exam 1 Flashcards
Competition definition
(-/-) two or more species compete for a resource in short supply
Predation definition
(+/-) one species (predator) kills and eats the other (prey)
predators can be anything that they kill and eat (manatee is predator to plant)
Herbivory defintion
(+/-) eats part of plant or algae
Symbiosis definition
individuals of 2 or more species live in close contact and have relationships with one another
Parasitism defintion
(+/-) derives its nourishment from a second organism (host) that is harmed
(+/+) both species benefit from interaction
(+/0) one species benefits while the other is unaffected
(+/+) or (0/+) species have positive effects on the survival and reproduction of other species without the intimate contact of a symbiosis
like a beaver
organism that infects or infests a host where it does some damage while the parasite benefits in some way
reduction in fitness
organism that feeds on another without killing it or having involvement in reproduction cycle (ticks on dogs)
organism that spends a significant amount of its life on or within a single host, often sterilizing it, often killing it, and sometimes fully consuming it
that wasp that lays eggs in/on caterpillar
likelihood that an infectious agent causes disease or fatality
ability of a parasite to reduce its host fitness
vertical gene transfer
transfer of genes from parent to offspring
horizontal gene transfer
transfer of genetic information between organisms in a matter other than conventional modes of reproduction
parasitic vine thing
what is the relationship of horizontal gene transfer? how does it affect evolution?
(+/+) because genes are tied together between parasite and host, both want to reproduce to pass on mutual genes
obligatory parasite
parasite that is unable to complete its lifecycle in absence of required host
facultative parasite
organism that is fully able to live a free living existence but that may become parasitic if the opportunity arises
Opportunic parasite
parasite that takes advantage of a particular circumstance to initiate and infection in a host that it normally doesn’t
multicellular, big enough to be counted
difficult to quantify (virus)
monoxenous (direct) life cycle
one host species needed to complete life cycle