Ethics Flashcards
3 things to do if asked to provide evidence in court?
Contact CMPA for medical legal advice
Contact patient to get expressed consent to provide witness
Or need subpoena if no consent provided
Minimum age for power mobility?
18 - 24 months if no cognitive or sensory co-occurring disorders
4 ethical responsibilities of physicians
3 ophtho causes of blindness
Retinopathy of prematurity
reasons while braille might be harder than using large letters
-parents may not know braille
-difficult to access teachers who are able to teach braille
-not enough time in school to teach braille in addition to other topics
-if associated motor impairments - potentially braille might be harder?
-or decreased sensory input from digits
Name 6 signs of burnout or substance use in colleges
Late to appointments; increased absences; unknown whereabouts
Unusual rounding times, either very early or very late
Increase in patient complaints
Increased secrecy
Decrease in quality of care; careless medical decisions
Incorrect charting or writing of prescriptions
Decrease in productivity or efficiency
Increased conflicts with colleagues
Increased irritability and aggression
Smell of alcohol; overt intoxication; needle marks
Erratic job history
4 predictors of poor outcomes after cochlear implants
CMV infection
Hypoplastic inner ear malformations
Cochlear nerve deficiency
Poor or absent e-ABRs in auditory neuropathy spectrum disorder
4 factors that predict better outcome after cochlear implants
Bilateral implantation for bilateral HL
Better preop hearing performance
Quality parent-child interactions
Favourable social determinants
Few comorbidities (ex. w/o DD)
Etiology (see right)
Implanting at earlier age
Post-lingually acquired deafness
Hearing hour percentage (i.e. % of day implant is active)
Post-operative auditory verbal habilitation
5 causes of abnormal hearing with normal hearing at birth?
Syndromic versus non-syndromic
Bacterial meningitis
The most common cause of postnatally acquired (i.e. versus genetic) deafness in childhood
Ototoxic drugs
Temporal bone
Vestibular schwannoma
Noise exposure
Congenital CMV (delayed onset)
3 indications for cochlear implants
bilateral > unilateral
Severe to profound
family readiness
> 12 months
No or limited benefit of other amplification
spoken language primary mode of communication
Risk of hearing loss in patients in long NICU stay
younger gestational age
Ototoxic medications
intracranial hemorrhage
Work up for SNHL
(history, development, family history, immune disorders)
CMV serology (if in the first 3 weeks/neonatal period)
Vestibular assessment
Opthalmologic assessment
Urinalisys for microscopic hematuria (r/o Alport Syndrome)
Secondary level
- serology for congenital infections
- renal ultrasound
- metabolic screen
- hematologic biochemical studies
4 effects of visual disorder on develop
Social skills (shared attention, non-verbal, eye contact)
Gross motor delays
Fine motor delays
Speech and language delay - prolonged echolalia, delayed recognition of objects
Impacts on ADLs
Abnormal behaviors - visual inspection, stereotypic movements
define autonomy, justice, non-maleficence, beneficence
Beneficence: Doing what is good or what is in the best interest of the patient.
Justice: The equitable or fair distribution of health resources
Non-maleficence: The moral obligation to do no harm to the patient.
Autonomy: The right of competent patients to make decisions about their own medical care
name the patient safety outcome that medication safety and three steps of reconciliation
Review medication / medication history
Document changes to medications