3 Benign breast disease Flashcards
What does fibrocystic change of the breast mean?
Describes fibrosis and cysts with reactive and degenerative changes that occur in the breast of older women
What is Atypical Epithelial Hyperplasia?
When epithelial hyperplasia becomes multilayered, with atypical nuclear change
What is the most common inflammatory disease of the breast? What is it is caused by?
Acute mastitis.
Caused by purulent bacteria such as Staph and Strept
How does bacteria invade the breast in acute mastitis?
Thru the dilated milk ducts and thru skin lacerations or injuries during suckling
How does stagnant milk affect acute mastitis?
Provides growth medium for the bacteria
Which inflammatory cells infiltrate the entire edematous breast in acute mastitis?
What is the cause of chronic mastitis?
It is unknown
What can chronic mastitis mimic b/c it produces small lumps?
Cancer, so a biopsy is needed to rule out
When extensive necrosis occurs from acute mastitis, what tissue may replace the destroyed breast tissue?
Fibrous scar tissue, nipple may retract and can be mistaken for carcinoma of the breast
What is fat necrosis of the breast?
Grossly, there is hemorrhage with central fat necrosis which later forms a nodule of gray-white tissue with foci of chalk-white debris
Where does fat necrosis of the breast occur?
Tends to occur in one breast as a solitary, sharply localized process in one breast. Almost all patients give a prior history of trauma, prior surgical intervention, or radiation therapy
What is a Fibrocystic change of the breast?
Fibrosis and cysts with reactive and degenerative changes that occur in the breast of older women
What does Fibrocystic change of the breast produce?
Palpable lumps in the breast substance, and histologic signs are found in approximately 50% of all women whose breasts are examined in autopsy or biopsy
When does Fibrocystic change of the breast occur?
Does not occur before puberty, and is unusual to be diagnosed with a clinical onset in postmenopausal women
What percentage of women b/w 20-50 years of age have symptoms pertaining to Fibrocystic change of the breast?
Only 10-15% have symptoms it is estimated
T/F Women who have symptoms related to Fibrocystic change of the breast show improvement after menopause
What hormones are related to the pathogenesis of Fibrocystic change of the breast?
Sex hormones - estrogen, progesterone, which stimulate the proliferation of cells in the excretory ducts of the breast and the intralobular stroma
What is the etiology of Fibrocystic change of the breast?
Imbalances in estrogen/progestrone that produce changes not only in the ducts and lobules but also in the stroma
What are some of the changes included in Fibrocystic change of the breast?
Dense fibrosis, cystic dilation of ducts, and various ductal proliferative changes