instructions for making a transcript factor called the sex-determining region Y protein
What gene is responsible for the initiation of male sex determination in humans?
SRY gene
What does the presence of the SRY gene mean? Absense?
The fetus will be male. If absent then female
What is the other name for paramesonephric duct and its male homolog?
Paramesonephric duct in female, also called Mullerian ducts.
In male it is Mesonephric ducts, also called Wolffian ducts.
What do the paramesonephric ducts and mesonephric ducts differentiate into?
Know all the components that are possible. - Paramesonephric ducts in female o Cranially Opens up, funnel like structure Will become fallopian tube fimbria/open ended fallopian tubes o Caudally Runs lateral to the mesonephric duct Contacts the early urogenital sinus Separated by a septum Fuses together to form Uterine canal Uterus, cervix, distal 1/3 of the vagina
- Mesonephric duct in male o Epididymis o Vas deferens o Seminal vesicles o Ejaculatory duct o Connects to the primitive kidney
Describe the migration of the primitive germ cells where do they begin, migrate, where do they insert (penetrate)
- Primordial germ cells develop in the wall of the yolk sac near allantois
- Migrate along the mesentery of the GI tract, called the hindgut
- Primordial germ cells continue migration until they reach the gonadal ridges and penetrate into the primitive gonad
- The genital ridge proliferates and penetrates underlying mesenchyme forming a number of primitive sex cords, inserted itself down past the epithelium
- These germ cells/stem cells are now the immature eggs or sperm and they are surrounded by the sex cord cells
- The sex cord cells will be the follicle cells
What structures develop from first the production the urogenital sinus then the canalization of the urogenital sinus that has to do with some internal external reproductive structures?
- Contact of the urogenital sinus by the paramesonephric ducts…
o induces formation of the sinovaginal bulbs, a collection of endoderm from the wall of the urogenital sinus - Sinovaginal bulbs proliferation of a solid column of endodermal tissue
- Canalization of the solid column to form the lower portion of the vagina
- Hymen formation occurs during canalization
- Formation of inferior 2/3 of vagina complete
- –
- The paramesonephric ducts fuse and join the urogenital sinus at the sinus tubercle
What is DES, what does it cause, both benign and the most malignant component of it?
- DES medication given in the 40’s and 50’s that was prescribed to women to help them keep their at risk pregnancies from aborting, termed the morning after pill, does the opposite of abortion
o Glandular epithelium does not convert to squamous epithelium (does not undergo squamous metaplasia) IN DES DAUGHTERS***
o DES exposure in the 10th-18th week of gestation when the replacement of glandular epithelium to squamous epithelium arrests the transformation process
o Instead of squamous epithelium, you continue to have glandular tissue within the vagina (adenosis)
o Looks like red, granular patches on vaginal mucosa - Malignancy: CLEAR CELL ADENOCARCINOMA of the vagina
o Rare tumor of the vagina encountered exclusively in women exposed to DES (1/1000)
o Develops on the anterior wall of the upper third of the vagina
o Abundant glycogen account for the clear nature of the cytoplasm - 1970’s the DAUGHTERS of women who took DES had this condition
What are the manifestations of imperforated hymen in newborns. vs adolescent female, complications that occur when the blood is obstructed
- Imperforate hymen in the neonate
o The presence of increased mucus secretions in the vagina secondary to maternal estrogen effects may result in Mucocolpos, appearing as a bulging hymenal membrane between the labia
o The membrane may be white because of the trapped mucoid material and may lead to
Urinary tract infections
Bladder obstructions
o Due to urethral compression - Imperforate Hymen in the adolescent
o Primary amenorrhea (no period/menstrual cycle)
o Presence or absence of secondary sexual characteristics should be noted
o Lower abdominal or pelvic pain
o Urinary retention/constipation
o Diagnosis is made when a distended bluish hymenal membrane is observed in the vaginal orifice/opening due to collected menstrual blood (hematocolpos) - Consequences
o Trapped menstrual secretions/blood backs up into the uterus = hematometrocolpos
o Reflux of endometrial tissue and blood through the fallopian tubes = hematosalpinx, secondary endometriosis
Endometriosis: tissue that normally lines the inside of your uterus, grows outside of the uterus
Displaced endometrial tissue continues to act as it normally would, thickens, breaks down and bleeds with each menstrual cycle
Because this displaced tissue has no way to exit your body, it becomes trapped
o An accumulation of infected material within the vaginal cavity may cause ascending genital tract infections
Histologically, what is vaginal adenosis and why do we get it due to DES
- Vaginal adenosis
o No metaplasia of glandular epithelium conversion to squamous epithelium in the lining of the vagina and exocervix - DES is an endocrine disruptor, it was mistakenly given to women thinking it would prevent miscarriages
- In the 10th-18th week of gestation, it had the potential to cross the placenta and disrupt the conversion of glandular epithelium to squamous epithelium