Europe Medival Flashcards
What were the invasions
In the south-Muslim
East-Mayans (Hungary)
North-Vikings (invade up the rivers)
What was the German feudal influence
Vassal-gave alliance-warriors
What was the important feudal invention
Stirrup-Knights-700 years
Money-training (tournaments)
What were the feudal levels
They all have land (little trade) food-shelter-protection
No mobility-class
What is the feudal system
Manor/castle (moats)
Fief-land that was given
Feudal contract-so many days of battle (40 days)
Payments-serfs rent
Grow crops for themselves- for the Lord’s land
Why was there chaos
Franks (Carolingian) empire falling apart
What is chivalry
The code for Knights Protect the defenseless Fought for glory only POWs treat like honored guests Honor-aristocratic women Days of the week- fight on certain days
What were the roles of women
Submission to their husbands Power-ran the estates Eleanor of Aquitan Louis 6 of France -15 yrs Henry of Normandy-king of England
What was the Norman conquest
France/Vikings-invade England-Anglo-Saxon
1066-William the conqueror-battle of Hastings
Domesday book-census for tax purposes
Who was Henry 2
King of England
Royal courts
Common laws
Trouble with church-Thomas A Beckett murdering
Archbishop of Canterbury
Church is the power in England
What did king John do
Signed the Magna Carta
Put limits on king’s power
What did Edward 1 do
Made parliament-house of loss and house of commoners-nobles and town leaders-church leaders
Both helped in law making
What did high Capet do in 897
Paris- il de Paris
Very little power at all
Who was Philip 2 Augustus 1180-1223
Emperor of “Rome”
Who was Louis IX
“Saint”-power of church
What did Philip the fair do in 1285-1314
3 estates ---------------- Church Nobles All helped in law making Town