European Nationalism Flashcards
Otto Von Bismarck
Prime minister of Prussia
Transformed a collection of small German states into the German empire
Highest Official
Politics based on needs of the state
Battle for civilization
What reforms did Alexander II Make?
Emancipated the serfs
Austro-Prussia War
Lasted 7 weeks
Prussia annexed/took control of other North German States
William II
Promoted Social Welfare
Took Divine Right approach
Social Welfare
Programs provided by the state for the benefit of its citizens
Franz Joseph
Moderate Hungarian leader
Helped work out a compromise that created a new political power known as the Dual Monarchy of Austria-Hungary
Dual Monarchy
Two separate states
Each had a constitution and parliament
Francis Joseph of Austria ruled both
Emperor of Austria and King of Hungary
Shared ministries of finance, defense, and foreign affairs
Alexander II
moved towards reform, but is eventually assassinated
Exposed Russia’s backwardness
Emancipation of the serfs
Didn’t fix the problems he hopes
Failure to make change, combined with renewed gov’t suppression, sparked anger among radicals
violent mob attacks on Jewish people
Congress of Vienna
believed that an independent German state would require the dismantling of other established govt’s
Union in Germany
Made trade easier between German States
German Unification
Established under the leadership of Prussia
Happened in 1817 and was set to unite all german states into one
Italian Unification
Established in 1861
AKA Risorgimento
Led by Giuseppe Garibaldi
Nationalism in Europe
Shaped Political Landscapes
Formed new countries
Reformed old countries
Lots of Nationalist movements
Failing Empires
Ottoman Empire
Russian Empire
Austro-Hungarian Empire
Caused by demand for self-determination
Struggled to maintain stability
Dissolved after WWI
Multi-Ethnic Empire