Ethics in Research Flashcards
What are actions taken to ensure ethical reaserch?
Institutional approval for research – before working with participants EVERY researcher must apply for permission from their school to conduct research
What is IRB?
a. Every university/college has one
b. Usually comprised of faculty
c. Review ALL research projects
What does IRB stand for?
Institutional Review Board
What different types of risks?
- Determine RISK (risk/benefit ratio)
a. Risk of physical injury
b. Risk of social injury
c. Risk of emotional stress
d. Risk evaluated in relation to everyday activities
e. Evaluated participants’ mental and physical health and capabilities
What are the three levels of risk?
a. High risk – most likely will NOT be approved, risk outweighs benefits
b. Moderate risk – risk is greater than every day experience, but is outweighed by greater good. Must have full informed consent!
c. Minimal risk – risk is equivalent or less than what you might experience in daily life
How can you reduce risk?
a. Anonymous vs. confidential
b. Having a clinician or doctor on hand
d. Reassuring participants during study
What is informed consent?
– explicitly expressed willingness to participate in research study based on clear understanding of the nature of the research
i. Must have a clear document outlining what will take place
ii. Must caution participants that they have the right to DISCONTINUE at any time without penalty
iii. Must have participants SIGN the document giving full consent
d. Reassuring participants during study
Where is informed consent located?
In the Lit Review
What is a debriefing?
i. Share goals of the study in full, may use post-experiment interview if necessary
ii. Benefits participants because they learn about your research
iii. Give contact info if they want to learn more
iv. Manipulation check – see if participants knew what was being manipulated
v. Process debriefing (reverse negative mood state) when participants are in an embarrassing or negative mood state
What are 7 different types of ethical challenges?
- Deception
- Working with kids
- Working with special populations
- Working with animals
- Plagiarism
- Falsifying data
- Discovering a big mistake
What ethical challenge working with deception?
a. Again an issue of risk/benefit ratio
b. Commission: full deception (misleading information)
c. Omission: partial deception (not giving away goals)
d. When deception is not appropriate, you can use a simulation study (“as if”) where participants are aware of the goals of the study
What ethical challenge working with special populations?
a. MUST have parental consent
b. Much stricter IRB guidelines with kids
c. Under 18 is still considered a child
What ethical challenge working with special populations?
a. Mentally challenged – same rules as with kids
b. Mentally ill – Much more concern about their mental welfare, proceed with caution
What ethical challenge working with animals?
a. Separate IRB approval needed for working with animals
b. Whole section of APA devoted to guidelines for ethical treatment
What is ethical challenge if you have plagiarized?
a. Taking credit for someone else’s work
b. Unintentional plagiarism
c. Falsifying citations