Evidence for plate tectonics Flashcards
Areas of South America and Africa have rocks of the same…
age and composition
You can also match up the age, rock type and distribution of some mountain ranges. For example mountains in Scotland, Norway, Sweden and Finland are similar to those on the…
east coast of North America.
These Rocks and mountains must have formed under the ____ __________and in the same place in order to match so well
same conditions
By fitting land masses together you can match up the distribution of some….
It is very unlikley that these species migrated accross thousands of miles of water or that they _______ in different places
So the fossils records surgest these places were joined when the organisms were…
The same living organisms can also be found on different continents - like with fossilised organisms it is unlikely that they…
migrated accross oceans or evolved in different places
For example earthworms of the family megascoleciade are found in ___ _______, parts of ____ and _____ _______, surgesting the continents were once joined allowing the earthworms to travel between them.
New Zealand, Asia North America
Theres evidence that the past cliamtes of some continenets were similar, despite being thousands of miles apart now. For example similar glacial deposits are found in _________, ______, _____ _______, _____, and _________.
Antartica, Africa, South America, India and Australia
By fitting these places together you can match up the distribution of the deposits, which surggests they were joined closer together and located near the….
South Pole
Large coal deposits that were formed in tropical conditions have been found in _____ _______ and parts of ______ surggesting thse regions were once closer to the equator than they are - they have drifted over time
North America and Europe
Palaeomagnetism is the study of…
the history of the aerths magnetic field.
One every ___,___ years or so the earths magnetic field reverses polarity
As magma erupts from mid ocean ridges, magnetic minerals in the molten rock align themselves with the direction of the…
earths magnetic field
The magnetic minreals in the earths crust created in periods of normal polarity (magnetic north near the north pole, south near the south pole) are aligned in the opposite direction to those created in periods of…
reverse polarity
This creates a series of alternating magnetic stripes along the sea floor. The further away you go from a mid ocean ridge the older the stipes and therefore the older the…
crust - meaning the plates are moving apart.