Evidence Management Flashcards
What is Evidence?
▪Evidence = Information that is supplied by participants that can be used to make an assessment or determination, e.g. date of birth, income, and medical conditions.
▪Each piece of evidence is a discrete unit of information that can change over time.
Rules Engine
▪The Rules Engine runs the agency’s eligibility rules against the gathered evidence to produce a decision, for example, eligible, ineligible, or the amount of money a person is entitled to.
▪SPM facilitates a granular approach to evidence collection and maintenance. The framework allows each evidence record to have its own effective dates, e.g. each client has an associated set of evidence records, each of which can change over time.
What are an Evidence Type, Record and Object?
▪ Evidence types: represent the events and circumstances that must be captured for case assessment purposes, e.g. Income, address, expenses, employment, etc.
▪ Evidence Record: is a set of saved information that is entered for an evidence type, e.g. John had an income of £20,000 during calendar year 2013.
▪ Evidence Object: is a collection of evidence records that show how a piece of information varies over time, e.g. John’s income was 20k in 2013, 18k in 2012 and 30k in 2011.
Can evidence types have multiple objects?
▪Each evidence type can have several evidence objects that are associated with it, e.g. if a person has two jobs, two different evidence objects are stored. These objects and their corresponding records store all necessary information.
What content changes can occur to Evidence?
▪Evidence Correction: Replacement of an existing evidence record with a new evidence record in order to correct an inaccurate piece of data, such as a bank account number, or a date.
▪Change in Circumstance
When data in an evidence record changes over time due to changes in circumstance, e.g. evidence that captures a weekly income amount for a person can vary over time. If the income amount goes up or down, the caseworker records the date on which the income change occurred.
Explain Time Slices
In the above diagram, the Evidence types are Household Members, Income, Address County and Age. The evidence-change history in the example usually applies to products paid on a recurring basis. Events that change circumstances trigger changes to evidence. Examples of these events include a New Child, which changes Household Members evidence, Lose Job, which changes income evidence, Move House, which changes address evidence, or Birthday which changes Age evidence. Some products can have age cut-off points. Changes to evidence divides the case lifecycle into a series of time-slices. The effective date of each piece of evidence marks the start or end of a time-slice (the date on which a decision might change). On any specific date, each piece of evidence is either in-effect or not
Evidence Locations
- Evidence maintained in Person or Prospect Person Tab, Application Case, or Integrated and Product Delivery Case (called “Case Evidence”).
- Caseworkers view and maintain evidence on one or more of these screens, depend on system configuration and the agency’s business processes.
- Person or Prospect Person evidence is evidence configured for Persons and Prospect Persons and maintained in Person tab, e.g. DOB. System immediately applies evidence maintained in the Person tab to the Person or Prospect Person evidence. This task differs from case evidence management where the creation of new evidence, or modifications to existing evidence, cause it to become in-edit until it is applied.
- Evidence that is configured for an Application Case includes all information captured during an intake process. There is no in-edit or active state as part of evidence maintenance, because the evidence is deemed to be in an editable state until the application is authorized.
- Case evidence can be associated with a Product Delivery or an Integrated Case. Each case evidence record is associated with a Person or Prospect Person for whom the evidence relates, and with a case for which the evidence is used to determine entitlement. Once associated with an Integrated Case, it can be shared across multiple PDCs within that Integrated Case. Maintaining evidence at the Integrated Case level streamlines evidence
Verifying & Sharing Evidence:
What 2 modules are responsible for this?
▪Cúram Verification Engine is the Application Module that helps a caseworker to check the accuracy of evidence. E.g. the applicant might need to submit a passport to prove their DOB and citizenship.
▪Cúram Evidence Broker is the Application Module that can allow evidence to be shared across multiple cases. E.g. if a client has 2 cases, evidence from the first case can be shared with the second case, reducing data entry.
Managing Evidence: actions
- New–creates an In-Edit evidence record.
- Modify–modifies an existing Active or In-Edit evidence record.
- Apply Changes –Activates new and updated In-Edit evidence. –Removes or cancels active evidence that is Pending Removal.
- Discard In Edit –discards or deletes an evidence record that is In-Edit.
- Remove Active –changes Active evidence to Pending Removal.
Managing Evidence
- Evidence created or updated from the Person or Prospect Person tab is automatically activated and bypasses the In-Edit status.
- When a user updates an active evidence record on a case, the modifications are not automatically applied. Instead, a new, In-Edit evidence record is created with the modifications. The purpose of this record is to allow users to work on the evidence updates without affecting case processing, as the active evidence remains intact.
- During the Apply Changes process, the system determines whether evidence approval is required. If it is, the system notifies thecase supervisor that there are evidence changes to approve or reject. The apply evidence changes process is put on hold until the changes are approved.
- Pending Removal evidence records are still used for assessment until evidence changes are applied and the evidence records are cancelled. Cancelling an evidence record can affect eligibility and entitlement. Separating the removal and cancellation functions prevents evidence records from being cancelled in error.
Evidence Dashboard
▪To help a Caseworker locate individual evidence types, the dashboard shows evidence by category. Other available information includes whether there is any evidence in edit, verifications outstanding or issues for each evidence type.
▪Each category offers additional flexibility for a Caseworker with the following views of evidence: -The evidence types that have been configured for that category on a case.-Evidence that has been recorded for the category.
▪Evidence is displayed on the dashboard alphabetically and vertically within each category. Child evidence is shown as indented and italicized and always displays under its associated parent evidence. Child evidence types that are common to several parent records display underneath the parent with which they are associated.
▪Once an evidence type is recorded, it displays as a hyperlink on the evidence dashboard.
Name the different Evidence Lists and explain them
▪Evidence Lists are for managing evidence and evidence is displayed in the same format for each list, except Verifications and Issues. Summary information is provided for each individual evidence record for a person including the time for which the evidence is applicable, number of updates that have been recorded, and latest activity on that evidence.
▪Person Tab ▪Application Evidence ▪Evidence Type ▪Active Evidence ▪In-Edit Evidence ▪Incoming Evidence ▪Verifications ▪Issues
Person Tab
▪Person Tab: this evidence list provides Caseworkers with a view of all evidence types configured for a Person or Prospect Person. From this list, evidence records can be viewed, updated and deleted.
▪Issues: this list highlights missing info that is required before eligibility can be determined. The issues list displays the issues associated with the evidence on a case. Caseworkers can use this list to resolve issues. The rules that are configured within the Advisor determine the evidence issues.
Application Evidence
▪Application Evidence: this list provides Caseworkers with a view of all evidence in relation to a Person/Prospect on an application. From this list, evidence records can be viewed, updated and deleted. Contains the in-edit and active evidence for the application.
Evidence Type
▪Evidence Type: this list provides a central point for maintaining evidence of a particular type, displaying all evidence, verifications and issues for a single evidence type. Evidence can be viewed, deleted, discarded, and if not configured to be read-only, updated.