Ex. 29 Blood and Body Systems Overview Flashcards
15% of total body weight and has a composition similar to plasma.
Interstitial Fluid
carries blood away from the heart
site of exchange
carries blood twards the heart
Bline ended capillaries absorb axcess fluid and recycle it into large veins.
Lymphatic circulation
Largest veins
Superior and inferior venea cavae
Pulmonary arteries contain blood with ________ levels of O2 and ________ levels of CO2?
low levels of O2 and high levels of CO2.
the largest artery
deliver blood to the myocardium (heart muscle)
coronary arteries
Name the 3 structures in the systemic circulation:
- carotid arteries
- baroreceptors
- chemoreceptors
baroreceptors detect change in _________?
blood pressure
chemoreceptors detect change in ______?
What is the center for temporature and water balance, autonomics?
What 2 dirrect acting hormones are secreated by the hypothalmus?
- oxytocin
Hypothalamic Hypophyseal Portal System
capillary-vein-capillary describes what kind of system?
protal system
The hypothalmous secreats releasing and inhibiting hormones that affect __________?
anterior pituitary
The Anterior Pituitary Gland is also called the _____________?
Name the 7 hormones released by the anterior pituitary:
- LH
- Endorphins
- GH
List the 3 structures that blood must pass through to travel from the brain to the heart:
- Dural Sinuses
- Jugular veins
- Superior Vena Cava
The ______ artery leads to the liver?
hepatic artery
What is a sinusoid and where is it most often found?
A leaky blood capillary that is irregulary shaped. Most often found in the liver.
Known as the “mixed gland” this gland has both endocrine and exocrine functions?
What is the exocrine function of the pancreas?
secretion of digestive enzymens and sodium bicarbonate into the pancreatic duct that opens into the small intestine.
What is the endocrine function of the pancreas?
secreates the hormones glucagon and insulin into the pancreatic vein via the HPV
Hepatic Portal Vein
Name 2 functions of the arteries leading to the GI tract:
- digestion
- absorption
Name the artery leading to the spleen?
Splenic artery
Name 2 functions of the spleen:
- produces macrophages and lymphocytes for defence
- recyles old RBCs
Name the 2 components of heme:
- Fe2+
- bilirubin
globin is made up of what?
the splenic vein leads to the _______ vein?
Hepatic Portal Vein (HPV)
The Hepatic Protal Vein (HPV) leads to what organ?
The liver.
Name 7 functions of the liver:
- Processes glucose into glycogen
- Prodeces plasma proteins like albumen
- stores fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K
- produces bile (bilirubin and cholesterol
- stores Fe2+
- contians macrophages
- detoxifies drugs and alcohol
Drains bile from liver into the gall bladder?
Hepatic Duct
Drains bile from the gall bladder?
Cystic duct
the cystic and hepaic duct combine to form the __________ duct?
common bile duct.
The common bile duct carries digestive enzymes from the _______ and bile form the _______ to the small intestine?
enzymes from the pancreas and bile from the liver to the small intestine.
Cleansed and nutrient-rich blood is drained from the liver by the __________ vein?
hepatic vein.
The ______ arteries supply the kidneys?
renal arteries.
Name 3 functions of the kidneys:
- Urine formmation
- Blood pressure regulation
- Production of Erythropoietin (hormone)
Endocrine organs produce and release ___________?
Spungy bone produces ________ & ________.
Ca2+ & red blood cells.
Name the 3 waste products from muscle metabolism:
- CO2
- heat
- lactic acid
What 2 hormones affect the reproductive organs?
- LH
Name 3 hormones produced by the reproductive organs:
- estrogen
- progesterone
- testosterone
What system regulates periferal circulartion to the skin and what is its purpous?
Periferal nervous system regulates periferal circulation inorder to regulate body temporature.
Name 3 finctions of the blood supply to the lymphatic organs:
- defence
- phagocytosis
- production of antibodies
Name 2 functions of lymphatic circulation through lymph nodes:
- filters and destroys pathogens
- recycles excess fluids into blood circulation
Blood is considered_______ tissue?
connective tissue.
connetive tissue consists of what 2 elements?
- Cells
- Matrix
matrix in the blood is also known as what?
blood plasma
blood plasma is composed of what 6 elements?
- water
- electrolytes
- proteins
- hormones
- antibodies
- nutrients
Name the 3 types of cells found in blood:
- WBC - lukocytes
- RBC - erithrocytes
- platelets
What is the normal RBC content per mm3 ?
4-6 million cells / mm3
What is the function of RBC?
to carrie O2
What are the normal ranges for Hemoglobin (Hb) in men and women respectively?
Men: 14-18gm / 100ml
Women: 12-16gm / 100ml
What is the function of platets?
What is the normal blood platelet range?
150,000 - 450,000 platelets / mm3
What is the function of WBC?
What is the normal range of WBC in the blood?
4000 - 11,000 cells / mm3
Name 2 types of WBC:
- Granulocytes
- Agranulocytes
What is this?

What is this?

What is this?

What is this?

What is this?

Name 3 charictoristics of Granulocytes:
- phogocytes
- cytoplasmic granules
- lobed nuclei
Name 2 charictoristics of agranulocytes:
- no granulocytes
- sperical or kidney-shaped nuclei
Name the 5 types of WBC and their percent WBC content:
- Neutrophils 40-70%
- Lymphocytes 20-45%
- Monocytes 4-8%
- Eosinophils 1-4%
- Basophils 0.5%
Name 2 types of agranulocytes and their functions:
- Lymphocytes - produce antibodies
- Monocytes - are precurors to macrophages
Blood typing tests for _______ on the surface of RBCs?
Name the 4 major blood types and their respective antigen and antibody(s) if any.
- Type A, A antigen, Anti-B antibody
- Type B, B antigen, Anti-A antibody
- TypeAB, A and B antigen, NO antibodies! (univeral recipiant)
- Type O, neither A nor B antigens, Anti-A & Anti-B antibodies! (univeral donor)
D antigen present is called _______?
D antigen NOT present is called ______?
Anti-D antibody is not naturally produced. How is Anti-D antibody production occure?
Rh- blood must be exsposed to Rh+ blood. This often occures at child birth.
What is hematocrite a reading of, and what are normal percentages in men and woman respectively?
Hematocrite is the percent of RBC in total blood volume.
In men 42-50% is normal.
In women 35-45% is normal.
What is hemoglobin content a reading of, and what are normal values for men and woman respectivly?
Hemoglobin is the iorn containing protein within the blood responcible for carrying O2.
Normal amounts are:
Men 13-18 gm/mL blood
Women 12-16 gm/mL blood
What is the corrilation between hemoglobin and hematocrite?
Normally the hematocrite (%) should = 3 x hemoglobin (gm/mL)