Exam 1 Flashcards
Border between Maryland and Pennsylvania, this dived north and south
Mason-Dixon Line
Economy based on agriculture, mainly a few common crops, relied heavily on slaves
Plantation economics
Established a government for the northwest territory, provided methods for admitting a new state to the union, and garunteed the newly created states would be equal to the original thirteen
Northwest Ordinance
Slaves count as 3/5ths of a person in order to determine how many people live in a state.
Three-fifths compromise
2 states must come into the union at at time, so that neither the free states or the slave states gain power
Free stat - slave state balance
Inventor of the cotton gin
Eli Whitney
More tabacco, wheat and corn. Virginia, Delaware, and Kentucky areas. Contain less slave labor
Upper south
Slave trade ended in 1808, so slaves from tobacco farms were sold to plantations in the deep south growing cotton.
Internal slave trade
St. Louis, Milwaukee, and Cincinati. Where most german immigrants settled
German Triangle
Desire to outright ban slavery
Formed to send free African Americans to Africa as an alternative to emancipation
American Colonization Society
Wrote “the Liberator” a document encourageing abolishion.
William Lloyd Garrison
Abolishionist Party, not very successful
Liberty Party
Want immediate emancipation, where everyone lives in equality
American- antiSlavery Society
Designed to eliminate slavery within the land aquired as a result of the Mexican War
Wilmot Proviso
Anti-slavery faction of the northern Democrats
Barn Burners
Opposed the expansion of slavery into the Western territories of the United states
Free Soil Party
Delagates of the slave state met to discuss their actions if Congress decided to ban the spread of slavery westward. Leads to the Compromise of 1850
Nashville Convention
Supreme court ruled that state courts cannot contridict the decisions of federal courts, overturning a decision made by the supreme court of Wisconsin
Booth Case
Northern abolishionist helped escaped slaves to make it all the way to Canada.
Underground Railroad
The first book written that truely depicts the horror of slavery, sells tons of copies in the north, convincing more people to become abolishionist.
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
Anti-immigrant – mainly anti-Roman Catholic
Know-Nothing Party
Idea that slave industry in the south would do anything to maintain and grow
Slave Power
Northern Democrats who are willing to look the other way on slavery.
Document that describes the rationale for the United states to purchse Cuba from Spain, implying that the U.S. should declare war if they refuse. (goal of Slave holers)
Ostend Manifesto
Mostly the Republicans and southern Democrats make up the system.
Third American Party System
Anti-Slavery Settlement was destroyed, although shots were taken at abolishionist, nobody was killed
Sack of Lawrence
John Brown attacks a pro-slavery settlement, and 5 people are grusomely killed.
Pottawatomie Creek Massacre
Missouri Compromise
Free state slave state balance, missouri petitions for slave state, tallmadge abolitionist didnt want missouri
1: one of the first signifigant conversations about slavery with moral Undertones
2: Desire to keep free and slave states equal in the senate
3: Misouri can be a slave state, Maine becomes a free state
4: 36 30 line where everything south is slave territory and everything north is free
missouri debate leads to crisis of slavery in terms of morality
Nullification crisis
1: Calhoun plays both sides of a tariff thinking the presiden twill never sign it into law
2: Adams signs it into law to spite Calhoun
3: Calhoun tells the south to nullify the tariff or sucede
4: South Carolina nullifies it and Jackson theatens to send the army with the Force act
5: Henry Clay makes a compromise that the tariff will slowly deacrease over 10 years
6: South Carolina agrees and nullifies the Force Act
7: Lays foundation for states to nullify laws and leave the Union.
Henry Clay: middle man for north and south, Makes the 3 big compromises, from Kentucky Member of the whig Party and believes in internal improvements
,John Calhoun: Starts as American nationalist, but turns into the biggest advocate for states right and slavery and secession
Daniel Webster: Biggest advocate for the Union. Once you join the union it was permanent because the constitution does not describe how a state may leave.
Kansas Nebraska Act
Most important event for creation of republican party, before civil war it was a purely northern party
1: Starts about the transcontinetal railroad
2: Douglas pushes for Chicago Route, must pass through unorganizerd territories
3: Allows Popular Soverignty in the two new territories carved out
4: disregards the Missouri compromise
Foundation of Second American Party System
A: First American Party system 1790’s-1820’s - Federalists and Republicans
- loose, not well defined, federalists strong central gov, republicans weak central gov
B: Bank war, creation of second APS - bank of the U.S. - 10th amendment says its ok - Jackson vetos the bank as president
Composition of Second American Party System
Whigs and Democrats after 1834
A: Whigs
- strong central gov
- strong capitalist economy
- internal improvements, railroads and canals
- governmental power to promote and subsidize growth
- high tariffs
B: Democrats
- strict constructionists
- state’s rights, individual rights (including right to slavery)
C: Political bases of two parties
- Democrat = small farmers, frontier populations, urban workers, immigrants,
roman catholics, city dwellers
- Whig = businessmen, wealthier farmers and large plantation owners,
D: hidden sectional divide
- whigs in the north, pandering william henry harrison
- democrats to the south, andrew jackson break first amendment with mail
Mexican Cession and Compromise of 1850
A: Wilmot proviso and sectional vote, 1846
- congress fund war
- wilmot proviso says any territory gained can’t be open to slavery
- dropped, to be answered later - after war
B: election of 1848
1. zachary taylor,whig, general from war - said nothing about slavery and won,
salve owner
2. Lewis Cass, Democrat, use popular sovereignty to let people vote for slavery
3. Martin Van Buren, Free-soil Party, “slave power”, barnnurners, conscience
whigs, bothered by pro slavery democrats, creates free soil party to stop
spread of slavery
4. Taylor wins because van buren takes part of democratic vote
Provisions of Compromise of 1850
Last great compromise
1. Provisions
A: admit california as free state
B: popular sovereignty for southwest
C: Allow slaves in Washington D.C., outlaw buying and selling - can do because
federal district
D: adopt tougher fugitive slave act
2. Taylor’s Death, Omnibus Bill
- taylor refuses compromise, Millard Fillmore signs it instead
A: Stephen Douglas breaks bill up and gets it through
B: Fugitive State Law
- difficult to enforce in north
- south likes states rights except for slavery
Background Bleeding Kansas
A: Increase in anti-slavery settlers in Kansas
- people unhappy
- 1855 election for gov of Kansas definite voter fraud
- after election, northern activists more organized, clear majority is anti-slavery
B: pro slavery territorial legislature, Lecompton - president franklin pierce
- pierce loses all respect
- anti slave forces organize second election
- pro slave forces boycott, have official government backing, second gov is
C: Anti-slavery territorial legislature, Topeka
- ran a clean election, believe themselves to be official government
- not acknowledged by the US government
Events Bleeding Kansas
Two governments in Kansas raising militias
A: Sack of Lawrence - nobody died, but town destroyed
B: Slave Power - Republicans afraid of spread of slavery
C: Charles Sumner Beating - beat near to death for provocative speech against
D: Pottawatomie Creek Massacre - John Brown slaughters 5 pro slavery people
E: 1856 Election - John C Fremond (R), James Buchanan (D), Millard Fillmore (KN)
- Republican party purely northern
- democratic party only party in south, no other party exists