Ethnicity Flashcards
What percentage of white boys on free school meals gained 5 GCSEs A*-C?
What are the three aspects of cultural deprivation?
Intellectual and linguistic skills
Attitudes and values
Family structure and parental support
How are intellectual and linguistic skills a major cause of underachievement for minority children?
Children from low income black families lack intellectual stimulation and enriching experiences = poorly equipped for school without reasoning and problem solving skills
Why has the concern that children who do not speak English at home do worse in education been disregarded as a major factor?
Not much difference in grades. Miriam notes that Indian children do very well despite not having English as their home language.
Why do cultural dep theorists see lack of motivation as a major cause of the failure of many black children?
Some black children are socialised into a subculture that instils a fatalistic attitude that does not value education and leaves the, unequipped for success.
What does Daniel Moynihan argue about black families often headed by a lone mother?
Their children are deprived of adequate care because she has to struggle financially. Boys lack adequate role model of male achievement. Moynihan sees CD as a cycle where inadequately socialised children from unstable families go on to fail at school and become inadequate parents themselves.
What New Right sociologist argued that high rates of lone parenthood lead to underachievement in minority children?
Charles Murray
How did Ken Pryce compare Asian and black pupils levels of achievement?
Asians are higher achievers because their culture is more resistant to racism which them a greater sense of self worth. Asian family structures were not destroyed by colonial rule.
Black Caribbean culture is less cohesive and resistant to racism. The experience of slavery was culturally devastating for blacks. They lost their language, religion and entire family structure. =low self esteem and underachievement
Why does Tony Sewell argue that an absence of ‘tough love’ and black peer pressure leads to underachievement?
Argues that it is not the absence of fathers as a role model that makes children underachievement but a lack of ‘tough love’. This results in them finding it hard to overcome the emotional and behavioural difficulties of adolescence. Fatherless boys use street gangs to give them ‘perverse loyalty and love’. Media inspired role model of anti school black masculinity, reinforced through rap lyrics and MTV.
Many are thus subject to powerful anti school peer pressure. Speaking in standard English and doing well in school were often seen as ‘selling out’ to the white establishment.
Sewell argues blacks do worse than Asians because while one s being nurtured by MTV, the other is spending hours on education.
Why do critical race theorists such as Gillborn criticise Sewell’s theory?
It is not peer pressure but institutional racism within the education system itself that produces underachievement.
Why do Asian pupils do well?
Supportive families, ‘Asian work ethic’, high value on education. Adult authority in families is similar to that in schools.
Why did Luton argue that white wc boys underachieved?
Teachers blamed white wc schools poorer discipline on parental support and the negative attitude parents had towards education. By contrast, ethnic minority parents saw education as a ‘way up in society’.
Why does Driver criticise the CD theorists?
Ignores positive effects of ethnicity on achievement. The black Caribbean family provides girls with positive role models of strong independent women. This is why they do better in school.
Why is pryce criticised?
Black children do not fail because their culture is weak and they lack self esteem but because of racism.
How does Keddie criticise CD theorists?
Not culturally deprived, culturally different.
Why do sociologists criticise compensatory education?
They see it as an attempt to impose the dominant white culture on children who already have a coherent culture of their own.
What are the alternatives proposed to compensatory education?
Multicultural education- a policy that recognises and values minority cultures and includes them in the curriculum.
Anti-racist education- a policy that challenges the prejudice and discrimination that exists in schools and the wider society.
What did palmer find about ethnic minority children?
Almost half of all ethnic minority children live in low-income households, as against a quarter of white children.
Why are ethnic minorities at greater risk of material deprivation?
In Muslim households some are prevented from working outside the home.
Lack of language skills and foreign qualifications not recognised by uk employers.
Racial discrimination in the labour market.
What statistic shows that class does not override ethnicity?
86% of Chinese girls on free school meals got 5 GCSEs but only 65% of white girls who were not receiving free school meals.
What did Gillborn and Mirza find on a black pupil’s entry to primary school and how does it challenge CD theorists?
Black children were found in one school to be the highest achievers on entry to primary school but by GCSE they had the worst results of any ethnic group.
This challenges CD theorist assumption that black children enter school unprepared.
What did Gillborn and Youdell find about discipline?
Teachers were quicker to discipline black pupils than others for the same behaviour. This is the result of teachers’ ‘radicalised expectations’. Teachers expect more discipline problems and so misinterpret their behaviour as threatening. The pupils respond negatively to this which leads to more conflict. Black pupils felt underestimated and picked on.
Conflict stems from racial stereotypes not from actual behaviour.
There is a higher level of…
…exclusions of black boys, ‘internal exclusions’ and being placed in pupil referral units
How does the A-C economy effect black pupils?
Teacher’s stereotypes of of black pupils as badly behaved leads to being streamed into a low set = self fulfilling prophecy
How did Wright find Asian can pupils be the victims of teacher’s labelling?
Teachers held ethnocentric views. Teachers assumed they would have a poor grasp of English and left them out of discussions. Used simplistic language when speaking to them.
Students felt isolated when teachers expressed disapproval of their customs and mispronounced their names. Marginalised.
What are Archer’s three pupil identities constructed by the dominant discourse? (Way of seeing something)
The ideal pupil- white, mc, masculine identity, normal sexuality. Achieving through natural ability.
The pathologists pupil- Asian, ‘deserving poor’, feminised identity, asexual or oppressed sexuality, conformist who succeeds through hard work rather than ability.
The demonised pupil- black or white, wc, hyper sexualised. Unintelligent, peer led, culturally deprived underachiever.
What did Mary Fuller find in her study of year 11 black girls in a London comprehensive school in 1984?
Untypical group because they were high achievers. She found how, instead of accepting negative stereotypes, they channelled their anger into educational success. They did not seek approval of teachers who they regarded as racist. They did not hang out with other high achievers but with black girls in lower streams. They conformed only as far as the schoolwork was concerned. Showed a deliberate lack of school routines. Relied on impartiality of examiners. Avoids ridicule of anti school black boys. Maintained a positive image.
What did Mary Fuller’s study highlight?
Pupils can still succeed even when they refuse to conform.
Negative labelling does not always lead to failure. Self refuting prophecy.
What did Mirza find when studying ambitious black girls?
Racist teachers discouraged black pupils from being ambitious through careers advice and option choices.
Much of the girls time at school was spent trying to avoid teacher’s negative effects. They were selective about which staff to ask for help; got on with their schoolwork without taking part and not choosing options with racist attitudes.
These strategies put them at a disadvantage by restricting their opportunities. They were unsuccessful.
What are the three main types of teacher racism according to Mirza?
The colour blind- teachers who believe all pupils are equal but in practise allow racism to go unchallenged.
The liberal chauvinists- teachers who believe black pupils are culturally deprived and who have low expectations of them.
The overt racists- teachers who believe blacks are inferior and actively discriminate
What are the four responses of racist stereotyping by teachers according to Sewell?
The rebels- most visible and influential. Small minority of black pupils. Often excluded. Rejected goals and rules of the school. Anti authority, anti school. Believed in their own superiority based on the idea that black masculinity equates to sexual experience and virility. White boys- effeminate, dismissed black conforming boys. Teachers tend to see all black boys as rebels.
The conformists- largest group. Keen to succeed, accepted goals, friends from other ethnic groups. Not part of a subculture.
The retreatists- tiny minority of isolated individuals who were discounted from school and subcultures. Despised by rebels.
The innovators- pro education but anti school. Valued success but did not look for teacher approval. Maintained credibility by all.
How is labelling criticised?
Danger of seeing these stereotypes as simply the product of individual teachers’ prejudices rather than racism in the education system as a whole.
Assumes once labelled, pupils fall victim of self fulfilling prophecy.
What is the critical race theory?
Sees racism as an ingrained feature of society. Involves institutional racism.for CR theorists, institutional racism is a ‘locked in inequality’. The scale of historical discrimination is so large that there no longer needs to be any conscious intent to discriminate, it becomes self perpetuating.
How does marketisation lead to stereotyping influencing decisions about school admissions?
Gives schools a bigger scope to select pupils.
What did The Commission for Race Equality report find?
Racism in school admissions procedures mean that EM kids are more likely to end up in unpopular schools because-
Stereotypical reports from primary schools
Racist bias in interviews
Lack of information and application forms in other languages
EM parents unaware of waiting list system and deadlines.
What examples are there of the ethnocentric school system?
Languages, literature and music- ignores non European
History- Ball criticises the national curriculum for ignoring ethnic diversity. Tries to recreate ‘mythical age of empire and past glories’.
How does the ethnocentric curriculum produce underachievement?
History talks about bringing civilisation to the primitive people the colonised- lowers black self esteem.
Although can be argued that Asian culture is not mentioned but they still succeed.
What did Tikly find about exam tiers?
Blacks were more likely to be entered into lower tiers in exams because they were put in lower sets. This means they can only achieve up to a C.
What is the new IQism?
Gillborn argues that teachers and policy makers make assumptions about students potential. They see potential as a set quality that can be easily measured. Once put into a stream according to their IQ test they do not need to be measured again.
Criticism of Gillborn’s institutional racism
Sewell argues that although racism is present in school, it is not powerful enough to prevent pupils from succeeding.
Asians overachieve so IR cannot be true?
Gillborn responds by saying that the view that Asians are ‘model minorities’ makes school seem more meritocratic and hides IR.