Evidence Based Flashcards
Numerator does not need to be a subset of the denominator
ex. ratio of men to women
diving one number by another, where the numerator is a subset of the denominator
ex. the proportion of men in a population calculated as the number of men divided by the total population
similar to ratios and proportions, rates are calculated by dividing one number by another, and additionally have a time component of the denominator
ex. the number of people who developed influenza in 2017, the birth rate per year in a population, the mortality rate per year in a population
Observation bias
the bias arises from systematic differences in the way information on exposure or disease is obtained from the study groups
occurred only after the participants have entered the study
Methods of controlling for confounding
randomization, restriction, matching, standardization, stratification, and conducting a multivariable analysis
aka repeatability
- repeated measures are close to one another but still misses the bull eye
a screening test is the ability of a test to accurately identify diseases and non-diseases individuals
Lead time bias
overestimation of survival duration attributable to earlier detection by screening than by clinical presentation
Length bias
screening is more likely to detect cases that are progressing slowly compared with those with rapid progression of disease, who manifest clinically
- slow progressing cases are usually milder and more likely to survive, leading to an overestimation of survival as a result of screening
Descriptive statistics
performed on a small subset of a population, known as a sample
- builds on descriptive statistics and allows researchers to draw conclusions on the population based on information collected from the sample
nominal variables
data are collected on the category in which the participants falls. The categories have no inherent order (ie. race)
Dichotomous variables
variables have only two possible values (i.e. exposure status: exposed or unexposed)
ordinal variables
categories have an inherent order (i.e. level of education)
Interval variable
- type of continuous variable
- have a distinct order
- lacks a true zero
(i.e. pH)
Ratio variable
- type of continuous variable
- true zero
- values of the variable act as true ratios of one another
(i.e. temperatures in kelvin)