Ex. Phys. Unit 2 Flashcards
biologic burning of macronutrients in the body for the energy needed for phosphorylation
anaerobic glycolysis
the transformation of glucose to pyruvate when limited amounts of oxygen are available.
aerobic glycolysis
The conversion of glucose to lactate in the presence of oxygen
a nonprotein substance that facilitates enzyme action by binding the substrate with its specific enzyme
coupled reactions
a breakdown of one compound that provides energy for building another compound
the tendency of potential energy to convert to kinetic energy of motion with a lower capacity of work
large protein catalyst that accelerates the forward and reverse rates of chemical reactions within the body without being consumed or changed in the reaction
the breakdown of lipids that involves hydrolysis of triglycerides into glycerol and free fatty acids.
oxidative reactions
reaction where a molecule donates electrons
reduction reactions
reaction where a molecule accepts electrons
alactacid oxygen debt
restoration of ATP & PCr depleted during exercise, small portion to reload muscle myoglobin & hemoglobin [fast]
plateau of oxygen uptake
maximal oxygen uptake
The point when VO2 plateaus with additional workloads.
excess post-exercise oxygen consumption
lactacid oxygen debt
to re-establish original glycogen stores by resynthesizing 80% HLa through gluconeogenesis (Cori cycle) and to catabolize remaining HLa through pyruvic acid (Kreb’s cycle) [slower phase].