Development Appraisals Flashcards
What is the difference between residual valuation and a development appraisal?
Development appraisal = a calculation to assess the value / viability / profitability of a proposed development based upon the client’s inputs. It can assume or calculate a site value.
Residual site valuation = Specific valuation of a property holding to find the market value of the site. All inputs are market inputs taken at one moment in time (Valuation date) for a particular purpose. This is a form of development appraisal. Can be based on residual valuation or the DCF method.
Describe a Typical Development Appraisal of an office property from Start to Finish: (Assume you are paying X for a piece of land and the Y is the target (Profit/Return).
(1) Acceptance of the instruction -> COI check, HoT, understanding key requirements, client specific inputs
(2) Calculation of Gross Development Value (MR * Cap Rate) -> GDV = market value of completed scheme at todays date, letting terms incorporated, purchaser costs deducted to get NDV
(3) Establish full costs of the development: Land acquisition cost
Planning costs:
CIL payemtns charged most by LPA, planning application and building reg fees, planning consultant, cost of specialist report, other planning obligations, site preparation. build costs - BCIS or from client, professional fees - 10/15% of total construction costs + VAT , contingency 10/15%. marketing costs, agent fee 0.75% GDV and letting fee 10% of year 1 rent, finance cost: SONIA (sterling overnight index average + premium (banks marging))
Developers profit % of GDV or total construction cost - 15/20%
Sensitivity analysis
- Simple analysis of key variables (yield, GDV, build costs, finance rate)
- Scenario analysis – change scenarios for development timing/modifying build design
- Monte Carlo simulation – using probability theory with software such as ‘Crystal Ball’
What is a Development Property, as defined in the RICS Guidance Note ‘Valuation of Development Property’ 2019?
interests where redevelopment is required to achieve the highest and best use, or where improvements are either being contemplated or are in progress at the valuation date”. This may include;
- The construction of buildings
- Previously undeveloped land which is being provided with infrastructure
- Improvement / alteration of existing builds
- Land allocated for development in a statutory plan.
Have you actually been onto the BCIS? How Does it Work?
Yes, you go onto the online database and select schedule of rates – the most common schedules I use are:
- BCIS Alterations and Refurbishment
- BCIS Major Works Estimating Prices
- BCIS Minor Works Estimating Prices
How is CIL Calculated?
A fixed tariff that varies from council to council, and is based on floor area and uplift in value.
What are Exemptions from CIL?
If you build a house and occupy it yourself for 3 years. Affordable housing. Existing floorspace.
What are the differences between S106 and CIL?
. S106 is a negotiable site specific planning obligation that is required to make a development acceptable in planning terms. This may include affordable housing for example. CIL is a fixed tariff that varies between boroughs and relates to infrastructure in the area e.g roads & transport facilities, flood defences. Developer cannot be double charged but obligations can be levied on both.
Is CIL better than S106?
CIL reduces negotiation and provides a standardised, thorough unflexible approach
What planning costs would you consider in your appraisals?
Section 106 payments (infrastructure), CIL charges, Section 278 payments (highway work), planning application
What is contingency and how do you work out your contingency rate?
Contingency is there in case of any unpredictable issues that arise such as additional construction costs. Typically this range is between 5 & 10%.
How do you reflect letting void?
This could be reflected in the cashflow at the end of the construction process. Alternatively you can reflect it within the yield.
Why do developers work on Profit on Cost?
This is because it’s a relatively fixed fee. A developer will want to know how much profit they are receiving from costs.
Shows true return on capital, including finance costs. Balances risk to reward and allows easy comparison.
IRR takes into account time better.
What other performance metrics can be used with development appraisals?
- Profit on GDV or NDV
- Development Yield
- Profit amount (£)
What finance rate did you use in your development appraisal? Where did you get this finance from?
I used the rate provided by the client that they could ascertain debt or consult a member of our debt advisory team to understand the latest market offering.
Failing that this can be ascertained by using the Bank of England base rate plus a premium or SONIA plus premium.
What is debt required for?
Site Purchase, Total Construction Costs and associated costs, Holding costs to cover void until disposal of the scheme
How do you calculate professional fees and what is normally included?
Professional fees tend to range between 10 to 15% plus VAT of construction cost.
These include:
Architect, CDM Consultant, M&E consultant, Structural Engineer, Environmental consultant, Project Manager.
What is the methodology of a residual site value?
Gross Development value
Less total Development Costs
Less developers profit
= Residual site value
GDV – TDC – Developers profit = Residual Value
How do you calculate the profit of a Development?
Gross development Value
Less total development costs
Less residual value
= profit
GDV – TDC – residual value = profit
What are the levels of Debt?
Senior and Junior (mezzanine) debt. Senior takes precedence over mezzanine.
What is a swap rate?
A swap rate is the market interest rate for a fixed rate, fixed term loan.
What forms of sensitivity analysis are there?
Simple Sensitivity (on key variables such as rent, yield, build costs). Scenario (on variables such as scheme, timing) and Probability theory (oracle crystal ball software).
What is profit erosion?
The length of time is takes for the development profit to be eroded by holding charges following completion
What are some of the limitations of residual valuation methodology?
Relies heavily on accurate information sources and can be highly sensitive to minor adjustments. A residual valuation will not consider the timing of the cash flow.
Why is ARGUS debt higher than what clients obtain?
Argus is based on 100% debt finance, therefore, debt assumes a mezzanine tranche which is more expensive and so increase the weighted average cost of capital.
Can you name any recent documentation that has been released on development appraisals / viability?
The Government published a White Paper ‘Planning for the Future’ in August 2020. This set out proposals to reform planning contributions, replacing s.106 and CIL with a new infrastructure levy.
What are Contractor’s Overheads & Profits?
Overheads are the calculated costs of running the company contracted to carry out the project. Head office overheads include property costs, finance charges on loans and staff costs. Site overheads (preliminaries) include site accommodation, welfare provision and insurance.
What are remediation costs?
Site-remediation is the process of removing polluted or contaminated soil, sediment, surface water, or groundwater, to reduce the impact on people or the environment
What has the RICS produced on Development Appraisals?
The RICS Guidance Note ‘Valuation of Development Property’ (2019). This supplements the IVS 410 on Development Property which overviews the valuation of development property. This states the following:
* When valuing development property, a valuation using the comparable method should be cross checked with the residual method.
* DCF may be a more suitable approach than residual method when valuing complex schemes.
* Risk analysis / sensitivity should be used to show how changes to input may impact the viability of the scheme or potential profit.