Events #2 Flashcards
Conversion of Vladimir, Prince of Russia
- brought Christianity to Russian to unify people, spread thanks to monks
The East-West Schism
- East: Greek, marry, beards. West: Latin, added filioque, purgatory
Anselm Becomes Archbishop of Canterbury
- Bright, young, restless so joined monastery. Was exiled by greedy kings twice. Great theologian, Satisfaction theory of the Atonement. Human reason demands God, therefore He exists
Pope Urban II Launches the First Crusade
- wanted to unite Christendom together with common enemy, in reality made schism worse. Most successful crusade, increased powerof papacy
Bernard Founds the Monastery at Clairvaux
- Monasticism was corrupted, Bernard took 30 followers to new monastery. Stressed need for personal relationship with Christ, encouraged self-denial, unlikescholastics, great empasis on Mary, in the world, but not of it.
Universities of Paris and Oxford Founded
Circa 1150. Peter Abelard went into private practice of teaching students because the church couldn’t trust him. Starts 1stuniversity in Paris.
Peter Waldo Founds the Waldensians
1173.objected to the path thecatholic church was taking, $ for wife, daughters in the convent, went on mission. He and followers excumunicated for not having authority to preach. , orthodox but didn’t have approval of church. Pope Innocent III offered back to churchif submitted to authorities.warmly embraced by protestants
Francis of Assisi Renounces Wealth
- Saw Beggar/leper with face of Christ, became beggar himself to beg for others. preached gospel of love and service. set up the Franciscan Order and sought approval for it. Criticized by Luther because based on works.
The Fourth Lateral Council
1215.Innocent III claimed to be Christ’s rep on earth.Transubstantiation. Communion, confession once a ear. Greater Papal power. Jews wore badges.
Thomas Aquinas Completes Work on Summa Theologica
- wanted to be Dominican monk. idea that reason and revelation don’t contradict each other both come from God. Great theologian.
Dante Completes The Divine Comedy
- Epicman thorugh Inferno,Purgatory and Paradise. Put the Pope in hell. 3 parts, 9 tiers each.
Catherine of Siena Goes to Rome to Heal the Great Schism
- Great person, felt called to bring chirch back together. Counsel Pope Urban XI
Wycliffe Oversees English Bible Translation
- The leading scholar of his time. Follwers were the Lollards. Everyone should be allowed to read scriptures. Ex-ed 31yrs after he died
John Hus Burned at the Stake
- Followed Wycliffe’s view. emphasized bible’s role (no one could add to scripture). If pope/king/bishop sins, fired. Started Unity of the Brethren.
Johann Gutenberg Produces the First Printed Bible
- printed bible.