What are the boundaries of EU Rule-Making
- Principal of Conferral (competence not conferred in Eu treaties remain with Eu MS)
- Exclusive,shared and supporting competences
- Explicit, implicit and subsidiary powers
- Subsidiarity and proportionality
- Primacy of EU law (if conflict)
What is the Primary Law
Entirety of Eu treaties with charter of fundamental rights of the European Union
What is the Secondary Law
Chief instruments that the EU institutions have at their disposal to shape the EU’S legislative system, within boundaries of EU rule making
What are the 4 instruments of the EU Secondary Law ? Describe them
1- Legislative Act (regulation-directive (MS choose how)-decision (legislative (ep and council) of not (generally like act)
2- Non Legislative Act (Delegated act (EP and council ensure law updated to reflect dec in sector) or implementing act (EP and council ensure law implemented properly)
3- Non-binding instruments (recommendation-opinion
4- Acts that are not legal (does not imply legal commitment) (interinstitutional agreement - resolution - declaration (interpretation of decision)- action program (Eu comission and council) )
What are the OLP 2 procedures
Ordinary Legislative Procedure
- most commonly used procedure in EU to adopt legislation
Consultation procedure : same as OLP procedure but only council can amend or adopt proposal - they need to consult parliament but only opinion)
Consent procedure : Ep needs to give consent to council amend or adopt of eu comission proposal. Usually for ratification of international agreement)