Abortion -Ethics Flashcards
What is the UK law on abortion?
Only allowed if 2 doctors agree that the mother’s life is at risk/ the mother’s health is at risk/ the child is very likely to be handicapped/ there would be a serious effect on other children in the family
In the UK, currently, when can an abortion not happen?
After 24 weeks because the baby could survive out the womb at this point.
Why does NML not allow abortion?
It breaks the primary precepts.
Which primary precepts does it break?
Worship God,
Ordered society,
Preservation of life
How does it break the primary precept “Worship God”?
It breaks the 10 commandments, “Do not kill”
It also goes against the Bible when it says, “You shall not abort the fruit of the womb.”
How does it break the primary precept “ordered society”?
society is known to proper when 2 family units come together and have children within the confines of marriage. Abortion prevents the extension of the family unit.
How does it break the primary precept “reproduction”
Obviously killing a fetus stops reproduction.
How does it break the primary precept “preservation of life”?
NML considers the embryo a life and therefore abortion breaks this precept.
What is an example where the primary precepts conflict when talking about abortion?
Ectopic pregnancy- this is an example of Doctrine of Double Effect
What is an ectopic pregnancy?
A complication of pregnancy in which the embryo attaches outside the uterus, in the fallopian tube. It will kill the mother if she doesn’t abort.
Why is abortion accepted when it comes to ectopic pregnancies?
If you don’t abort, then the baby and the mother will die.
The intention is important, if it is to save the mother’s life then the unintended consequence is to kill the embryo.
what does situation ethics believe about abortion?
Abortion can be right and wrong, because no action is internally right or wrong.
What can you say about abortion and pragmatism (4 working principles)?
It must work in practice. must be practical. We could suggest a rape victim bringing up the child of her rapist is impractical. So you could say the abortion is pragmatic.
What can you say about abortion and relativism (4 working principles)?
SE would disagree with NML that abortion is inherently wrong. All decisions would be relative to the situation. It could be wrong but it might not be wrong.
what can you say about abortion and personalism?
people, not rules, come first. A teenager who falls pregnant is a very vulnerable person. Bringing up a child at their age could potentially be very traumatic especially if they are inadequately supported in their family/school life. Furthermore the physical act of pregnancy and birth can be dangerous for teenagers. It is this case then is makes sense to terminate regardless of any conviction people may have about the immorality of abortion. E.g. Catholic idea that abortion is wrong based on precepts of NML, UK law stating abortion cannot take place after 24 weeks
What are some problems with applying virtue theory?
Only fragments of Aristotle’s writings were ever found so chances are we aren’t got the whole picture concerning virtue ethics.
Virtue theory does not really give us any tools to work out specific moral dilemmas.
what is the final cause of pregnancy?
although we don’t know what Aristotle would’ve said about abortion we could say
Aristotle might agree that the final cause of pregnancy is reproduction and therefore abortion would not be moral.
What could we say about abortion and virtue relativism (Aristotle)?
Aristotle agreed with virtue relativism. Each individual needs to work out their own eudaimonic life. Therefore a woman must ask can she flourish as a human being if she goes through with the act of abortion.
what could we say about abortion and Moral virtue?
We might answer that “liberality” is a British value – a British moral virtue. We value tolerance, acceptance and freedom of choice. So we therefore should give women this freedom of choice and accept the act of abortion.