Ethics PSY3041 Flashcards
To provide sufficient information on the topic of Ethics to get through our exam successfully
What is Ethics?
- Ethics is a branch of philosophy dealing with Moral problems & moral judgments
- Ethics involves the evaluation of human actions as ‘right’ or ‘wrong’
- Ethics are different to morals in that ethical codes are systematically grouped and specific to professional groups whereas morals are generally built on societal norms
What is the purpose of the Australian Psychological Society Code of Ethics (2007)?
To regulate the professional conduct of psychologists. Specifically:
- it articulates & promotes ethical principles
- sets specific standards to guide psychologists & members of the public
- to provide a clear understanding & expectation of what is considered ethically professional conduct by psychologists
Why are ethics essential to psychological practice?
- Good Ethical Practice equates to good professional practice
- Intuition alone is not sufficient as we make subjective/bias choices, may generalise or may fall into ethical traps
How can an Ethical Code help psychologists to make appropriate decisions?
- Following a Code removes uncertainty, providing guidance
- Without a code we can experience confusion, conflicting loyalties, leading to poor judgement or errors in ethical-decision-making
What constitutes an Ethical Dilemma?
A dilemma occurs when there is a conflict between 2 completing interests &/or actions
What is the difference between an Ethical Dilemma & a Mixed Dilemma?
- An Ethical dilemma occurs when the conflict is between ethical values or principles
- A Mixed dilemma occurs when the conflict is between an ethical value & some non-ethical consideration
Give an example of an Ethical Dilemma
Euthanasia is an ethical dilemma as it involves conflict between saving lives and the alleviation of suffering
Give an example of a Mixed Dilemma
Being asked by your manager to interpret test results when you are not suitably qualified to do so
What are the 4 key components one needs to be familiar with to recognise an Ethical Dilemma?
- Theoretical Perspectives on Ethics
- Key Ethical Principles
- Codes of Ethics
- Potential Ethical Traps
Name the 3 main Theoretical Approaches to Ethics
- Deontological (Duty Based) Approach
- Consequentialist (Outcome Based) Approach
- Personality Based (Virtue Ethics) Approach
Name the main points of the Deontology Approach to Ethics
- Focuses on the concepts of Duty & Moral Obligation
- Involves a commitment to acting in accord with absolute Ethical Standards
- The Moral Good consists in the Intention of the action, rather than the outcome
- Exemplified by Kant’s “Categorical Imperative”: treat others as a end in themselves (not a means to an end) & treat others as you wish to be treated
Name the main points of the Consequentialism Approach to Ethics
- Focuses on the outcome of the actions NOT the underlying intention
- The ‘good’ & ‘right’ action is that which promotes the greatest good for the greatest number i.e.
- is exemplified by utilitarianism:
- The moral worth is only known once all consequences have played out
- John Stuart Mills: “the greatest happiness Principle” / Bentham: “The pleasure principle”
Name the main points of the Personality or Character Based Approach to Ethics
Personality / Character Based Approach:
- Universal Virtuous characteristic are: wisdom, creativity, curiosity, fairness, forgiveness, appreciation of beauty & excellence, prudence, integrity, respectfulness, & benevolence.
- Virtue ethics are hard to apply to uphold specific ethical principles & difficult to teach
- Exemplified by Virtue Ethics - Aristotle i.e. this view is concerned with the cultivation of the virtuous person
Why are Virtue Ethics said to be hard to uphold & teach?
Although virtues and ethical principles overlap, principles are usually more specific and easier to translate into prescribed, observable obligation that can be enacted in a professional context
What is the format of the APS Code of Ethics (2007)?
The Ethical Principles in the Code of Ethics stem from both consideration of highly general / first-level principles and highly specific procedural principles and behavioural standards
List the 7 First-Level Principles in the APS Code of Ethics (2007)
- Dignity
- Equitability
- Prudence
- Honesty
- Openness
- Goodwill
- Suffering prevention
acronym: DEPHOGS
What are the key aspects required to uphold the principle of Dignity?
- Treating each person as an end in themselves
- viewing people as being worthy of respect and acting accordingly (i.e. must be culturally & contextually appropriate and so on)
- The Principle of Dignity informs the APS Code of Ethics General Principle A: Respect for the rights & dignity of people & peoples
What are the key aspects required to uphold the principle of Equitability?
- Being Fair & impartial in judgments and relationships
- Treat others as we would want to be treated under similar circumstances
- This principle is especially important when there is a power imbalance
- The Principle of Equitability informs the APS Code of Ethics General Principle A: Respect for the rights & dignity of people & peoples
What are the key aspects required to uphold the principle of Prudence?
- Harm Minimisation is key
- Although we cannot always help a client, we must not harm them (either by omission or commission)
- -The Principle of Prudence informs the APS Code of Ethics General Principle B: Propriety
What are the key aspects required to uphold the principle of Honesty?
- Behaving in a manner that is straightforward & truthful (not being deceitful or false)
- We need to balance our honesty with consideration to the vulnerability of our client (without becoming parentalistic)
- The Principle of Prudence informs the APS Code of Ethics General Principle C: Integrity
What are the key aspects required to uphold the principle of Openness?
- Communication in the therapeutic relationship should be sincere and honest
- Privacy should be upheld (except where legal requirements prevent this)
- The Principle of Openness informs the APS Code of Ethics General Principle A: Respect for the rights & dignity of people & peoples
What are the key aspects required to uphold the principle of Goodwill?
- Act in the interest of Others, not from self-interest
- Doing more than the bare minimum for clients
- Goodwill prevents many problems and helps resovle those that do arise
- The Principle of Prudence informs the APS Code of Ethics General Principles A, B, & C: Respect, Propriety, & Integrity
What are the key aspects required to uphold the principle of Suffering Prevention?
- Involves the prevention and alleviation of suffering
- one does not engage in activities that produce or increase suffering
- This principle is sometimes at odds with others, such as in the case of euthanasia - suffering prevention versus do no harm (prudence)
Which of the 3 main Theoretical Approaches to Ethics are Reflected in the APS Code of Ethics (2007)?
The Principles set out in the APS code of Ethics reflect mostly Deontological and Consequentialist views, but do contain shades of virtue ethics.
In what way does the APS Code of Ethics reflect the 3 main Theoretical Approaches to Ethics?
Psychologists have:
- specific duties & standards of conduct
- are required to think about the consequences of their actions &
- have good conduct
What are the 3 General Principles of the APS Code of Ethics (2007)?
General Principle
A: Respect for the rights & dignity of people/s
B: Propriety
C: Integrity
What are the 7 key factors incorporated in General Principle A: Respect for the rights & dignity of people & peoples?
- Justice
- Respect
- Informed Consent
- Privacy
- Confidentiality
- Release of information to clients
- Collection of client information from associated parties
What are the values underpinned in General Principle A: Respect for the rights & dignity of people & peoples?
Psychologists regard people as intrinsically valuable & respect their rights, including the right to autonomy & justice.
- Psychologists engage in conduct which promotes equity & the protection of people’s human rights, legal rights, & moral rights.
- They respect the dignity of all people & peoples
What are the 13 factors incorporated in General Principle B: Propriety?
- Competence
- Record Keeping
- Professional Responsibility
- Provision of psychological services to multiple clients
- Delegation of professional tasks
- Use of interpreters
- Collaborating with others for the benefit of clients
- Accepting clients from other professionals
- Suspension of psychological services
- Termination of psychological Services
- Conflicting demands
- Psychological Assessments
- Research
What are the 7 factors incorporated in General Principle C: Integrity?
- Reputable behaviour
- Communication
- Conflict of Interest
- Non-Exploitation
- Authorship
- Financial Arrangements
- Ethical investigations & concerns
What are the key values underpinned in General Principle C: Integrity?
Psychologists recognise that their knowledge of the discipline of psychology, their professional standing, & the information they gather places them in a position of power & trust.
- They exercise this power appropriately & honour this position of trust.
- Psychologists keep faith with the nature & intentions of their professional relationships
- Psychologists act with probity & honesty in their conduct
What might cause a psychologist who has a good knowledge of the APS Code of Ethics and the first-level principles to fail to perceive an Ethical problem?
A psychologist might fail to perceive 2 principles in conflict and fall into an ethical trap
What are the 4 Ethical traps that interfere with a person’s ability to recognise that an ethical dilemma?
- The Common-sense, Objectivity Trap
- The Values Trap
- The Circumstantiality Trap
- The Who Will Benefit? Trap
What are the key elements of the Common-sense, Objectivity Trap?
The belief that “commonsense, objective solutions” to dilemmas are easy since psychologists are ethical people using this approach every time they face a dilemma:
- often the law is guiding our decisions (privacy & confidentiality);
- objectivity is difficult to come by We bring & impose our own belief system on situations, impacting objectivity
What are the key elements of the Values Trap?
The Prominence of personal values over professional values & standards: our religious, moral or personal values may conflict with professional code. -e.g. bias against divorce may negatively influence how we work with a client in a Family Violence situation
What are the key elements of the Circumstantiality Trap?
The Belief that there are no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ answers to ethical dilemmas, that it is all down to circumstance. -Whereas, behaviour is often right or wrong according to professional ethical standards regardless of the circumstances under which it occurred.
What are the key elements of the ‘Who will Benefit?’ Trap?
- Results from confusion about Who will Benefit from a specific ethical dilemma
- Resolving an ethical dilemma often means taking sides among 2 or more conflicting interests
- The resolution of the dilemma may not always be in the clients best interest
What are the 7 Steps employed in the Ethical Decision-Making Model?
- Identify the ethical standard involved
- Determine the ethical trap possibilities
- Frame a Preliminary response
- Consider the consequences
- Prepare an ethical resolution
- Get Feedback
- Take Action
What considerations need to be taken into account in order to identify the ethical standard involved?
- What issues are involved in the scenario?
- What are the relevant first-level principles?
- Which are the relevant APS general ethical principles?
- What are the relevant APS specific ethical standards?
- Is there a legal responsibility?
- Consult with a clinical supervisor
What considerations need to be taken into account in order to determine the ethical trap possibilities?
- Is there a risk of falling into an Ethical Trap?
- If so, which one?
- Ensure there is clarity about the ethical principles & standards involved
- Must comply with the relevant ethical principles & standards
What considerations need to be taken into account in order to Frame a Preliminary Response?
- Once the dilemma is identified the clinician must decide on an appropriate course of action
- Consideration must be given to:
- what the law says should be done
- What the code of ethics say should be done
- What circumstances (if any) should influence the response
- A description of what an appropriate ethical response should look like
What considerations need to be taken into account in order to Consider the Consequences?
- consider the preliminary response framed in previous step in light of potential:
- Short term consequences:
- are there conflicts of interest?
- What are the consequences for you, & your client?
- Long Term Consequences:
- How might this response affect client, others, society, the profession?
How does a psychologist facing an ethical dilemma ensure they appropriately Prepare an Ethical Resolution?
Turn the preliminary response into a detailed resolution addressing the following:
- detail the situation & circumstances
- ethical codes &/or laws involved
- follow the guidance of the code or law
- follow the guidance of their clinical supervisor
How does a psychologist facing an ethical dilemma ensure they Get Appropriate Feedback?
Prior to taking action, discuss the case and proposed resolution in detail with their clinical supervisor
-Give careful consideration to the feedback they received and amend their resolution to abide by this if necessary
At what point can a psychologist facing an ethical dilemma Take Action appropriate to the needs of the particular situation?
When the psychologist is confident about their decision and has appropriately implemented the previous 6 steps of the Ethical-Decision-Making Model