Evaluation: Addictive Personality Traits Flashcards
Research into the relationship between addictio and personality is mainly (blank).
(difficulty establishing cause and effect)
- Correlational.
Why isn’t it possible to establish a cause and effect relationship between addiction and personality?
(difficulty establishing cause and effect)
- Personality tests usually given once addiction had already been developed.
- Could be that addiction has made the person more stressed and not the other way round.
Prospective studies have provided support for the idea of an addictive personalty causing addictive behaviour. Describe Guangheng Dong et al’s 2013 research and its findings.
- Study on Chinese uni students.
- EPQ after entering uni.
- Internet addiction assessed 2 years later.
- Higher N + P scores.
- Prospective design = cause rather than effect.
What did Ruth McNamara et al (2010) find regarding rats and impulsivity when administering cocaine and heroin?
(role of personality depends on the addictive behaviour)
- More likely to self-administer cocaine but not heroin.
Paul Rozin and Caryn Stoess (1993) looked at individuals’ tendency to become addicted to a range of different activities. What did they find?
(role of personality depends on the addictive behaviour)
- There wasn’t a common pattern which suggests the type of personality involved might depend on the specific addictive behaviour being investigated.
Why is it difficult to reach a definitive conclusion about what is meant by an addictive personality?
(the myth of the addictive personality)
- Numerous traits have been linked to an addictive personality, and many traits are not unique to addiction; Eysenck also found high N + P scores in criminals.
Why did John Kerr (1996) refer to the idea of an addictive personality as one of the ‘myths of addiction’?
- There are so many traits listed that these would be typical of most individuals to some degree.
- Too simple to refer to addictive personality as a simple set of traits making someone prone to addiction - picture may in reality be more complex.