Ethics Flashcards
RICS Global Professional & Ethical Standards (2015)
- S – Standard of Service
- T – Promote Trust in the profession
- I – Act with Integrity
- R – Take Responsibility
- R – Treat others with Respect
Principles for better regulation
- P – Proportionality
- A – Accountability
- C – Consistency
- T – Targeting
- T – Transparency
RICS Rules of Conduct for Members 2020 (Regulation)
- Interpretation of a member
- Communication
- Ethical Behaviour
- Competence
- Service
- CPD – minimum 20hrs p.a (1/2 formal)
- Solvency
- Information to RICS
- Co-operation
MemCom EthiCom SCS Info Coop
RICS Rules of Conduct for Firms 2020 (Regulation)
- Definition of a firm –surveying service to the public
- Communication
- Professional behaviour
- Competence
- Service
- Training staff & CPD
- Complaints handling procedure
- Clients’ money
- Indemnity
- Advertising
- Solvency
- Arrangement to cover incapacity or death as sole practitioner
- Use of Designation – “RICS regulated”
- Information to RICS
- Co-operation
RICS Rules of Conduct 2021
Rule 1: members/firms must be honest, act with integrity and comply with their professional obligations.
Rule 2: members/firms must maintain professional competence.
Rule 3: members/firms must provide good quality and diligent service.
Rule 4: members/firms must treat others with respect and encourage diversity and inclusion.
Rule 5: members/firms must act within public interest.
International Ethics Standards (2016)
- Started International Ethical Standards Coalition (IESC). RICS is a lead member. Instilled 10 ethical principles;
o Accountability
o Confidentiality
o Conflict of Interest
o Financial responsibility
o Integrity
o Lawfulness
o Reflection
o Standard of Service
o Transparency
o Trust
Professional Indemnity Insurance (PII) cover rules
PII protects members against negligence claims
Firm Turnover / Cover needed per negligence claim
Less than £100,000 £250,000 cover
£100,000 to £200,000 £500,000 cover
More than £200,000 £1,000,000 cover
Excess Caps
Liability up to £500,000 Greater of 2.5% of sum insured / £10,000
Liability above £500,000 2.5% of the sum insured
Handling Client’s Money
Key factors include;
1. Keep accounts separate / identifiable
2. Clients must be able to have the money on demand
3. Agree interest payment procedures
4. Keep accurate record
Usually need to notify your PII insurer of any complaints
RICS Client Money Handling, UK 2019 (Professional Statement)
Complaints Handling
- Firms need a complains handling procedure (CHP)
- Must have a compliance officer
- Must include a redress system – needs to be free of charge to consumer
- Sole traders can’t deal with complaints themselves
* Acknowledge within 5 days. Investigated within 20
* Compliance officer: Geraldine Mash
* Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution (CEDR)
RICS Complaint Handling Procedure 2011 (Regulation)
Governed by the Bribery Act 2010. Bribe is giving or receiving a payment or gift for an illegal action or breach of trust. Offence;
1. Bribing
2. Receiving a Bribe
3. Bribing a foreign public official
4. Failing to prevent a bribe / Not having a system in place to prevent a bribe
6 principles in the Bribery Act:
1. Due Diligence
2. Risk assessment
3. Proportionality
4. Commitment from top level
5. Communications
6. Monitoring and Review
Policed by the Serious Fraud Office. Up to 10 years in prison and/or unlimited fine
* No cash or equivalent (gift card). Gifts only up to £100, but must be declared
Money Laundering
Reports to the National Crime Agency
* Conduction risk assessment
* Implement systems, policies and controls to address risks
* Provide staff training
* Needs to be a MLRO Officer in company
* DD checks on all clients
* Enhanced Due Diligence on Politically Exposed Persons (PEPs)
* Can’t accept payments over 10,000 Euros
* Maintain 5 years of records
* AML checks must be taken to confirm the identity of the proposed purchaser of the property, the source of funds. This needs to be done by the vendor’s agent before contracts are exchanged
Up to 14 years in prison for assisting and 5 years for tipping them off
When was the RICS founded?
What is the role of the RICS?
3 main roles:
- Maintain highest standards of education and training
- Protect consumers through strict regulation of professional standards
- Leading source of info and independent advice on land, property, construction etc
What are the benefits of RICS regulation for a firm? (CBS)
- Confidence = that firm is monitored by RICS
- Professionalism = must provide clear advice
- Security = firms must have recognised CHP & PII cover
Provides clients with ‘gold standard’ of good practice
What are the 5 rules of conduct?
- M+F must be honest and act with integrity
- M+F must maintain professional competency
- M+F must provide good-quality and diligent service
- M+F must treat others with respect and promote D+I
- M+F must act in the public interest
What are the Principles of RICS Regulation for Members and Firms?
Provides a framework for members and firms to best meet requirements for Rules of Conduct. There are 5 principles of better regulation embedded in the Rules – PACTT
Proportionality; Accountability; Consistency; Targeting; Transparency
What happens if a member deviates from the Ethical Standards?
May lead to RICS disciplinary action
Talk me through RICS disciplinary procedures
- RICS self-regulates its members
- Rules of Conduct state not every shortcoming will necessarily result in disciplinary proceedings. However, failure to follow any RICS guidance will be considered when examining behaviour of a firm.
Can be triggered by someone complaining to RICS
What are the levels of disciplinary action?
- Action by Head of Regulation
- Regulatory Tribunal
- Appeal Panel
What are the most common firm breaches?
- Professional Behaviour
- Client’s Money
What are the stages of a disciplinary investigation?
First step formal investigation by Head of Regulation.
Head of Regulation can initiate one of the following 4 actions if they determine disciplinary action is required:
o Service fixed penalty notice (used for breaches re Information to the RICS)
o Make a consent order (low level breaches)
o CPD sanctions
o Refer matter to Disciplinary Panel (for more serious breaches of conduct. Consider whether hearing is required. 50% of this panel are lay members – not RICS)
What are the penalties available to Disciplinary Panel?
- Issue a consent order (as above – lays out terms for which a firm must take / desist actions)
- Impose unlimited fine per breach but must be proportional to offence
- Impose conditions upon future registration with RICS
- Expulsion from membership (recent hearing Oct 19 – Mr Martin Nicholson. 10 charges in breach of Rule 3 of Rules of Conduct Members 2007 (Ethical behaviour) 9 charges proved in full, 1 in part. Relating to concealing purchase order funds and forging signatures. Was expelled from membership)
- Require publication of results of hearing in RICS Modus magazine, online and local newspaper
What is the role of the Appeal Panel?
Considers member’s/firm’s appeal against a decision relating to disciplinary action. They review decision made with regard to evidence previously presented and any new representations. Can allow the appeal and vary penalty previously imposed. 50% of panel are lay members.
What is some of the RICS guidance in relation to fees?
- Avoid price fixing, aggressive fee cutting & collusion with competitors
- Should be market based and agreed on ad-hoc basis with clients
- Healthy competition encouraged
- Further negotiation is allowed so long as conducted professionally
- Transparency around referral fee and should be considered in context of Bribery Act 2010
Talk me through Terms of Engagement, what are they? (CCCC)
- Client’s agreement to proposed fee basis
- Confirmation of payment expenses
- Clarify scope of instruction
- Complaints Handling Procedure
What is incremental advice?
Where agent approached by another party to provide advice (valuation, building surveying or planning etc.) related to a purchase or disposal that is incremental to an existing instruction. Example – an agent acting for seller in relation to a disposal and is approached by the buyer or its lender to provide valuation. RICS members only to provide incremental advice if informed consent given in writing by all parties and if so, info barrier put in place before any advice given.
What are the requirements of registering to become a regulated firm?
- If there are no RICS members in the firm the firm cannot register
- Must designate a contact officer
- 25% or more principals who are RICS members
- Strict rules on use of RICS logo
- Registered firms must use ‘Regulated by RICS’ designation
What is the information required by RICS for registration?
6 areas of info required:
- Type of business & staffing details
- Any statutory regulated services? Such as financial services?
- Nature of clients
- Complaints Handling Procedure details & record
- Professional Indemnity Insurance details
- Does firm hold client’s money?
When would you not accept an instruction?
- If I identified a conflict of interest
- If my client would not sign TOEs
- If I did not have the relevant experience in that field (competence)
How do you make sure that information is stored securely?
- I ensure that I always lock my screen when I am away from my desk
- I ensure that all sensitive information is saved in password protected documents/ files so that only relevant team members can access it.
Talk me through a World Check?
- CBRE subscribe to a service called World Check who undertake checks against info provided on a global database which raises any red flags. This can also be used with EDD for PEPs
Can you give me an example of how you have embodied one of these standards in your day to day work?
- Honesty, integrity, pro obligations- do my CPD
- Good quality diligent service- client first approach to work
- Maintain professional competence- undertake CoI checks before taking on new work
- Respect, D+I- work effectively with my team
- Act in public interest, confidence in the profession- communicate with all parties in professional manner
What can you tell me about the Bribery Act?
What can you tell me about the Bribery Act?
* Aims to reduce bribery in UK and abroad
* 6 principles:
1. Proportionality
2. Top-level commitment
3. Risk assessment
4. Due diligence
5. Communication
6. Monitoring and review
* 4 offences:
1. Bribing
2. Receiving a bribe
3. Bribing a foreign official
4. Failing to prevent a bribe
What can you tell me about the Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing and Transfer of Funds Regulations?
- Key provisions:
1. Requirement to have written money laundering risk assessment
2. Implement systems, policies and controls to address money laundering
3. Adopt appropriate internal controls
4. Provide staff training
5. Comply with new customer, enhanced and simplified DD requirements
6. Comply with requirements relating to PEPs
7. Ensure appropriate record keeping, policies and procedures
8. AML checks must be undertaken to check identity of purchaser and proof of funds before exchange of contracts
9. Include additional high-risk factors when assessing the need for enhanced DD
What are estate agents’ legal obligations under the Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing and Transfer of Funds Regulations?
- Agents who let individual properties for more than 10k (euros) pcm must register with HMRC
- CDD checks on vendors, purchasers, lls and tenants will have to be undertaken on new sales lettings and relettings
- EDD checks will need to be undertaken if red flags occur
- Firms must have policies in place to identify and scrutinise trnasactions which are complex, unusually large etc…
- Firms must put in place training to help identify/ prevent money laundering or terrorist financing
What are the penalties under the Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing and Transfer of Funds Regulations?
- Max 14 years prison sentence and/or unlimited fine for assisting with money laundering
- Max 5 year prison sentence and/ or unlimited fine for tipping off or failing to report suspicion
What are the levels of DD checks?
Regs state firm must have procedures for identifying clients. There are 3 levels of DD checks required:
1) Customer DD (CDD) – verify identity of client based on reliable independent source (passport or DL). Must identify beneficial owner. Company name, number and registered address required. Names of directors required unless company listed on regulated market. Obtain info on purpose and nature of business and proposed funding arrangements.
2) Enhanced DD (EDD) – additional procedures required for person established in a ‘high risk third country’ or a ‘politically exposed person’ (PEP) or a PEP family member. An individual who has been trusted with prominent public function. Generally presents higher risk for potential involvement in bribery & corruption. More detailed examination of background and increased level of monitoring required.
3) Simplified DD (SDD) – appropriate for transactions where low risk of ML or terrorist financing. Lowest form of DD – not appropriate for property.
What are some of the other requirements under the ML regulations?
Firms must register with HMRC on annual basis. Limit of 10,000 euros for the acceptance of cash payments. RICS has issued list of red flag indicators to alert surveyor as to potential money laundering or terrorist financing activities. Detailed record keeping. Senior member of staff appointed to take responsibility of all compliance (Geraldine Mash). Money Laundering Reporting Officer (Geraldine) must report any suspicious with a Suspicious Activity Report (SAR) to the National Crime Agency. Firm must maintain records for min. 5 years. HMRC responsible for policing of Regs for estate agents
What are some of the penalties for non-compliance with the regulations?
Max. 14 yrs prison and / or unlimited fine for assisting with money laundering. Max. 5 yrs prison and / or unlimited fine for tipping off person by informing them that they are under suspicion or for failing to report suspicion.
What is the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002?
Gives enforcement authorities powers to recover money and other assets deemed to be proceeds of crime. Creates set of criminal offences intended to combat money laundering – AML offences. Three main areas of offence:
o Concealing criminal property
o Arrangements (if person enters into or become concerned in arrangement which they know or suspect facilitates the acquisition, retention, use or control of criminal property)
o Acquisition, use and possession of criminal property
What is the RICS view on bribery, corruption, money laundering and terrorist financing?
Very recent publication – RICS Professional Statement – Countering bribery, corruption, money laundering and terrorist financing 2019. Effective from 1st September 2019. Sets out mandatory, globally applicable for RICS members / firms. Divided into 3 parts:
1. Mandatory requirements
2. Guidance – setting out support and good practice
3. Supplementary guidance on some of the concepts set out in 1 and 2
Part 1 – Bribery & Corruption
- Firms / members not accept anything which could constitute a bribe
- Procedures in place
- Report suspicion to relevant authority
- DD & periodic evaluations of risks firm faces
- Retain records
Part 1 – Money Laundering & Terrorist Financing
- Firms / members must not facilitate or be compliant in ML or TF
- Have procedures in place
- Evaluate and review risks
- Use 3rd party reliance for checks only where level of confidence for quality of info provided
- Take appropriate measures to understand client and purpose of instruction
- Verify client – basic ID checks
- Retain records
Part 2 – Guidance
- Publish code of behaviour for staff
- Encourage transparency
- Have clear policies readily available
- Set up gifts register
- Provide staff training
- Senior management to take control of procedures
- Keep up-to-date with legislation
What is CPD?
Continuing Professional Development. 4 requirements:
o 20 hrs per annum
o Of the 20 hrs, at least 10 must be formal
o Members must maintain understanding of RICS Professional and Ethical standards during rolling 3-year period
o Members must record CPD activity using RICS CPD Management System available online on RICS
Formal CPD – structural learning with clear learning objectives / outcomes
Informal – self-managed learning relevant / related to your professional role
What recent CPD have you attended?
- Next generation training: networking skills. Learnt how to effectively expand my professional network
Why is it important to keep data confidential?
- I work for a retained banking client who shares with my lots of confidential information regarding its portfolio, I sit in a large office with a number of teams, so I am conscious to always keep information confidential to ensure that sensitive data isn’t spread to other teams.
What would you do if a client pressured you to change a valuation?
- I work for a retained banking client who shares with my lots of confidential information regarding its portfolio, I sit in a large office with a number of teams, so I am conscious to always keep information confidential to ensure that sensitive data isn’t spread to other teams.
What would you do if a client pressured you to change a valuation?
- The valuation work I have undertaken to date has all been assisting experienced, rics registered, valuers, so I would be slightly concerned if a client asked me to change a valuation as I’m confident that our valuations are accurate. Ultimately unless there was a tangible reason, that my experienced valuations colleagues agreed with, I would be reticent to change my valuation.
AML- What red flags would you look for?
- Payments from high risk countries
- Unusually large cash payment transactions
- Without apparent legal/ economic purpose
- Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing and Transfer of Funds Regulation 2017 (amended 2019) provides the relevant guidance on AML.
Two recent cases that have interested you?
- Bichard Review:
- Aims to clarify the purpose of the RICS, including responsibility to act in the public interest
- Published June 21st, recommendations: a new a simplified governance structure, increase focus on D+I.
- Levitt Report:
- Commissioned by RICS to investigate articles in the press that alleged that RICS tried to supress a critical internal report into its finances
- Alison Levitt QC found that sound governance principles were not followed
- Subsequently a number of senior members of the RICS stepped down from their positions
- I also have regard for the updated 2021 RoC which no doubt were impacted by the review
Client wants to take you for a meal after a deal – do you go?
- As per the Bribery Act 2010, I would have to consider the proportionality of the proposed meal in the given circumstance before making a decision. If unsure I would consult my line manager and/ or the Ethics Decision Tree on the RICS website.
Who’s our current president at the moment?
CEO - Justin Young
President - Anne Gray
What is negligence?
Duty of care exists to clients and third parties using ‘reasonable care and due skill’. When breached and there is a loss, claim for damages arises. Breach of duty of care which results in damage(s). Leading case – Yianni v Edwin Evans (1981) established that resi valuer instructed by mortgage lending institution could owe duty of care in tort to mortgage purchaser relying on valuation.
What do we mean by margin of error in relation to negligence?
Permissible range allowed by courts, for example in respect of valuation. Leading case – Singer & Friedlander Ltd v J.D. Wood (1977). Held that usual margin of error can be varied, will be narrower for relatively straightforward valuation and wider for more complex one. Principle of 10% margin of error was reinforced in K/S Lincoln and Others v CB Richard Ellis (2010) in respect of a valuation of 4 hotels in 2005. Jude stated that appropriate margin for standard resi property may be +/-5% but for one off commercial property +/-10%, and if exceptional features margin could be +/-15%.
Is there a limitation on negligence claims?
Limitation Act 1980. Current limitations periods for negligence are:
o Contract – 6 years from date of negligent act, breach of contract. Section 14a provides alternative period of 3 years from knowledge of damage subject to 15 years long stop from the act itself.
o Tort – 6 years from date claimant suffered loss
What are the requirements for PII cover?
Details set out in RICS Professional Indemnity Insurance Requirements 2019. All policies must be underwritten by an RICS appointed insurer. Current min. requirements based on turnover of the firm:
o £100,000 turnover or less = £250,000 min. level of cover per claim
o £100,001 - £200,000 = £500,000 min. level cover per claim
o £200,001 and above = £1,000,000 min. level cover per claim
If a new business, estimate turnover based on business plan / forecasts and adjust accordingly.
What do we mean by ‘clients’ money?’
Can include holding deposits, rent, service charges and retentions on behalf of the client.
What is the RICS advice in relation to handling clients’ money?
RICS Client’s Money: General Advice for Firms, 2011. Obligation to keep accounts. Obligation to keep accurate records. Reporting Obligations.
o Keep clients’ accounts separately / clearly identifiable
o Word client must be on bank account / cheque book
o Client must be able to have money on demand
o Agree payment of interest with client and accounts must be kept in credit
o Regular bank reconciliation & checking expenditure records checked at least monthly
o Keep accurate records with running balance available
o Annual audit and reporting obligations by certified accountant employed by RICS
o Money can only be withdrawn from client account if properly required
o Make sure records show all cash transactions
o Signatories must be agreed with authorised staff
o Discrete account is for single named client only
o RICS Regulatory review visits, can be 3 yearly
o RICS runs clients’ money protection scheme for claims from clients providing last resort protection in instances where RICS regulated firm is unable to repay Clients money
o All firms handling client money need to display procedures on website (resi agencies handling client money also need to display client money protection scheme details / membership certificate in premises
Say you find out you qualify next week and you wanted to start your own firm, what steps would you take?
RICS compliance:
1) Inform RICS of new practice by completing a Firm Detail Firm
2) Appoint contact officer for RICS communication
3) Register with RICS for regulation by Regulatory Board
4) Arrange PII and send details to RICS
5) Set up procedures for Members Accounts Regulations for handling Client’s money including Client Money Protection Scheme details
6) Register for RICS Valuer Registration Scheme (VRS) if undertaking Red Book Valuation work
7) Obtain RICS approval for CHP
8) Setup complaints log
9) Appoint complaints handling officer (elect surveyor in another practice if sole practitioner)
10) Obtain logo kit from RICS to ensure compliance with designation ‘Regulated by RICS’
11) Plan for succession / future running of the business if sole practitioner
12) Ensure CPD logged online
13) Setup staff training plan
14) Ensure completion of RICS Annual Return at end of each year
Statutory compliance
Statutory compliance:
- Requirement to disclose business name
- Disability discrimination compliance (Equality Act 2010)
- Financial services compliance (Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 and Financial Services Act 2012)
- Bribery Act 2010 compliance
- Appoint money laundering reporting officer (Money Laundering Regs 2017)
- Health and Safety compliance (Health & Safety Act 1974)
- Asbestos register (Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012)
- Fire safety compliance (Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005)
- Register for Data Protection (General Data Protection Regulation 2016 and UK Data Protection Act 2018)
- Setup estate agency compliance (Estate Agents Act 1979, Consumer Protection Regulations 2008, Misrepresentation Act 1967)
- Inform HMRC for VAT and Tax registration
- Ensure compliance with current employment law (i.e. national living age)
- Ensure insurance compliance for employer and public liability
What steps would you take when closing a practice?
RICS compliance:
- Inform RICS of retirement / closure
- Ensure clients informed at earliest opportunity
- Ensure handover arrangements made to new firm
- Return any money held for clients to their own accounts
- Inform insurers and procure professional indemnity insurance run-off cover for min. 6 years from expiry of policy in force at time of cessation
- Retain copy of client files for min. 6 years
How do you carry out a conflict of interest in your place of work?
- CBRE COI portal
- Type in name of asset and client / tenant / borrower (i.e. every party involved). Type it in various forms starting broadly. E.g. if searching for property ‘Mansion House, 42 Bond Street’. Start by just typing ‘Bond Street’ and then just ‘Mansion House’ to ensure no conflicts are missed.
- Identify relevant conflicts
- Saved down the conflict and get my line manager to contact them (has to be fee earner to fee earner).
- If unsure – ask compliance for advice on whether you can accept instruction and whether informed consent is needed.