ethnic differences in achievement Flashcards
Ethnic differences
On average, white and Asians do better then blacks.
External factors: CD, intellectual and linguistic skills
Cultural deprivation theorists see the lack of intellectual and linguistic skills as a major cause of underachievement for many minority children. Children from low-income families lack intellectual stimulation and enriching experiences: poorly equipped for school, unable to develop reasoning and problem-solving skills. Bereiter and Engelmann: language spoken by low-income black American families is inadequate for educational success. Children who don’t speak English at home, are held back educationally.
External factors: CD, attitudes and values
Lack of motivation is a major cause of failure of black children. Most children are socialised into mainstream culture: instils ambition, competitiveness and willingness to make sacrifices necessary for long-term goals. But black children are socialised into a subculture that instils a fatalistic, ‘live for today’ attitude that does not value education.
External factors: CD, family structure and parental support (Moynihan)
The failure to socialise children adequately is the result of a dysfunctional family structure. Moynihan (1965) argues many black families are headed by a lone mother, children are deprived of adequate care, due to financial struggles, in absence of male breadwinner. Having no father, means lack of role model of male achievement. Moynihan sees this as a cycle of children failing then doing the same as parents themselves.
External factors: CD, family structure and parental support (Murray)
(New right). A high rate of lone parenthood and lack of positive male role models lead to underachievement of some minorities.
External factors: CD, family structure and parental support (Scruton)
Low achievement levels of some ethnic minorities are results of a failure to embrace mainstream British culture.
External factors: CD, (pryce), what is the difference in black caribbean and asian response to racism?
He claims Asians are higher achievers because their culture is more resistant to racism and gives them a greater sense of self-worth. Black Caribbean culture is less cohesive and resistant to racism: black pupils have low self-esteem and underachieve. This is because of the impact of colonialism on the 2 groups. The experience of slavery was culturally devastating for blacks; being transported and sold into slavery, losing language, religion and family systems, whereas Asian family structures were not destroyed by colonial rule.
External factors: CD, fathers, gangs and culture (Sewell)
Against Murray, it is not the absence of fathers, it is lack of fatherly nurturing or ‘tough love’ (firm, fair, respectful and non-abusive disciplines). Black boys finding it harder to overcome the emotional and behavioural difficulties of adolescence. Street gangs of other fatherless boys offer black boys ‘perverse loyalty and love’: present boys with a media-inspired role model of anti-school black masculinity. Felt barrier to success was pressure from other boys. Speaking in standard English and doing well was seen as ‘selling out’ to white establishment. Black boys need greater expectations, to raise aspiration.
External factors: CD, fathers, gangs and culture criticism (Gillborn)
It is not peer pressure but institutional racism within the education system itself that reproduces failure of large numbers of black boys.
External factors: CD, Asian families (Sewell) (Lupton)
Indian and Chinese pupils benefit from supportive families that have an ‘Asian work ethic’ and place high value on education. Lupton argues that adult authority in Asian families is similar to the model that operate in schools, she found that respectful behaviour towards adults was expected from children: knock-on effect in school, parents are more supportive.
External factors: CD, white wc families (McCulloch) (Lupton) (Evans)
McCulloch found ethnic minority pupils are more likely to aspire to go to university than white British pupils, this may be due to lack of parental support. Lupton found teachers reported poorer levels of behaviours and discipline in the white wc schools, despite the fact that they had fewer children on free school meals; teachers blamed this on lower levels of parental support and negative attitudes. Ethnic minority parents saw education as a ‘way up in society’. Evans: street culture in white wc areas is brutal and young, intimidation and this is brought into school= disruption.
External factors: CD, compensatory education
Main policy used to tackle cultural deprivation is compensatory education: Operation Head Start, in the USA was used to compensate children for the cultural deficit that they are said to suffer because of deprived backgrounds.
External factors: criticisms of CD (Driver)
Cultural deprivation theory ignores positive effects of ethnicity on achievement, the black Caribbean family , is far from dysfunctional and provides women with positive role models of strong independent women, why black girls tend to be more successful in education than boys.
External factors: criticisms of CD (Lawrence)
Challenges Pryce’s view that black pupils fail because their culture is weak and they lack self-esteem; he argues black pupils under-achieve not because of low-self esteem but racism.
External factors: criticisms of CD (Keddie)
Sees CD as a victim-blaming explanation, she argues that ethnic minority children are culturally different, not culturally deprived, they under-achieve because schools are ethnocentric.
External factors: criticisms of compensatory education
They see it as an attempt to impose the dominant white culture on children who have a coherent culture of their own. 2 alternatives could be multicultural education and anti-racist education.
External factors: MD (Palmer)
Ethnic minorities are more likely to face these problems (lack of physical necessities). Almost half of all ethnic minority children live in low-income families, 1/4 of white children, ethnic minorities are almost twice as likely to be unemployed, ethnic minority household are around 3 times more likely to be homeless. Ethnic minorities are more likely to be engaged in shift work, Bangladeshi and Pakistani women are more likely to be engaged in low-paid homeworking.