Europe: the Middle Ages and the Renaissance Flashcards
From the fall of the Western Roman Empire to the rise of Italian city-states, this deck traces European history through the Middle Ages and the Renaissance.
Middle Ages
The Middle Ages refers to European civilization from the fall of Rome in 476 to the rise of more modern nations beginning in the 1500s.
During the Middle Ages, political power throughout Europe was decentralized, with many small states and little political unity.
What is feudalism?
In a feudal system, a ruler provides land (known as a fief) to a vassal. In turn, the vassal provides the ruler military service and loyalty. To farm the land, peasants known as serfs were used.
The concept of _____ governed the conduct of the nobility during the Middle Ages.
As Christian warriors, noble knights were to follow chivalry’s code of virtuous conduct in religion, battle, social conduct, and romance.
Chivalrous examples, such as King Arthur, Tristan, and Parsifal, provided examples of how knights were to behave.
What duty did nobles owe to their sovereign in feudal societies during the Middle Ages?
Although given primary control over their fiefs, nobles owed military service to the ruler who’d given them the fiefs. Nobles provided an army of foot soldiers to their ruler, but they also served in a force of armored cavalry, known as knights.
In fedual societies, serfs were peasants who farmed noble fiefs. Although not technically slaves, serfs were not free and were bound to the land that they farmed.
Although the Middle Ages were dominated by decentralization and small states, one institution bound Central and Western Europe together politically and culturally. What was it?
The Christian faith, directed by the Catholic Church, was one of the few unifying forces in Central and Western Europe. The Church was a powerful political force, and the head of the Catholic Church (the Pope) exercised a great deal of temporal authority over the princes and kings of Europe through his spiritual authority.
Who were the Franks?
The Franks were a Germanic tribe that conquered Gaul (modern-day France). In 500, Clovis, the king of the Franks, converted to Christianity.
What was the result of the Battle of Tours in 732?
Having already conquered Spain, the Umayyad Muslims began marching into France. At the Battle of Tours, the Franks halted the Muslim advance. Spain became the furthest outreach of Islam and the remainder of Western Europe remained Catholic.
Which king proved the most powerful of the Carolingian Dynasty?
The Frankish king Charlemagne, the second king of the Carolingian Empire, was the most powerful. He allied the Empire with the Church and was crowned the Holy Roman Emperor in 800. Charlemagne successfully defended his empire from attacks by the Vikings, Muslims, and various barbarians.
From the 800s to the 1100s, the _____ raided and conquered coastal lands throughout Europe.
The Vikings contributed to the rise of centralized nations in Europe as local forces coalesced to repel Viking raids. The Vikings ranged as far south as Constantinople and North Africa and even established kingdoms in Sicily.
Who were the Normans?
The Normans were the descendants of Vikings who’d settled in northwestern France. In 1066, Normans led by William the Conqueror invaded England and established French-style feudalism.
What document, signed by King John in 1215, gave English nobles rights such as a trial by jury and due process under the law?
The Magna Carta extended rights to the English nobles and acted as a check on the power of the King. In the later 1200s, English nobles gained the right to form a Parliament, which would pass laws to govern England.
How did the European monarchs respond to a request for help by the Byzantine Empire in 1095?
In 1095, claiming the Seljuk Turks were desecrating the Holy Land, the Byzantine Empire requested assistance from Pope Urban II and the European monarchs.
At the Council of Clermont, the Pope organized a military effort (termed a “Crusade”) to retake Jerusalem. By the summer of 1099, Jerusalem had been retaken and its Muslim and Jewish inhabitants slaughtered. In the First Crusade’s wake, four Christian kingdoms were established in the Middle East.
The First Crusade had captured Jerusalem. How did later crusades fare?
Most later crusades fared miserably, and some did not even make it as far as the Holy Land. By 1186, Jerusalem had been recaptured, and by 1291 the last of the Christian kingdoms in the Middle East had fallen.
Crusades became a generic term for Papally authorized military actions against non-Catholics, and were not only launched against Muslims - Popes announced crusades against dissenting Christians in Spain, the Baltic region, and in France.
What were the results of the Crusades?
The Crusades led to an increased interaction with the Muslim world and a significant worsening of the relationship between the two sides. There was, however, increased trade with Muslim merchants and an increase in European demand for the Asian goods to which Europeans had been exposed during the Crusades.
What caused the bubonic plague, which ravaged Europe in the mid-1300s?
Bubonic plague was a bacteria carried into Europe by fleas that lived on black rats. The Black Death, as the plague was called, killed at least a third of Europe’s population.
Why did the Black Death spread so rapidly and kill so many Europeans?
European cities were ideal centers for the disease. They were filthy, with poor sanitation. Even the wealthy lived in cramped quarters and hygiene was unknown. Although rural populations suffered as well, the death toll in the cities was catastrophic.
What act caused the Hundred Years’ War in 1337?
In addition to being the King of England, Edward III was the Duke of Normandy and, as such, was required to pay homage to Philip VI of France. Edward III refused to do so, and the French king confiscated Edward’s lands in Aquitaine.
How did Edward III respond to Philip VI’s confiscation of his lands in Aquitaine?
Edward III declared himself the legal king of France (a claim with some backing in dynastic law) and dispatched an army to France, starting the Hundred Years’ War. Initially, the English were successful with victories at Crecy (1346), Poitiers (1356), and Agincourt (1415).
The Hundred Years’ War is a term coined by historians to describe the conflict that raged off and on between France and England from 1337 to 1453.
In 1429, the French defeated English forces laying siege to the town of Orleans. Who led the French forces?
Joan of Arc, a French peasant girl who claimed she spoke with God, led the French. The victory strengthened the French cause and proved the turning point in the Hundred Years’ War.
How did Joan of Arc die?
Burgundy, an English ally located in the northeast of modern-day France, captured Joan and turned her over to the English, who burned her at the stake as a witch. After Joan’s death, English fortunes plummeted, and they were steadily driven towards the English channel.
Historians date the end of the Hundred Years’ War to 1453, although peace was not formally declared until 20 years later. Who won the war?
Victory in the Hundred Years’ War belonged to the French, who conquered all of the English possessions in modern-day France except for Calais on the French coast.
Some 20 years later, the French defeated Burgundy’s forces at the Battle of Nancy, and France emerged as a strong monarchical state with a centralized government.
How did the English kings meet the expense of the Hundred Years’ War?
In England, the King had to ask Parliament for taxes to fund the conflict. Throughout the War, Parliament reserved to itself the power to debate taxes and required the King to continually request funds. Parliament’s taxing power proved a check on any absolutist ambitions harbored by English monarchs.
How did the French kings meet the expense of the Hundred Years’ War?
In France, the King convinced France’s legislative assembly, the Estates General, to authorize the King to collect a tax on land (taille) and a tax on salt (the gabelle). The French nobility and clergy supported the taxes because they were exempt from the tax.
The tax revenue ensured that the French Kings were not beholden to the Estates General, and they quickly became absolute monarchs. As Louis XIV expressed it, “I am the State.”