Evaluation / Intervention for Occupational Performance Flashcards
Evaluation ADLs
measure functional performance and assistance
evaluation methods
Evaluation ADLs
Consider When Recommending Adaptive Strategies
Evaluation ADLs
Assessment of Motor and Process Skills [AMPS]
Evaluation ADLs
Barthel Index
Evaluation ADLs
Cognitive Performance Test [CPT]
Evaluation ADLs
FIM and WeeFIM
Evaluation ADLs
Katz Index of ADL
Evaluation ADLs
Kitchen Task Assessment [KTA]
Evaluation ADLs
Klein-Bell ADL Scale [K-B Scale]
Evaluation ADLs
Kohlman Evaluation of Living Skills [KELS]
Evaluation ADLs
Milwaukee Evaluation of Daily Living Skills [MEDLS]
Evaluation ADLs
Routine Task Inventory [RTI]
Evaluation ADLs
Scoreable Self-Care Evaluation
Evaluation ADLs
Test of Grocery Shopping Skills [TOGSS]
Evaluation ADLs
Sexual Expression/Activity Evaluation
evaluation guidelines
-determine if task is valued, ID obstacles
1 changes from disease/aging
2 psych/cog changes
3 judgement, impulse, decision making for safety
-partner availability
-knowledge appropriate for dev level
Intervention ADLs
modifying self-care
-supports [adaptive tech]
Intervention ADLs
adaptive equipment
toilet-grab bar, toilet safety frame
Intervention ADLs
SCI levels and self-care abilities
Intervention ADLs
increasing intervention effects
Intervention ADLs
sexual expression/activity
-asexual, less interest
-physically unattractice, burden to partner
-poor judgement for decisions
-mutual orgasm only: no mutual sim/cuddling/oral/caressing; self sim no adequate
-living in shared homed=asexual; segregate per gender, privacy not essential
-desire is inappropriate
Intervention ADLs
sexual expression/activity
P-permission [manner-of-fact in eval, inform client if not comfortable, team must eval for concerns, continue to develop]
LI-limited information [share facts, dispell myths]
SS- spec suggestions for pursuit [explore goals, strategies; activity analysis/grade/modify/simplify; non-medical for pain/stiff; alt positioning, adap equip; energy conservation for endurance; catheter care, hygiene, skin care; referral for med mgt pain/impotence/hormone]
IT-intensive therapy for relationship/sexual problems [beyond disability; referral to marriage coun/sex therapy; cert]
Intervention ADLs
for cognitive impairments [impulse, judgement] for abuse, assault, exploitation
sexual expression/activity
Intervention ADLs
sexual expression/activity
one on one counseling, therapeutic groups, educational prints
Intervention ADLs
expectations and demands
home managment
-when in supportive homes with min a/sup
-when in indep homes with expected a/sup
Intervention ADLs
adaptative equipment
home managment
Intervention ADLs
cg and family education
sexual expression/activity
-recognize inappropriate behavior is part of underlying disease
-give strategies to manage [clothing, diversions]
Evaluation Family Participation
parenting/chid care
evaluation guidelines
-ability to care for: physical/emotions
-knowledge of dev play/comm level
Intervention Family Participation
intervention guidelines
-collab for goals
-modify activity for indep, self-direction for a, elimination
-modify with external a as needed
-difficult/unsafe is eliminated
Intervention Family Participation
one-on one counseling, therapeutic groups, educational prints
Evaluation Play/Leisure
Activity Index
Evaluation Play/Leisure
Interest Checklist
Evaluation Play/Leisure
Leisure Diagnostic Battery [LBD]
Evaluation Play/Leisure
Leisure Satisfaction Questionnaire
Intervention ADLs
increasing intervention effects
home managment
train adaptive equipment/assist tech
Intervention Family Participation
parenting intervention
-refer to support groups/orgs
-education in language
-beware for abuse/neglect
-report abuse neglect exploitation
Intervention Family Participation
topical/thematic: scenario play family skills [assertive, anger mgt], effective communication, energy con/work sim/joint protection/body mech, parenting skills
Evaluation Family Participation
family interaction/participation
evaluation guidelines
-Role Checklist
-routine screening/interview [past current anticipated roles/respon/expect, obstacles for participation
-use interpreter as needed
-consider background values dynamics
-intervention for shared home dispo and role transition [staff]
Intervention Family Participation
meaningful to family role
Evaluation Play/Leisure
Meaningfulness of Activity Scale
Evaluation Play/Leisure
Minessota Leisure Time Physical Activity Questionnaire
Evaluation Play/Leisure
Play History
Evaluation Play/Leisure
Preschool Play Scale
Intervention Play/Leisure
disability results
intervention guidelines
role loss = increase leisure time
-support losses, refer to support/disability advocay groups
-renew/adapt interests
Intervention Play/Leisure
general guidelines
intervention guidelines
valued, meaningful, enjoyable = adapted, modified, simplified
Intervention Play/Leisure
assistive tech/adaptive equip
intervention guidelines
universal cuff, card holders, book hold/page turn, writing orthosis/type aids/weighted pens, head/mouth sticks, environmental control unit [ECU] for electronic equipment, adapted computer/keyboard gaurds/voice activated comp, smartphone app, speaker phone, swicth for toys
Intervention Play/Leisure
SCI levels and play/leisure activities
intervention guidelines
Intervention Play/Leisure
increase intervention affects
intervention guidelines
-thematic/topical group [parenting play]
-energy con, work simp, joint protect, body mechanics
-community/national resource [senior center, free concert, park, special olympics]
-internet/web opportunities [social network, chat rooms, gaming]
Intervention Play/Leisure
developmental considerations
Evaluation Work
prevocational assessment process
evaluation guidelines
-deficits impacting work
-interest in prevocational assess/inter
-relevant history
-prevocational intests with inventories/structured interviews
-current work related skill [structured obs of work tasks in prevo group or rehab/sheltered workshop or job sim-rating scales, checklists][standardized work-aptitude tests for strength/weak in verbal/numerical skill, behavioral/personality test for personality, attitudes, motovations, intra/inter personal strength, manual dexterity for coordination, speed, accuracy]
-able to return to previous work [ability/limits, support/barrier, reasonable accomodations]
-pre/voc training
Evaluation Work
work assessment
evaluation guidelines
-functional capacity eval [FCE] for capabilities to 1/7 dimensions
-Smith Ohysical Capactity Eval - physical capacity evaluation = demands [critical demands of job/group/competetive emplyment]
-Valpar Work Samples, BTE-work capacity eval with real/sim work for return
-job site analysis expect, suport, ergonomics, essential/margianl functionsm reasonable accomodations per ADA
Evaluation Work
work behavior skills
evaluation guidelines
Evaluation Work
OT prevocational assessment process
evaluation guidelines
Evaluation Work
General Ergonomic Risk Analysis Checklist
evaluation guidelines
Evaluation Work
Risk Analysis Checklist for Computer Workstations
evaluation guidelines
Evaluation Work
EPIC Functional Evaluation System
evaluation guidelines
Evaluation Work
Jacob’s Prevocational Assessment [JPVA]
evaluation guidelines
Evaluation Work
McCarron-Dial Systems [MDS]
evaluation guidelines
Population: 16+, neurophy/psy Dx
Focus: pre/vocational educational abilities, sociocultural disadvantages [cog/ver/spatial, sensory, motor, emo, cope/integrative/adaptive]
Method: pre-screen interview, referral, structured work samples, obs in work/classroom
Materials: 3 briefcase kits [work samples, answer sheets, behavior, reporting], 6 assessmetn tools [Peabody/Wechsler], computer program for data and documentation
Scoring: score assessments, work samples per quan/qual
NOTE: 3 day min worksop for MDS
Evaluation Work
Reading-Free Vocational Interest Inventory
evaluation guidelines
Evaluation Work
Smith Physical Capacity Evaluation
evaluation guidelines
Evaluation Work
Testing Orientation and Work Evaluation in Rehabilitation [TOWER]
evaluation guidelines
Evaluation Work
Valpar Competent Work Sample [VCWS]
evaluation guidelines
Population: adults w/o dis, or vis imp
Focus: group of skills for work tasks, basic func capabilities
Method: 23 work samples ind and 1 cooperative assembly, can be intervention
Materials: standardized equip/supplies for work sample, large equip
Scoring: quality/tie for task, Methods-Time-Measurement [MTM] for normative data to compare, 17 worker characteristics
Evaluation Work
Vocational Interest Inventory-Revised [VII-R]
evaluation guidelines
Evaluation Work
Vocational Interest Temperment Aptitude System [VITAS]
evaluation guidelines
Evaluation Work
Worker Role Interview [WRI]
evaluation guidelines
Intervention Work
general guidelines
-eval work site, adapt env/tasks for succes w essential job junctions
-feasibility to return to work
-adaptive tech/strategies/equip to compensate [smartphone app, adapted computers, typing aid, uni cuff/tenodesis splint, energy con, work simp]
-practice, modify, instruct
-work safety, injury prevention [joint protection, body mechanics]
-reasonable accommodations
-employee assisatnce program for services
-work capacity/limitations
-alt to competitive work
-thematic/topical groups [task skills for completion of work, social skills for appropriate interactions, work behaviors for sucessful experience
-pre-retirement planning for transition from
-follow-up care [counseling, support group, psysoc clubhouse]
-state services for education/training
-interventions for work related injuries [cumulative trauma CTS, low back pain]: avoid static position, repetiton, awkwards posture, forceful exertion, vibration; ergonomics
-psysoc/cog deficits [engage per func abilities rehab workshop/supportive work]
Intervention Work
ergonomics, universal design, reasonable accomodations-workstation
Intervention Work
ergonomics, universal design, reasonable accomodations-chair
Intervention Work
ergonomics, universal design, reasonable accomodations-chair
Intervention Work
work hardening program
specific work programs
-interdisciplinary approach
-real/sim work activities
-transition from acute to return to work
-address productivity, sagety, physical tolerance, worker behaviors
-Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities accreditation
Intervention Work
reasonable accomodations for recurrent functional problems among persons with psychiatric disorders
specific work programs
Intervention Work
work conditioning program
specific work programs
-1 discipline service provider
-real/sim work
-transition from acute to return to work
-flexibility, strength, movement, endurance
Intervention Work
ergonomic program
specific work programs
Intervention Work
rehabilitation/sheltered workshops, supported employment programs, transitional employment programs [TEPs]
specific work programs
DC criteria from work programs
Evaluation Rest/Sleep
-drowsy at day
Evaluation Rest/Sleep
-abiity to ID need for rest/sleep
-typical patterns/routines, intermittent/chronic insomnia [time/temporal adaptation assessments]
-obstacles to satisfaction [personal issues, work stressors, light sleeper; pathophys changes from dis, dis, aging [spasticity, chronic pain, fatigue]; PTSD hypervigilance; sociocul [night shift]]
-sleep checklists/diaries
-sleep clinic/lab referral for overnight eval
Evaluation Rest/Sleep
physician referral for evaluation
-parasomnia [narcolepsy, restless leg syndrome, sleepwalking]
-obstructive sleep apnea syndrome [OSAS] [DEADLY]
-pathophys changes
Intervention Rest/Sleep
general guidelines
client-centered, behav/env modifications
-daily pattern of relaxation [meditation, prayer, progressive muscle relaxation, visualization] /pre-sleep routines [turning off electronics, good night]: meals 2 hours before, stimulants [caffeine, nicotine, alcohol] avoided
-healthy/restorative sleep-wake paterns [consistency]
-remediate hinderences [energcy con, pain mgt]
-modify environment [soothing music, rook darkening, ear plugs, white noise, dark/cool/quiet]
Intervention Rest/Sleep
sleep restriction training
Intervention Rest/Sleep
cognitive behavioral therapy [CBT]
-reframe thought process from anxieties, hinderences to sleep
[make list of concerns to plan for next day, leave out of sleep room]