What are the key names for ethnic inequality patterns and trends in work and employment?
ONS, Wood et al, Dodd, Davidson
What did ONS find about ethnic inequalities in work and employment?
Proportion of men aged 16-64 who were unemployed was highest in the Other Black (17%), White and Black Caribbean (16%) and Caribbean (15%) ethnic groups. For women, it was highest for Black African (12%), White and Black Caribbean (11%) and Other Black (11%) groups
Highest rates of unemployment for women were in the Arab (64%), Bangladeshi (61%), Pakistani (60%) and Gypsy or Irish Traveller (60%) ethnic groups
What did Wood et al find about ethnic inequalities in work and employment?
Discrimination in favour of white names over equivalent applications from candidates from a number of ethnic groups was 29%
Standardised application forms used in 79% of public sector applications
6% used in private sectors - unfair practices
What did Dodd find about ethnic inequalities in work and employment?
Many Muslim women remove him and of make names sound English to beat discrimination in the labour market
Employers attitudes worsened when they realised women with European-sounding names were Black
Black and Asian women complained of being asked during job interviews about their plans for marriage and having children
What did Davidson argue about ethnic inequalities in work and employment?
“Concrete ceiling” - describes the embedded discrimination that prevents ethnic minority women being promoted
White women may face a “glass ceiling” which obstructs their journey to highest levels of professions, women from ethnic minorities suffer more
White women can break through the “glass ceiling” but the “concrete ceiling” is impenetrable
What key names are there for ethnic inequality patterns and trends in income and wealth?
ONS, Joseph Rowntree Foundation, The National Equality Panel, Rowlingson and McKay
What did ONS find about ethnic inequalities in income and wealth?
⅖ of people from ethnic minorities live in low-income households, twice the rate than for white people
What did the Joseph Rowntree Foundation find about ethnic inequalities in income and wealth?
Ethnic minorities have lower earning than comparable White groups, with large earning differential experienced by Black African, Pakistani and Bangladeshi groups
Men from each ethnic minority earn at least 10% less than the White group with Black African, Pakistani and Bangladeshi men experiencing more than a 20% earnings deficit
For women, the differentials were around 5% for most highest for Black African women at 18%
What did the National Equality Panel find about ethnic inequalities in income and wealth?
Considerable differences in median total wealth between different ethnic households
White British - greatest level of wealth in 2006/08
Bangladeshi - least amount of wealth in 2006/08
What did Rowlingson and McKay find about ethnic inequalities in income and wealth?
White British people in managerial occupations had greater wealth than other ethnic groups in the same position
White British people in in intermediate and routine non-manual positions had less wealth than Asians or Asian British/Indian groups in the same position
Black off Black British/Black Caribbean had lower levels of wealth than other ethnic groups
What are the key names for ethnic inequality patterns and trends in poverty?
2011 census, Runnymede, Flaherty et al, Alcock
What did the 2011 census find about ethnic inequalities in poverty?
One in three Bangladeshis and Pakistanis in England and Wales were living in “deprived neighbourhoods”
One in twelve White British groups lived in deprived neighbourhoods
What did Runnymede find about ethnic inequalities in poverty?
Ethnic minority groups up to three times more likely than white people to experience poverty in retirement
Older people from ethic minority groups, particularly recent migrants, face language barriers as well as trouble accessing information and navigating an unfamiliar, complex pension system
What did Flaherty et al find about ethnic inequalities in poverty?
Members of ethnic minority households more likely to be unemployed compared to whites
Many used to work in the manufacturing sector and these jobs have declined, leading to a greater number of unemployed ethnic minorities
Many are concentrated in low-skilled, and therefore low-paid work
Educational disadvantage may also explain why many ethnic minorities remain poor
Find it difficult to escape poverty as they tend to live in deprived areas - lack of job opportunities and good quality schools
Many are likely to live in poor-quality, overcrowded and damp housing - negative impact on health
Difficulties with benefits system - complexity of applying
What did Alcock find about ethnic inequalities in poverty?
Many ethnic minority groups experience “material deprivation” which can lead to social exclusion
Deprivation in housing, health and education adds to financial inequality
Further exacerbated by racial harassment - isolation
What are the key names for ethnic inequality patterns and trends in social mobility?
Platt, Sedghi, Heath and Li, Centre on Dynamics of Ethnicity
What did Platt find about ethnic inequalities in social mobility?
Caribbeans, Black Africans, Indians, Chinese and Others experienced upward occupation mobility relative to the White UK-born, after origins taken into account
Pakistani and Bangladeshi groups performed less well
Patterns of diversity within South Asian group in terms of education - Hindus outperformed Sikhs and Muslims
What did Sedghi find about ethnic inequalities in social mobility?
Despite levels of educational attainment improving for ethnic minorities, they still face barriers to social mobility and job opportunities
Chinese, Indian, Irish, Bangladeshi and Black African students are outperforming White British peers in education
Despite this, they still face barriers to enjoying the levels of social mobility of their White British counterparts
What did Heath and Li find about ethnic inequalities in social mobility?
43% of white men and 45.6% of white women moved up to a higher socioeconomic class than their father and
First generation Black African, Indian, Pakistani and Bangladeshi groups had significantly lower upward mobility rates
34.3% of Pakistani and Bangladeshi men and 27.6% of Pakistani and Bangladeshi women moved up to a higher socioeconomic class of their father
What did the Centre of Dynamics of Ethnicity find about ethnic inequalities in social mobility?
BAME graduates still face social and cultural obstacles such as institutional racism
What are the key names for ethnic inequality patterns and trends in healthcare?
NHS Race and Health Conservatory, Public Health England
What did the NHS Race and Health Conservatory find about ethnic inequalities in healthcare?
Ethnic minorities have been negatively affected through poor treatment by NHS staff, missing date on ethnic monitoring and lack of appropriate language interpretation services
What did Public Health England find about ethnic inequalities in healthcare?
BAME groups more exposed to COVID, more likely to be diagnosed with it and more likely to die from it than those of white ethnicity
What are the patterns and trends of ethnic inequality?
work and employment (ONS, Wood et al, Dodd, Davidson)
Income and wealth (ONS, Joseph Rowntree Foundation, The National Equality Panel, Rowlingson and McKay)
Poverty (2011 census, Runnymede, Flaherty et al, Alcock)
Social mobility (Platt, Sedghi, Heath and Li, Centre on Dynamics of Ethnicity)
Healthcare (The NHS Race and Health Conservatory, Public Health England)