Europe Flashcards
Who established one of the many Germanic Kingdoms that replaced the unifying force of the Roman Empire in Western Europe
What was the social structure?
Powerful lords (dukes and counts)
The vassals of the vassals
Who held the largest fiefs?
Powerful lords (dukes and counts)
Some vassals had many lords, how would he solve a problem where both demanded his aid?
He usually if a liege lord who he owes his first loyalty
Many nobles began training in boyhood for a future occupation as a _________.
Ir mounted warrior
What happened to a boy at the age of 7?
Slated to become a night
Sent away to the castle of his father’s lord
Learned to ride and fight
Learned to keep his armor and weapons in good condition
Punishment was an angry blow or severe beating
Was screening for a new knight public or private?
Describe the lords, monarchs and nobals stronger homes
Stone castles High walls Towers Drawbridges over wide moats Knights who defended them, lived there's
What did the women do when their husband was off fighting?
Supervised vassals Managed household Preformed agricultural tasks Medical tasks Might go to war to defend estate Few took hand on politics
What did Eleanor of Aquitaine do?
Was leading force in European politics for more than 50 years
Land usually passed to the eldest _______________ in the family
What did women inherit and when
Sometimes fiefs
Frequently received land as part of her dowry, and fierce marriage negotiations swirled around an unmarried or widowed heiress.
A widow retained her land
Before her planned marriage, a young woman was expected to know what?
How to spin and weave and how to supervise servants
Few learned to read and write
What was chivalry
A code of conduct which required knights to be brave, loyal, and true to their word
Dictated that knights protect the weak
If not always in practice, Placed women in a pedestal
Wandering musicians, sang about the deeds of Knights and their devotion to their lady loves
Heart of the feudal economy, lord’s estate
Most peasants were __________
Not slaves who could be bought and sold
Not free
Could not leave manor without lords permission
What was the only way that medieval Christians showed their devotion to faith?
Most important achievement for church
Converting to Christianity in Western Europe
Who sent st. Augustine to convert the Anglo-Saxons in England
Pope Gregory 1
Sacred rites of the church
Christians believed that participation in the sacraments would what
Lead them to salvation, or everlasting life with God
Bible was in _______ only (language)
Church was often the largest public building in a village. T or F
Later built _______ churches instead of ________ wooden
Stone, wooden
What were pilgrimages
Religious journeys
Bishops managed what
Cathedrals, larger churches
Churches taught that women and men were _________ before God
But on earth, women were viewed as___________
Weak and easily led to sin
Some men and women withdrew from worldly life to the monastic life. They became ___________
Monks and nuns
What did the monasteries and cove ta do vote their entire lives to
Spiritual goal
A monk who organized the monastery of Monte Cassini in central Italy
Created rules to regulate monastic life
Rules that regulated monastic life
Benedictine rule
What were the tree vows of the Benedictine rule
- Obedience to the abbot or abbess who headed the monastery or convent
- Poverty
- Chastity or purity
What did monasteries and convents do
Provided basic health and education service
Looked after the poor and sick and set up schools for children
Have food and lodging to travelers
Kept learning alive with libraries
Some monks and nuns became what and did what
Missionaries and spread Christianity
Women could not become priests, but the did enter ___
Who composed religious music and wrote books on many subjects and popes and rulers sought her advice
Abbess Hildergard of Bingen
Church heir archly carved what kind of position in Western Europe
Controlled the spiritual life of Christians
Geadually became the most powerful secular force in medieval Europe
Meaning worldly
Medieval popes eventually claimed _______
Papal supremacy, authority over all secular rulers including King and emperors
To avoid tortures of hell, what would one have to do
To good works
Believe in Jesus as the son of God
Participate in the sacraments
Canon laws
The church’s own body of laws
Governed many aspects of live (including wills, marriage, and morals)
Anyone who disobeyed church law faced a range of penalties. The most severe and terrifying was
Could not receive the sacraments or a Christian burial which condemned them to hell for eternity
An order excluding an entire town, region, or kingdom from receiving most sacraments and Christian burial
a powerful noble who opposed the church could face the
Interdict (an order excluding an entire town region, or kingdom from receiving most sacraments and Christian burial)
Periods of temporary peach from church
Truce of God
What traditions blended creating new civilization
Greco-Roman, Germanic and Christian
Germanic tribes that conquered pats of Roman Empire
Goths, vandals, Saxons, and Frank’s
What did Clovis do
Conquered former Roman prince of Gaul
Converted to Christianity
Gained people of Gauls support
Gained ally with pope
Islam religion emerged in
Battle of tours
Muslims v Christians
Christians won
Muslims went no further
Charlemagne was king of
The Franks
Built empire across where
France Germany and Italy
Who did he right
Muslims in Spain, Saxons in north, auors and slavs in east, and lamards in Italy
Who asked Charlemagne for help
Missionaries converted many who to Christianity for Charlemagne
Saxons and Slavs
What’s charlemagnes legacy he left behind
Extended Christian civilization
Blended Germanic, Rkman, and Christian traditions
Set up strong efficient govs
New wave of nomadic people that settled in Hungary
Overran Europe Germany and parts of France and Italy
After 50’years pushed back to Hungary
What did Vikings do
Broke unity of Charlemagnes empire
Looting and burning communities along coasts and rivers of Europe
Set up short lived colony in North America
Opened trade routes
Mixed with local pop
Women in churches
Church offered a view of the ideal woman in Mary, church believed was the modest and pure mother of Jesus.
Church tried to protect women by setting minimum age for marriage
Punish men for hurting wives
Yet church often punished women more harshly than men die similar offenses
Relationship with Jews and Christians
In some parts of Europe, Christians and Jews lived side by side in relative peace
Christian communities taxed Jews heavily
Christians disliked Jews more as time went on
Blame Jews for anything
Little interaction
Soon Jews could not own land
Middle class
Merchants, traders, artisans
Merchants and bankers made profit for usury (lending money at interest) which was thought to be
Merchants and artisans formed associations called
Dominated town life
Passed laws
Levying taxes
Decided whether to spend funds to pave streets with cobblestones or make improvements
Merchant guilds
Artisan guilds
Organized craft guilds
Each guild represented workers in one
Poet, teacher, went to charlemagnes school, introduced traditions of Anglo-Saxon; knew Charlemagne
Conquered Gaul
Leif erikson
Discovered America in 1000s
Made temporary civilizatio
Europe’s natural resources
Soil, timber, lumber