Evaluation of cog debate Flashcards
Is the cognitive approach determinism or free will?- Paiget
Determinism, develop interpretations through environment and social interactions
-Stereotypes through schemas
-Free will, therapy (we are changeable)
Determinism weekness?
Ideas of schemers is that we think in similar ways
Determinism SEEW paragraph?
S- one limitation of the cognitive approach
E- Things aren’t in control
E-Palget - schemers are essentially a part of development, schemers require stereotypes. Blonde= dumb
W- Weakness as the idea of schemers is that we think in similar ways
Is the cog approach reductionism or holism?
Reduces behaviour into internal mental processes, e.g. humans compared to computers, some causes behaviour to be overlooked
Reductionist strength?
Allows psychology to help explain behaviour
Reductionist weekness?
May overlook potential mental health issues
Application of cognitive approach?
The innocence project (Loftus and Palmers help) says we have unreliability for eyewitness testimony’s 69% of more than 375 wrongful convictions that were overturned by post-conviction DNA evidence
-CBT frequently used by the NHS
Strength of application?
Field of CBT helped many aspects of society from memory retrieval to an issues like mental health and law
Application SEEW para?
S- One strength of the cog approach is application
E- One application is CBT
E- Explain why its good
W- Therefore this is a strength as can help many people
Is it idiographic or nomothetic?
we process info in a similar way, Computer analogy and Atkinson and Shiffrin- multi store memory suggests we all think the same
Schemas as they seem personal but we all have them
Nomothetic weakness?
It overlooks personal factors, explaining mental health issues ignoring problems caused
Is it nature vs nurture- Paiget
Although the approach consider the infuence and external influence of behaviour
Dosent nature vs nurture in enough detail e.g. fails to consider genetics
And nurture supports nature as interal mental processes
Paiget failed to consider the influence of culture on the development of thinking within children
Weakness of nature v nurture?
Fails to recognise nature vs nurture
e.g. genetics facts approach to simplistic
Is it scientific or unscientific?
Controlled, objective and scientific method of research e.g. brain scans and lab study’s etc
Falsifiable cause and effect relationship
Strengths of scientifics?
A cog psychology research tends to be relatable it has high levels of internal validity
Scientific SEEW paragraph?
S- Another strength is that its scientific
E- An example of MRIs or brain scans
E- A strength as can cause a cause and effect relationship
W- Therefore, this is a strength as it can be easily repeated