Evidence Based Dentistry Flashcards
Definition of risk
The chance of something happening
Definition of outcome
Something that might happen
Definition of statistics
Numbers that summarise information; based on observations of large numbers
Risk calculation
(%) = no. of events of interest / total no. of events (x100)
Odds calculation
Number of events of interest / number without event of interest
Definition of absolute risk difference (ARD)
ARD - difference in risk between groups.
Definition of value of no difference
When ARD = 0 and/or RR = 1 and/or OR = 1 and there is no risk/benefit to one group
Definition of number needed to treat (NNT)
NNT= 1/ARD - number of patients required to prevent one patient developing outcome
NNT for statins
Definition of relative risk (RR)/risk ratio
Measure of likeliness of event in one group compared to another
Relative risk calculation
Calculate risk % in Tx and control groups; divide Tx by control group
Odds ratio calculation
Odds in Tx group / control group (number of events / number with no event)
Definition of confidence interval
Range of values that a population treatment is likely to lie in
How can confidence intervals be used to identify a difference between treatment and control groups (2)
A CI that straddles/overlaps the value of no difference indicates insufficient evidence for a difference
A CI that does not overlap/straddle the value of no difference indicates sufficient evidence for a difference
A wide confidence interval may be due to
Small sample size