Ex. Phys. Syllabus Flashcards
phone number
office hours
MW: 1:00-3:00
F: 8:00-10:00
by appointment
lab times
T 3:00-4:50 Th: 9:00-10:50 Th: 11:45-1:35 Th: 3:00-4:50 T: 11:45-1:35
office location
SCI 205
course objectives
intellectual depth critical thinking effective communication life in community faith and virtues
exams and quizzes composition
multiple quizzes
2 mid-term exams (combined lecture and lab content)
final exam
what will happen at lab every week
lab quiz
lab report
abstract format
two-page typed and specifically formatted
extra credit
awesome points
10 awesome points = 1%
up to 3%
grading scale
no A+ grades A >94 A- 93-90 B+ 89-87 B 86-84 B- 83-80 grades will be rounded using blackboard
general student expectations
show up on time
spell and write with clarity
participate in everything
absences and tardiness
no make-up coursework or late assignments
responsible for all missed coursework
coursework missed due to tardiness cannot be made up unless previously arranged
Lab reports and assignments
turn in all assignments on time and stapled
all lab reports and assignments must be typed and graphs computer generated
answer all parts of questions
never copy and paste answers
can work with others but no plagiarism
I am responsible for making and maintaining personal electronic copies
Bb and email
check both regularly
mobile devices
all phones silenced and stowed away
laptops and tablets allowed in lecture and lab, but only for class related activities
violations of these rules will result in confiscation of the phone