ethnicity and crime Flashcards
trends :
black people make up ___% of the population but __%of the prison population
black people make up3% of the population but 13% of the prison populatio
trends :
asian people make up __% of the population but __% of the prison popualtion
asian people make up 6.9% of the population but 8% of the prison popualtion
alternative sources of data - victim surveys AO1
such as Crime Survey for England and Wales
ask individuals to say what crimes they have been victims of.
ask them to identify the ethnicity of the person who committed the crime against them
show crime is intra-ethnic - takes place within rather than between ethnic groups
alternative sources of data - victim surveys AO3 - memory
rely on the victims’ memory of events. evidence suggests white victims may over-identify black suspects saying the offender was black even if theyre not sure
alternative sources of data - victim surveys AO3 - limited application
only cover personal crimes which make up only 1/5 of all crimes
exlcudes crimes by and against organisations so they tell us nothing about the ethnicity of white collar and corporate crimes
alternative sources of data self-report studies AO1
ask individuals to disclose their own dishonest and violent behaviour
alternative sources of data self-report studies AO2
sample of 2,500 people
white and black rates of offending were very similar 44% and 43% but indian 30%, pakistani 28% rates were much lower
alternative sources of data self-report studies AO3 - challenge stereotypes
findings of self-report studies challenge the stereotype of black people as more likely than white people to offend
alternative sources of data self-report studies AO3 - inconsistent
evidence is inconsistent
ethicity and the criminal justice system: the stages - 1. policing
- policing
oppressive policing of minorities
ethicity and the criminal justice system: the stages - 2. stop and serach
police can use the power if there is reasonable suspicion.
only a small proportion of stops results in arrests
under the terrorism act, police can stop and search whether or not they have reasonable suspicion = Asians more likely to be stopped
minority ethnic groups more likely to think they’re over-policed and under-protected
blacks 4x more likely to have force used against them
ethicity and the criminal justice system: the stages - 2. stop and search AO2
compared with white people, black people 9x more likely to be stopped and searched and asians 2x more likely
ethnicity and the criminal justice system: the stages - explaining stop and search patterns - police racism
police racism:
AO2 study: Stephen Lawrence
institutional racism within the metro police
many officers hold negative stereotypes about minority ethnic groups leading to deliberately targeting of stop and search
ethnicity and the criminal justice system: the stages - explaining stop and search patterns - demographic factors
. minority ethnic groups are over represented in the groups who are more likely to be stopped such as the young, unemployed, manual workers
more likely to be stopped regardless of ethnicity
ethnicity and the criminal justice system: the stages - arrests and cautions
arrest rate for black was over 3x the rate as white people
black and asian less likely to receive a caution than white