Ethics Flashcards


Ethical dilemma and how I handled it

  • Adolescent client (age 16) reported that he was planning on going on a date with a 20 yr old male, but only in a public place and did not plan on engaging in any risky and/or sexual behavior.
  • Have established rapport with client, reluctant to tell his parents about his plans
  • Consulted with my supervisor and the consultation team, and reviewed the state laws regarding underage dating
  • Came to decision that parents needed to be aware
  • Had adolescent come back in, told him what I needed to do, and invited him to tell his parents with me present
  • Worked to repair rupture afterwards and re-reviewed with him the things I will have to report to his parents if/when he tells me something in tx
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Ethical situation in which you disagreed with supervisor

  • Adolesent male with history of lying/exaggerating , particularly when emotionally dysregulated and trying to retalliate againt others who have hurt him
  • In this case, client was angry at mother for revoking his driving priveges due to poor grades
  • In this same session, client reported to me that his mother had punched him in the face several times
  • Client had previously told me that he has had urges to call child protective services on his parents to get back at them even tho they have no hx of physical abuse
  • When client told me about his mother, I had him confirm to me that she indeed did what he said she did.
  • He answered by saying, “If I confirm, does that mean you have to call CPS?” I said, “most likely, yes.”
  • He then said “then do it.” Based on my interactions with htis client and his parents, his history, and my formulation of him, I did not believe this to be credible report. I also believed that my reporting could cause considerable damage to the family system that had been doing so well lately. Therefore, I was reluctant to report it.
  • I consulted with my supervisor who thought I should report. I was reluctant to report. This was furtehr reinforced when client reached out for coaching and later stated that he was lying about the situaiton and was just angry and instead decided to use skills to regulate and deal with mom effectively.
  • After consulting with mandatory reporting laws, it was confirmed thta we had to report regardless and that it was up to the social workers to determine credibility.
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