Ethics Flashcards
cause of ethical issues
conflict of interest between the needs of the research (to preduce research) and the wellbeing of the participants.
milgram ethics and benefits
psychological and psychical harm. 3 seizures, nervous breakdowns.
can no longer plead obedience in many professions. people encouraged to question legitimacy of authority before obeying
bobo dolls ethics and benefits
invasion of privacy (filmed), lack of informed consent, taught children violence.
led to development of social learning theory. help prevent crime, addiction - can change learning environment.
Stanford prison experiment ethics and benefits
physical and psychological harm.
demonstrates power of social situations, people readily conform to social roles. so immersed you lose sense of identity and responsibility
benefits of psychological research
development of treatments, changes to government policy, schemes, prevention, education, awareness, practical applications.
cos benefit analysis
analysis of proposed research of whether the potential benefits of the research will outweigh the potential costs. there is always a risk to participant may be relatively minor or major
double obligation dilemma
obligation to seek and share knowledge conflicts with obligation to protecting the participants from harm.
scientific benefits
by avoiding research that creates stress or conflict would create a lopsided view of psychology - Milgram
many important scientific info on human behaviour obtained through unethical studies. also treatments etc
ethical costs
participants themselves not likely to experience any of the benefits. scientific benefits not always clear from the beginning. can you harm people when there may be no benefits from it. ethical costs also not always clear from the beginning.
replicated Milgram’s study ethically and achieved very similar results. right to withdraw emphasised three times. debriefed immediately. lower voltages used.
socially sensitive research
research that can negatively impact society. e.g. findings could be used to promote prejudice/discrimination.
e.g. Buss - homophia. Raine - brain abnormalities
how can negative impact of socially sensitive research be reduced
careful wording by the researcher. Raine emphasised that violent behaviour is not determined by biology alone and that the results do not show that brain dysfunctions cause violence.
socially sensitive examples - genetics & crime
if there are genes identified for crime, what happens to the people with it. or if it is found to be more common in certain populations it could lead to discrimination. how could it be used in court.
also leads to people ignoring the influence of poverty, racism, upbringing on crime.
may lead to genetic superiority/inferiority
Sieber and Stanley
if psychologists refused to investigate sensitive issues because they are controversial they would only ever study unimportant things.
risk management techniques
DRPVC. ethical committees, cost benefit analysis. BPS - guidelines based of principles of Respect, Competence, Responsibility, Integrity.