Ethics Flashcards
Misleading participants or providing them with false information that is got to do with the research. Failure to disclose full information. To avoid - be completely honest tell them as soon as the investigation is over if you had to deceive them and why
Informed Consent
Informing participants about what it is they are agreeing to and ensuring they have given their consent after knowing everything. To ensure this happens ask a legal parent/ guardian for children who are underage.
Privacy and confidentiality
Data gained and information about participants must be kept anonymous. To ensure ask and debrief see if it is okay for information shared to be used or not. They are given the right to withdraw their data.
Psychological and physical harm
Participants must be protected and no distress must be caused. You shouldn’t embarrass, humiliate, harm of frighten participants. To ensure make sure that if vulnerable groups are to be used (elderly, disabled and children) that they are provided with special care
Socially sensitive research
See if participants are happy with the nature of the investigation and to keep all information confidential. Allow/ give the participants the right ton withdraw
Discussing the procedure with the participants of the investigation. Remove any misconceptions or anxieties. Give them the right to withdraw their information and data, do not coerce