Exam 1 Flashcards
What 3 ways do we view theories?
Nets, maps, and lenses
to make common
Verbal means…
with words
non-verbal means…
without words
the essence of a thing
action/what things do
Implicit theories
implied/naive guesses, speculations, and explanations. The why question?
Explicit theories
open/obvious formal theories we study. systematic, developed
multiple interpretations
A theory is ____
a system of assumptions, accepted principles, and rules of procedure devised to analyze, predict, or otherwise explain the nature of behavior of a specified set of phenomena
Theories are not _____
research findings, facts, experiments, reality, or true/false
Science is
physical and behavioral studies
Physical theories
are based on hard evidence
Behavioral theories
are based on soft, social sciences and are more interpretive
Interpretive studies are based on:
human values, humanism, subjectivity, free-will, and predictability
objective reality
what really exists
subjective reality
“it is true for me”
Steps leading to the scientific method
1) observation 2) identification 3) description 4) experimental investigation
science relies on ____
empirical evidence
“if” in a hypothesis is the
“then” in a hypothesis is the
Quantitative research methods
experiments and surveys
experiments in quantitative research methods
manipulate/ change the independent variables
experiments look at
the results on the dependent variable
the dependent variable
what he’s wanting to study/ men’s attitudes toward wife’s body to exposure
independent variable
different exposure (play boy, cartoons, etc.)
science believes in how many truths
single truths
science is based on
objectivity and effectiveness
science focuses on
science deals with what effect
Interpretive studies interpret
written messages, spoken messages, nonverbal texts, and body language
Interpretation values
participation more than effectiveness
associated by/ in time or place
content analysis is a type of
textual analysis
unspoken or unwritten but mutually agreed upon/ accepted
study of people’s viewpoint by understanding and adopting their worldview
Verbal means
with words
nonverbal means
without words
frame means
express or articulate a certain viewpoint that is not different
express of articulate different view point
how people KNOW
intra-personal communication
within yourself
inter-personal communication
between peoples
relative simplicity is the rule of
what is appropriate
socio-psychological tradition
uses 5 senses, empirical, and objective
cybernetic tradition
illustrates the way feedback makes info. processing possible in our heads and laptops.
Norbert Wiener coined the term
what is the enemy of information
What is noise
any barrier that interferes with communication
behavioral scientist
adopt theories and tests to fit all into same mold
rhetorical critics
make theory that explains one unique event
2nd Law of Thermodynamics
Go from order to chaos
Rhetorical tradition
more art than science
rhetorical tradition focuses on
importance of speech, public speaking in democracy, persuasion, and the power of language.
Semeiotic traditions
the difference between signs and symbols
natural associations
Arbitrary, man-made
semantics is the study of
signs are
anything that can stand for something else
words are signs known as ____
Socio-cultural tradition
language shapes reality
Culture’s language shapes how people ____
Critical tradition
based on ideas of Marx
What is needed to perpetrate power imbalance
control of language
What is dulling one’s sensitivity of repression
Role of mass media
What is blindly relied upon according to the Marxists?
the scientific method
Phenomenological tradition
places emphasis on people’s perception and interpretation of an experience
Phenomenological tradition focuses on
Everyday life of a group of people from the view point of the person living it.
Phenomenological tradition uses what research method
Arbitrary words and non-verbal signs that bare no natural connection with the things they describe are ____