Ethnic Differences in Achievement. Flashcards
what does ethnicity mean?
individuals who are part of an ethnic group, minority or majority.
what are the three external factors and ethnic differences in achievement?
- cultural deprivation.
- material deprivation and class.
- racism in wider society.
what do they see the underachievement as?
CDT sees the underachievement as inadequate socialisation in the home.
what are the three main aspects of this explanation?
- intellectual and linguistic skill.
- attitudes and values.
- family structure and parental support.
what do CDT say about the lack of intellectual and linguistic skill?
they see it as a major cause for many minority.
what do they argue?
they argue that many children from low income black families lack intellectual stimulation and enriching experiences.
what does Bereiter and Engelmann say about the language spoken in low income black American families?
they say that the language is inadequate for educational success. they see it as ungrammatical, disjointed and incapable of exppressing abstract ideas.
is children who don’t speak english at home a major factor to underachievement?
official statistics show that this isn’t a major factor.
what’s an example of statistics for having english as first language?
in 2010, pupils with english as their first language were only 3.2 points ahead when it came to gain 5 GCSE A*-C including maths and english.
what do CDT say about lack of motivation?
that is a major cause of failure of many black children.
what do CDT argue about some black children?
that some black children are socialised into a fatalistic subculture with a ‘live for today’ attitude that doesn’t value education.
what is the result of failure to socialise children according to CDT?
it is the result of dysfunctional family structure.
what does Moynihan argue about family structure and parental support?
because many black families are headed by a lone mother, their children are deprived of adequate care as she has to struggle financially in absence of a male breadwinner. therefore boys lack adequate role model for male achievement.
what view is Charles Murray?
new right view
what does Charles Murray say about family structure and parental support?
he argues that a high rate of lone parenthood and a lack of positive male role model lead to underachievement.
what does Roger Scruton day about family structure and parental support?
he sees the low achievement levels as a failure to embrace mainstream British culture.
what does Ken Pryce see in family structure and parental support?
he sees the family structure as contributing to underachievement of black Caribbean pupils in Britain.
what does Pryce also claim?
he claims that Asians are higher achievers because their culture is more resistant to racism whereas black Caribbean culture is less cohesive and resistant to racism leading them to having lower self-esteem.
what does Pryce argue?
he argues that the difference is the result of differing impact of colonialism on the two groups- slavery was culturally devastating.
what is Sewell’s theory about?
fathers, gangs and culture.
what does Tony Sewell argue?
he argues that it isn’t the absence of fathers as role models but he sees the lack of untiring/ ‘tough love’ as a main cause for underachievement.
what does street gangs preserve?
loyalty and love.
what are many boys subject to?
they are subject to an anti-educational peer/group pressure. most academically successful black boys that Sewell interviewed felt the greatest pressure was other people.
what do critical race theorists like Gillborn argue?
they argue that it is not peer pressure but instead institutional racism within the educational system that produces failure to a number of black boys.
what does Sewell think about Indian and Chinese pupils?
he thinks they benefit from supportive families that have an ‘Asian work ethic’ and place a high value on education.
what does Ruth Lupton argue?
a he argues that adult authority in Asian families is similar to the model that operates in schools. she found that they were more respectful towards adults as it was expected so they were like this in schools.
what does Andrew McCulloch say about white w/c families?
he found from a survey of 16,000 pupils that ethnic minority pupils are more likely to go to uni then white British pupils.
low level of aspiration and achievement may be the result of what?
a lack of parental support.