Evolution of Animals 2 Flashcards
Four main features of a chordate
notochord, dorsal hollow nerve chord, pharyhgeal slits, and post anal tail.
three subphyla of Chordata
Cephalochordata (lancelets)
Urochordata (tunicates or sea squirts)
vertebrata (hagfish, Lampreys, cartilaginous fishes, bony fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals)
Lanceletes - memorize the body plan
they use pharyngeal gill slits for feeding purposes.
Tunicates/ Sea squirts - (memorize body plan)
– they use their pharynx to filter out planktonic organisms and sea water passes through the pharynx and for food.
- nortochord provides support for tail
Vertebrata names and animals
Myxini (hagfishes)
Petromyzontidae (lampreys)
Chondrichthyes (sharks, skates, rays)
Actinopterygii (ray-finned fishes)
Actinistia (frogs, toads, salamander)
Lepidosauria (lizards snakes)
Testudines (turtles)
Crocodilia (crocodiles, alligators)
Aves (birds)
Monotremata (echidna and platypus)
Marsupialis (opossom)
Eutheria (bat, human, whale)
order for chart
many people create addictive addictive drugs and love to create addictive magic mushroom environments.
-Fishes that have a cranium and lack vertebre and jaws and have no eyes or fins
- cranium
- cartilage
- gills for gas exchange
- secrete slime to protect themselves
- no vertebre
- rudimentary vertebre
-no jaws
- cranium
- gills for gas exchange
- dorsal fins
- endoskeleton of cartilage
- vertebre
Rays, SHarks, Skates
- cartilaginous fishes
- hinged jaws
- evolved from skeletal gill arches, support gill slits
- true teeth
- paired appendages
Ray-Finned Fishes
- true skeletal bone
- gills
- swim bladder
- scales
Lobe Finned Fishes
- muscular fins supported by bony skeletal extensions
- Actinista - coelacanths - has a swim bladder
- Dipnoi - lungfish - has lungs (and sometimes gills)
- evolved in freshwater habitats
Frogs, Salamanders, Caecilians
- first chordates to establish terrestrial lifestyle
-metamorphosis ( grow lungs, legs, lose lateral line and finned tail)
- Two pairs of limbs
- Gills in young, lungs in adults
- lack scales - skin used in respiration so they must be moist all the time
- still tied to water, though largely terrestrial
-“Herpetofauna” (the reptiles and amphibians of a particular region, habitat, or geological period)
The Reptiles
- terrestrial
- Amniotic and Shelled egg
- Lungs
- scales
- ectothermic
- testudines lack teeth
-“Herpetofauna” (the reptiles and amphibians of a particular region, habitat, or geological period)
- Derived from dinosuars
- honycombed structure
- Incredibly diverse
- sexual selection
- Feeding specialization
- Flight
- Wings
- Feathers
The Mammals
- Endothermic
- Milk
- Hair/fur