evil and suffering Flashcards
What does Mackie say about the inconsistent triad?
God is (a) omniscient/omnipotent and (b) omnibenevolent.
However, (c) evil exists.
This means that either (a) or (b) must be logically inconsistent and therefore wrong.
What does David Hume say about the inconsistent triad?
Either God is not omnipotent/omniscient, or
God is not omnibenevolent, or
Evil does not exist, and
Since evil does not exist, then God does not.
Key quote from St Augustine about the inconsistent triad:
“Either God cannot abolish evil or he will not; if he cannot then is not all-powerful; if he will not, he is not all good.”
Key quote from Swinburne about the inconsistent triad:
“There is a problem about why God allows evil, and if the theist does not have a satisfactory answer to it, then his belief in God is less than rational.”
Key Quote from St Thomas Aquinas about the inconsistent triad:
“But the name of God means that He is infinite goodness. If, therefore, God existed, there would be no evil discoverable, but there is evil in the world. Therefore God does not exist.”
Name 3 solutions for the inconsistent triad
Suffering could be a punishment from God. St Augustine believed that humans carry the sin of Adam and must bear the consequences of his wrong doing.
Perspective– if no one is in danger, then a volcano erupting can be seen as a thing of beauty.
A test of faith – God may allow suffering in a person’s life in order to test and strengthen their faith.
God’s plan – He allows evil to exist as part of his greater plan of love – links to unanswered prayers.
God keeps His distance from humanity in order not to overwhelm it.
If God interferes, then humanity cannot develop.
Who is John Hick?
Philosopher and theologian
Contributed to epistemology of religion and religious pluralism.
Hick’s theory is known as…
the modern Irenaean Theodicy
Hick’s theory says…
He agrees with Irenaeus’ point that humans were not made perfect in the beginning and we have been given the ability to develop spiritually by God.
What did Hick say about robots?
If God made us perfect then we would have the goodness of robots.
God wants humans to be genuinely loving and therefore gives them free will.
what did Hick say about the perfect world?
the perfect world is something we have to look forward to.
Who is St Augustine?
Early Christian theologian and philosopher.
What is Free Will?
The idea that God has given us the opportunity to make our own choices in order to give us independence.
What is Soul Making
Suffering ultimately makes people develop into better human beings
What is Augustine’s Theory?
The soul Deciding Theodicy.
Who was St Irenaeus?
Early Church Father and apologist.
Why does St Augustine say that evil and suffering doesn’t disprove the existence of God?
God created the world perfectly.
Evil is the going-wrong of something good.
Evil came from the decisions made by beings to whom God gave free will.
what quote from Genesis shows God created the world perfectly?
“God saw all that the made and it was good” - (Genesis 1:31)
What is a quote from Genesis that shows evil came from the free will of humans?
“For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” (Genesis 3:3-5)
What does St Augustine say about original sin?
Adam’s descendants inherited the original sin. Evil and suffering were the punishment that humans had brought upon themselves.
What does Irenaean Theodicy say about the way the world was created?
God deliberately created the world and humans imperfectly, in order that they could develop into perfection.
Why did Irenaeus say God created us imperfectly?
God created humans with the intention of allowing them to develop.
What is the Irenaeus theodicy?
Perfection had to developed by humans themselves, and this can be achieved through willing co-operation with God.
who is Schleiermacher?
A German theologian
What did Schleiermacher say about Augustinian Theodicy?
If God created a perfectly good world then it could never go wrong.
If humans were able to choose evil, then evil must have existed in the first place.
If evil existed in the first place, then it wasn’t perfect. If the world wasn’t perfect to start with, then God is to blame for evil and suffering.
What is a criticism of Augustinian theodicy to do with the Original sin?
God is unjust in allowing humans to be punished for Adam’s sin.
What is a criticism of Augustinian theodicy to do with Hell?
The existence of Hell as a place of eternal punishment contradicts the existence of an all-loving God.
If Hell was part of the design of the universe, and God knew that the world would go wrong anyway, why did he still allow it to happen?
What is a criticism of Irenaean Theodicy to do with human development?
Suffering does not always result in positive human development.
Suffering can produce nothing but misery.
What does D.Z. Phillips say about the Irenaean Theodicy?
Love can never be expressed by allowing suffering to happen.
Wht is a quote from British theologian D.Z. Phillips in the “Concept of Prayer”?
“What are we to say of the child dying from cancer? If this has been “done”…for a purpose planned from eternity - that is the deepest evil. If God is this kind of agent, He cannot justify His actions and His evil nature is revealed.”
Who’s Richard Swinburne?
British Philosopher
Richard Swinburne contributed to…
Free Will Defence
What does Swinburne say about moral evil?
He argues that moral evil is the result of human beings having free will and being able to choose their own actions. Part of evil and suffering is therefore the result of us “misusing” our free will.
What does FWD say about Free Will?
Free will is an essential part of humanity, without which we would be mere robots. Therefore free will is important enough to be worth the risk of evil.