Exam 1 Flashcards
What are the three roles of a sport psychologist?
- Research
- Teaching
- Consulting
Sport and Exercise psychology is a ________.
What is a personality style characterized by setting extremely high standards of performance, striving for flawlessness?
Perfectionism is a result/sign of ______.
Poor coping skills
What are the 3 types of perfectionism?
- self oriented
- socially prescribed
- other oriented
What is participant motivation?
Personal/situational motivation
What are the four dimensions of Sport Specific Perfectionism? (PPPC)
- Personal standards
- Perceived coach pressure
- Perceived teammate pressure
- Concern over mistakes
T/F: motivation is interactional.
What is a personality disposition that is stable over time and is an acquired disposition that predisposes a person to perceive a wide range of objectively non dangerous circumstances as threading and to respond to these with disproportionate state anxiety levels?
Trait Anxiety
What refers to an emotional state characterized by subjective, consciously perceived feelings of apprehension and tension, accompanied by or associated with activation or arousal of the autonomic nervous system?
State Anxiety
What are the 2 types of state anxiety?
- cognitive
- somatic
What is a blend of physiological and psychological activation, varying in intensity along a continuum?
What are the 2 multifaceted aspects of arousal?
- Physical activation of arousal
- Interpretation of arousal
Where is low confidence and high state anxiety usually found?
Seen in those with low self-esteem
How does Coakley define cooperation?
Process to achieve a goal
What is cooperative means - competitive ends?
What are some examples of cooperative means - competitive ends?
- Soccer
- Basketball
- Volleyball
A smile or pat on the back is an example of ________ reinforcement.
What is the correlation between coach and reinforcement?
Coaching can result in positive or negative reinforcement/punishment
What are some factors causing breakdowns in communication?
Based on receiver/types of communication
What are the 6 C’s for sending effective messages?
- Clear
- Concise
- Courteous
- Correct
- Complete
- Constructive
What are the 3 types of communication? (INI)
- Intrapersonal
- nonverbal
- interpersonal
Which type of communication is considered self talk, communication we have with ourselves?
Which type of communication uses cues including physical appearance, posture, gestures, body position, touching, facial expressions, and voice characteristics?
About what percentage of information conveyed in a communication is nonverbal?
How does one increase awareness of arousal states?
Utilize visualization
What is biofeedback?
Arousal regulation
When you are too stressed out, what is a technique you can use to combatant the stress?
Effective breathing
What is the feedback from the body via brain waves?
What is an example of a task stressor?
Time constraint
What are some notable factors in the effectiveness of imagery? (NotSlop)
- nature of task
- skill level of performer
What are the five characteristics of the imagery process? (MPAAD)
- Modality
- Perspective
- Angle
- Agency
- Deliberation
What are the five theories of how imagery works? (PSlBTcP)
- Psychoneuromuscular
- Symbolic learning
- Bioinformational
- Triple Code
- Psychological
What is the belief of certainty that individuals have at a particular moment about their ability to succeed?
State self-confidence
What is the belief that you can successfully perform a desired behavior?
What are the 7 ways to improve confidence? (PEpIPstIaRpaAc)
- Preparation
- Effective planning (goal setting)
- Imagery
- Positive self-talk
- Increase awareness
- Recognize performance accomplishments
- Act confident
What are the 5 senses in imagery? (AVTOK)
- Auditory
- Visual
- Tactile
- Olfactory
- Kinesthetic
What is a Psychoneuromuscular condition that lies on a continuum anchored by focal dystopia (e.g., involuntary tremors, freezing, or jerking of the hands) and choking (type II)?
What is usually caused by anxiety, nerves, or choking in high-pressure situations?
What are the 4 communication styles? (CPTM)
- Connector
- Planner
- Thinker
- Mover
What communication style tends to be social souls and are generally friendly and approachable?
What communication style is steadfast, reliable, and conscientious?
What communication style tends to be mentally active, constantly questioning and pondering?
What communication style tends to be playful, bold and adventurous.
What perspective is visualizing the execution of a skill from your own vantage point?
What perspective is visualizing yourself from the perspective of an outside observer?
T/F: Motivation is always based on something outside.
Mindfulness and Flow are based on what?
Present focus
What is the Id?
Of the three (Id, Ego, Superego), which is being explained:
is a part of the unconscious that contains all the urges and impulses, including what is called the libido, a kind of generalized sexual energy that is used for everything from survival instincts to appreciation of art.
What is the Ego?
Of the three (ID, Ego, Superego), which is being explained:
is the only part of the conscious personality. It’s what the person is aware of when they think about themselves and what they usually try to project toward others.
What is the Superego?
Of the three (ID, Ego, Superego), which is being explained:
Operates on the morality principle and motivates us to behave in a socially responsible and acceptable manner.
When the ______ achieves its demands, we experience pleasure, and when it is denied, we experience ‘unpleasure’ or tension.
The ______’s goal is to satisfy the id’s demands in a safe and socially acceptable way.
The ________ is a part of the unconscious that is the voice of conscience (doing what is right) and the source of self-criticism.
Should psychological tests be used for team selection?
They have great potential for team selection but, should not be the complete determining factor
Who broke the 4 minute mile?
Roger Banister
How was Roger Banister able to break the 4 minute mile? (ItFwPrSpSc)
He used/possessed:
- interval training
- firm willpower
- positive reinforcement
- strategic planning
- self confidence
Who was Roger Banister?
What is test anxiety?
The nervous feeling which (worries) you may feel before or while taking a test
What are 3 techniques that are useful for anxiety reduction?
- closure of the eyes with effective breathing
- Be active
- Self-gratitude
- laughing