evaluate effectiveness of achieving ni Flashcards


national security


tiawan= prag= status quo by preventing taiwan independence
idealistic= x reunification
how= millitary coersion= missiles placed directly towards tiawan+ 950 incurisons in thier airspace in 2021
economic= eco independence china becoming tiwans #1 trade partenr = 47% of trade 15% of gdp+ increased tiawanese investment into china
starve tiawan of int space= reward of for return of recognition of blocking tiawan in int organisations
9 states swithcing allegiencis from roa to prc
dpp drops indepdence= 6% want independece leads to less int supp
scs- goal exert full sov over 9 dash line
how- mill bases in scs- isalnd building+ naval exercises
diplomatic- engagement with phil+ malaysia using trade+ in asean pressured into dropping cliams
leads to reduceing threats from other states from exercing thier power
also nullying the influence of a state such as the united states in the region by gaining access to phil and later jap during covid during the trump presidency
moreover made sure that tiawan will never seek independence however it seems that it has ultimately failed its goals of the chinese dream which is to make tiawan apart of china moreover china x taking tiawan is a source of x legitmacy for the govt

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economic pros


china are overall making progress however they are facing some very clear issues to bypass in order to achieve the ni of eco pros
for example the eco has slowed majorly since the start of covid where china have been aiming for 10 percent growth however this has now slowed to 6 percent however in terms where they are in terms the rest of the world they are majorly ahead
the belt and road iniative is a way that china is trying to acheive ni
some see it as debt trap diplomacy where they are lending states money in order to fund their development and their infrustructure hw crippled many states with debt to where they could x pay back hence in the case of sri lanka china would get a port as sri lanka could x pay back
moreover higher levels of debt in china and overall the global eco slowing has caused issues for china in terms of its eco pros
moreover china is facing demograhic issue as well with the chinese public getting older hence x being able to work, the politcal issues that china faces= x demo and the rise of the middle class are also causing issues
china in the region wanting to claim that the nine dash line is legitamte so they can cliam the natural resocues around the area even going to the extent of putting the 9 dash line on their passport
however the aiib aims to draw states away from the imf and to the aiib which has less strings attached compared to the imf
how= china does aim to have eco pros through trade where it is number one for many states across the globe where it aims to be a regional hegemony+ having high tech in which it moves from a manufactor eco to a consumer eco

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regional relationships


chinas aim is to be a presence in the region whilst having a preaceful rise to power in which invlovles x wars
however their aim is to be a regional hegemony in which involves tiawan, scs and the east china see this can be seen with the 9 dash line where china claims the eco zone around the scs in which violates int law as it is int waters ans goes against unclos hw china with trade deal with phill able to egt this claims dropped in sasean in 2016 after trade deal
+ due to trade deal with those in the region ie phill they were able to curve the influence of he united states as phill ordered within two years that us troops need to exit phil hw a lack of power as this never ended up occuring even during the presidency of trump where china seeked to become a world leader.
a further attempt to gain the support form another in the region is with japan who est talks for the first time since abe was prime minister and jap started to move away from the us hw jap since announce mill improvemnt to comabt china hw jap statement does x emntion china by name
in sk 2002 china became sk number one trading partner amd in 2015 sk signed 2015 fta worth over 300bill and had the removal of over 5000 tarrifs
=tryinng to sway x trad neigbours in the region in order to try gain regional hegemony
+ pacific islands+bri building projects+ mill presence> challenge us in the region

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international standing


china often uses defensive tactis ehen confronted on the int stage hence using wolf warrior diplomacy where is chinese officals on twiter and other platforms spread their message in order to gain attention and to critises what a particular state has done= neg rep
china despite seeking a regional hegomony is not seeking a int hegemony
china sees its provison of aid as something that should increase its int tanding thsi sibce china in its eyes according to the chinese dream anyway wants to be fully developed by 2049 hence is not a fully developed state. and since china in the regiona nd across the world donates a lot more in comparison to the us and aus china sees itself as a leader in terms of aid as itself is a developing state hence a developing state helping another state develop will increase int standing hw there is the image across thw world that china uses aid in aneg way such as the bri and handing money to island nations in the pacific in which have been proven to be corrupt in nature and are to the politicans benefit in which china has paid up too 700k to certain inividuals i order to get their a vote over the line and houses for politcians. morover has used its cultural power in order to increase its int standing such as using CI by doing this it will hopefully entice more students to study in china by learning their culture and their langauge with 14 CIs in australia been set up with one being in melbourne uni hw x int standing as boycotts across the world over fears of what it was teaching and items things such as tiawan tibet and xingang being off limist during classes hence in nsw it was banned and across the globe in such places such as am it has also being banned in certain places

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