Evolution Flashcards
what is a gene pool?
the complete range of alleles present in a population
what is allele frequency?
how often an allele occurs in a population
list the steps of evolution by natural selection
new alleles generated by mutations in genes
selection pressure creates a struggle for survival
some are better adapted to the selection pressures than others
individuals that have an allele that increases their chance of survival are more likely to survive, reproduce and pass on the advantageous allele
a greater proportion of the next-generation inherit the advantageous allele
more likely to pass on and the frequency of advantageous allele increases from generation to generation
What is stabilising selection?
When the environment isn’t changing much individuals with alleles for characteristics towards the middle of the range are more likely to survive and reproduce
it reduces the range of possible phenotypes
what is directional selection?
when there’s a change in the environment individuals of alleles for characteristics of an extreme type are more likely to survive and reproduce
what is genetic drift?
instead of environmental factors affecting which individuals survive, breed and pass on their alleles, chance dictate which alleles are passed on
evolution by genetic drift usually has a greater effect in smaller populations where chance has a greater influence
in larger populations any chance variations in allele frequency tend to even out across the whole population
how does genetic drift work?
individuals within a population show variation in their genotypes
by chance, the allele for one genotype is passed onto the offspring more often than others
so the number of individuals with the allele increases
if by chance the same allele was passed on more often again and again it can lead to evolution as the allele becomes more common in the population
what are genetic bottlenecks?
its an event that causes a big reduction in a population size leading to a reduction in the gene pool
evolution by genetic drift has a greater effect if there’s a genetic bottleneck
what is the founder effect?
it describes what happens when just a few organisms from a population start a new population and there are only a small number of different alleles in the initial gene pool
how does the founder effect work?
individuals within a population show variation in their genotypes
some of these individuals start a new population
by chance, these individuals mostly have one particular genotype
without any further ‘gene flow’ the new population will grow with reduced genetic variation
as the population is small it’s more heavily influenced by genetic drift than a larger population
give examples of when the founder effect can occur?
it can occur as a result of migration leading to geographical separation or a new colony being separated from the original population for another reason such as religion
what is the Hardy-Weinberg principle?
model which predicts that the frequencies of alleles in a population won’t change from one generation to the next, but this prediction is only true under certain conditions: it has to be a large population where there’s no immigration, emigration, mutations or natural selection
there needs to be random mating- all possible genotypes can breed with others
What is artificial selection?
when humans select individuals in a population to breed together to get desirable traits
what are examples of artificial selection?
modern dairy cattle: farmers select a female with a very high milk yield and a male whose mother had a very high milk yield and breed these two together
they select the offspring with the highest milk yields and breed them together
this is continued over several generations until a very high milk yielding cow is produced
other characteristics selected could be high milk quality, long lactation period, large udders
the same can be done with bread wheat
how have modern techniques made artificial selection easier?
artificial insemination and IVF give farmers more control over which cows reproduce
animal cloning allows farmers to produce genetically identical copies of their best cows
techniques such as plant cloning can be useful in the artificial selection of crop plants
what are some problems with artificial selection?
reducing the gene pool- if a new disease appears, less chance of animals that could offer resistance
potentially useful alleles are accidentally lost from the population
problems for organisms- it may exaggerate certain traits leading to health problems for the organisms involved
it can also result in an increase in incidence of genetic disease
ethical issues- some state that its unethical to artificially select traits that cause disease and harm
what is speciation and when does it occur?
speciation is the development of a new species
it occurs when populations of the same species become reproductively isolated- changes in allele frequencies cause changes in phenotype that mean they can no longer breed together to produce fertile offspring
What is allopatric speciation?
populations can become reproductively isolated through a combination of geographical isolation and natural selection
when does geographical isolation occur?
when a physical barrier e.g. a flood or an earthquake divides the population of a species causing some individuals to become separated from the main population
they live in slightly different conditions
different characteristics will become more common due to the natural selection
Describe the process of allopatric speciation
different characteristics will be advantageous on each side, the allele frequencies will change in each population
mutations will take place independently in each population, also changing the allele frequencies the changes in allele frequencies will lead to changes in phenotype frequencies
advantageous characteristics will become more common on that side
eventually the different populations will have changed so much they won’t be able to breed with one another to produce fertile offspring i.e reproductively isolated (two separate species)
what is reproductive isolation?
the changes in the alleles and phenotypes of the two populations prevent them from successfully breeding together
name 3 different ways that reproductive isolation occurs?
seasonal changes- individuals from the same population develop different flowering or mating seasons or become sexually active at different times of the year
mechanical changes- changes in genitalia preventing successful mating
behavioural changes- a group of individuals develop courtship rituals that aren’t attractive to the main population
What is sympatric speciation?
random mutations could occur within a population resulting in reproductive isolation, preventing members of that population breeding with other members of the species
its speciation WITHOUT geographical isolation
pretty rare- difficult for a section of a population to become reproductively isolated without being geographically isolated