Evidence Act 2006 Flashcards
Section 4 - Sexual case means
Sexual case means
criminal proceedings for any offence against 128-142A or 144A CA 1961
offence of a sexual nature
Section 44 - Victim reputation
no question or evidence can be put to the complainant about their sexual experience with any other person other than the defendant (except permission form judge)
still subject to propensity rule
no witness can give evidence to victims reputation
Section 87 - witness address
witness address may not be subject to question in court
Section 88 - victims occupation
restrictions to disclose complainants occupation in sexual case (unless application to judge)
Section 103(3) grounds that a witness can give evidence another way
age and maturity
physical, intellectual or impairment of witness
trauma suffered
fear of intimidation
absence from NZ
nature of proceedings
section 105 - other ways witness can give evidence
section 121 - corroborative evidence
not defined in CA 1961
to strengthen or support other evidence, or make more certain