Evaluating Qualitative Research Flashcards
How might we evaluate whether a qualitative research study is any good?
Evaluate trustworthiness, methodological coherence, consolidated criteria for reporting qualitative research (COREQ), and ethics
Convincing an audience (including self) that a study is worth paying attention to and worth taking account of.
One place to start when evaluating qualitative research.
Other similar terms include rigour and validation.
Strategies can be used to support trustworthiness, rigour, or validation of a qualitative study.
What are the four aspects of trustworthiness?
Truth value
Truth Value
Confidence in the “truth” of study findings for participants
transferability of understandings that may be relevant to other contexts or other participants.
Seek to understand variability of study findings.
Findings based on participant’s meanings and experiences, not a mere function of researchers’ biases, interests, and perspectives
What are some strategies to enhance trustworthiness?
Purposeful sampling
Member check/member reflection
Rich, thick description
Researcher reflexivity
Present negative or discrepant information
Prolonged engagement
Peer debrief
Audit trail
Cross-checking findings and interpretations via multiple sources/perspectives/methods
Purposeful Sampling
Intentional recruitment of individuals that are likely to provide rich information
Member check/member reflection
Providing participants an opportunity to review and provide adjustments to data/themes
Present negative or discrepant information
Within a theme, appropriate to present data that might go against the grain
Peer Debrief
Gathering critical reflections/insights from (an)other researcher(s)
Audit Trail
Clear and detailed documentation of the research process from start to finish
What are some caution about trustworthiness?
Some similarities between aspects of trustworthiness and quantitative terminology.
Truth value = internal validity
Applicability = external validity
Consistency = reliability
Neutrality = objectivity
Methodological coherence
Alignment within a research design
-coherence between philosophical assumptions, research questions, study design, data generation, data analysis, and interpretation.
An armchair walk through can be useful
-reflect on all aspects of the study and consider alternative approaches
Consolidated Criteria for Reporting Qualitative Research (COREQ)
A 32-item checklist to evaluate qualitative research that includes important criteria about the research team, study design, and findings.
Developed by Tong, Sainsbury, and Craig (2007)
The foundation from which all evaluation should stem (for quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods research).