Evolutionary explanations for partner preferences Flashcards
What is meant by natural selection?
What is meant by Adaptation?
What is meant by reproductive success?
- populations of living organisms adapt and change to suit their environment
- Functional, cognitive or behavioural trait that benefits an organism in its environment
- The passing of genes onto the next generation in a way that they too can pass those genes on
What is sexual selection?
-Darwin’s theory came from him studying peacocks & found bigger tailed peacocks attracted more mates, giving them reproductive advantage
- competition for mates between members of the same sex
- Has an impact on the evolution of physical & psychological traits e.g. height, facial and body features
What is Inter-sexual selection?
(6 points)
(Quality over Quantity)
What is the sexy sons hypothesis?
- preferred strategy of females (quality over quantity)
- Ova are rarer than sperm requiring greater energy to reproduce
- females make greater investments of time, commitment before during and after birth
- so females will choose partners wisely (food, protection, territory) - enhance a females reproductive success as the child will be more likely to survive
- these resources may now be money & status as well as an ambitious male
- this leaves males competing for the opportunity to mate - leads to ‘sexy sons’ hypothesis whereby the males genes will be passed onto the son
- increases likelihood of this gene being passed onto future generations
What is intra-sexual selection?
(5 things)
(Quantity over Quality)
- Strategy of the male (quantity over quality)
- competition between (intra) males to mate with a female
- Winner of the competition passes off his offspring.
- strategy has given rise to dimorphism (obvious differences between males & females)
e.g. physical competitions between males = size matters whereas females do not compete for reproductive rights so there is no evolutionary drive for larger females
Why do males find the most attractive Hip-waist ratio 0.70?
- Indicative of health & fertility
-Low W-H-R correlates with cardiovascular health & longevity
-Best health picture in women is found with pear-shaped women proportions
Name 6 Male mating Strategies?
- Courtship rituals
- Size
- Sperm Competition
- Mate Guarding
- Sneak Copulation
- Anisogamy
Courtship Ritual?
Sperm Competition?
Mate Guarding?
Sneak Copulation?
- Showing off genetic potential & resources
- Men evolved to have bigger testicles & faster swimming sperm
- Keeping an eye on partners to prevent unfaithfulness
- Being unfaithful (can benefit both parties?)
- Leads males & females to have different strategies for maximising reproductive success, & selecting mates
Name 3 Female mating strategies?
- Handicap hypothesis
- Sexy sons hypothesis
- Courtship
Handicap hypothesis?
Sexy sons hypothesis?
- women may pick men with handicaps as it shows an ability to thrive despite their condition
- select males that are physically attractive as they will pass these traits onto their children, increasing their children reproducing
- Dating is an important strategy for females to establish a mans worth
AO3 Research support from Buss?
(37 cultures)
P - Buss looked for what females look for in a marriage partner
E - looked at over 10,000 people from 37 cultures
E - results supported evolutionary explanations of sexual selection
- e.g. women want financial resources - can provide for children
- men want physical attractiveness - fertility & health
L - supports evolutionary explanation
AO3 research support Clark & Hatfield (1982)?
- tonight
- apartment
- sleep with me
P - supports evolutionary explanation of sexual selection
E - study of 96 university students testing hypothesis that men are eager for sex v.s. women
- male & female confederates on average attractiveness approached potential partners with 1 of 3 requests
‘would you go out tonight’, ‘would you come to my apartment’, ‘would you sleep with me’
E - results: men were willing to have sex with the women who approached them, not one woman agreed to sex
L - supports inter & intra sexual selection
AO3 evolutionary explanations are limited to modern society?
(financial situation)
(hook-up culture)
P - evolutionary explanation for partner preferences are limited as they are not conducive to modern society
E - if a woman is able to financially support herself & her children what is the necessary need for a man
E - In addition to this in modern society concept of ‘hook up culture’ is entertained by some people & so they might not conform to evolutionary explanations
L - So sexual preferences for a mate may not be an integral part of selection
AO3 research against/for Penton-Voak (1999)?
(Menstrual cycle)
P - suggested females mate preferences change during the menstrual cycle
E - females preferred a partner with masculine features during their fertile period but preferred a partner with more feminised features as a long-term mate
E - may because a masculine appearance suggests suggests a healthier immune system, advantageous for off-spring (sexy-sons hypothesis)
- feminine features in a man may suggest kindness, & parental cooperation
L - this shows sexual preferences from an evolutionary perspective exist but are malleable & can be subject to change