Exam 1 Flashcards
Advice and consent
A congressional check on the executive branch that takes place in the senate. This gives power to congress to approve or deny treaties signed and appointments made by the president.
People that wanted more power to the states and were in opposition of the federalists that wanted a strong national government when writing the constitution.
Articles of Confederation
The first constitution of the United States. It was then replaced with our current constitution due to the articles giving too much power to the individual states.
The congressional branch has both the senate and the house in order to enforce checks and balances.
Bill of Rights
Contains the citizens of the United States’ unalienable rights as well as the other first ten amendments to the constitution.
Block grants
Grants given by the national government to a state government. The state government has more flexibility when it comes to how they use the money in comparison to categorical grants.
Brown v Board of Education
A supreme court case that declared that racial segregation in schools was unconstitutional.
Clear and present danger test
Constitutional rule law that allows the government to limit free speech and press, often during times of war, in order to prevent harm.
These committees consider bills and issues and oversee agencies.
Concurrent powers
Powers shared between by both the national government and state governments.
A group of independent states that have a treaty with each other.
De jure vs. de facto discrimination
Designates what the law says vs. designates what actually happens in practice.
Federal funding set aside for a certain purpose or state.
Federal preemption
Constitutional law that will displace the law of a lower authority when two authorities come into conflict
15th amendment
Gives the right to vote to black people
Fighting words
Words that are not protected under free speech because they incite violence.
14th amendment
Gives formerly enslaved people citizenship
Full faith and credit clause
State courts respect the laws of other state courts
Great compromise
A compromise during the constitutional convention that established the bicameral legislature that our government has
Imminent lawless action test
Speech is not protected by the 1st amendment when the speaker means to incite a violation of the law.
Bill of rights is applied to state governments as well as national governments.
Lemon test
Government can only assist religion as long as it doesn’t promote religion.
Miller test
3 part test that determines if a work of art is protected by the first amendment.
Plessy v Ferguson
Furthered the separate but equal doctrine
Pork barrel
Government spending for local expenditures in return for a constituent’s political support
Prior restraint
Form of censorship that prevents speech before it occurs
Rational basis test
Judicial review test used by the courts to determine if a law is constitutional or not.
Allows states to draw districts of different sizes and shape
Can put an end to a filibuster as long as there is a super majority vote.
13th amendment
Frees the slaves